
LSAT Logic Game Video Explanation

LSAT Blog Logic Game Video Explanation
I just made a video explanation for the second LSAT Logic Game from PrepTest 33 (December 2000 LSAT). It's the famous "birds in the forest" game (grosbeaks, harriers, jays, martins, shrikes, and wrens).

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For more, see this step-by-step walkthrough of my setup for this game and other conditional reasoning tips.


  1. Your setup was clear and easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great explanation. Also I just purchased your LSAT cheat sheet, highly recommended! Also wondering if you have in the past (or could in the future) walk through game # 2 on PT 35 (Questions 6-12)? This game killed me for some reason, I had a difficult time placing all the variables.

    -Thanks for all the great advice.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the cheat sheet and video! You can get complete written explanations for most Logic Games, including that one, here - as for videos, that's definitely one I plan to cover in the future.

  3. 1. I hate that game.
    2. The videos are really helpful.

    Thanks for dispensing your knowledge freely.

  4. Birds in the forest explanation that you just posted is very good, it's so efficient to link like that straight up. I am missing these nuances by studying on my own. I didn't know that you have videos, I will put them into my study routine.

    You went fast, but fast is what I need to acquire.

  5. thanks for the video! I was setting this game up as H<+>G and so on for the rules and then getting infrences from that (as they did on the TM live course I took) do you think that is a wrong approach? using that I got 4/7 questions right, do you think your way of setting things up will work well in all in/out games?


  6. Hi Steve,

    I'm using your cheat sheet, but I still get a confused by the difference between recognizing "Orientation" vs the "Complete and Accurate List" question types. I thought if the question asks for a "complete and accurate list" then the variables don't need to be valid together just in general. However, #1 in this question asks for "a complete and accurate list", but the correct answer is a list of variables that are valid in the same scenario.

    Would you say a hard rule for recognizing the difference between the 2 question types is the presence of "could be" vs "is" or is it the presence (or absence) of the phrase "any one of which"?


  7. steve, you're making this look easy. thank you!!!

  8. I'm sorry but i don't get it, it says if jays are not in the forest than Shrikers are so how come 7 and 9 suggest that there could be four in when S and J cannot both be in. And the diagram clearly shows that if is in J H and M are out
