
LSAT / Admissions Books for People Who Aren't Lazy (but don't want to read zillions of pages)

A few weeks ago, I read one of those articles about how sitting at desks is bad for your back, curves your spine, yadda yadda.

But I learned I could improve my posture by elevating my computer while sitting.

I thought a phone book might do the job, but turns out, they don't exist anymore.

So, I looked around... 

And noticed a couple of LSAT books (surprise, surprise). I put them under my computer, worked!

I was able to raise my computer...A LOT:

LSAT Books Are REALLY long

Why, you ask?

Because most LSAT books are really RRREEEAAALLLY long.

Like 300-500 pages or more. And the ones on the shorter side usually only cover ONE of the LSAT's THREE sections.

So, if you do the math, even estimating only 350 pages / book...

That's more than 1,000 pages.


I don't know about you, but I'm not about to read that much anytime soon.

When I was studying for the LSAT, I felt like I had to read EVERYTHING in order to truly understand the test.

Since then, I've learned a lot of LSAT books are actually much longer than they need to be.


I have two theories:

1. People typically associate the length of the book with its value. The longer it is, the more likely you are to buy it (and the more they can charge).

2. The books market the companies' LSAT prep classes. You buy the book, have trouble getting through it and think the problem is with YOU, not THEM. You give up on self-study and sign up for their prep class.

Don't get me wrong - I don't think these prep companies are TRYING to hurt people. I've met a lot of the people who work at these companies, and they genuinely want to help test-takers.

But, I don't think making self-study as easy as possible is their #1 priority.

I have a different philosophy. On this website, I'll often explain in ONE ARTICLE something that takes them an entire CHAPTER to cover.

In fact, everything I've ever written about the LSAT is based on one idea:

It just doesn't take THAT long to explain something.

But Mark Twain said it best:
"If I had more time, I would have made it shorter."

Sooooo.....that's exactly what I've done:

I've written short guides to LSAT's Logic Games, Logical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension sections.

These are short guides to each section that you can (and will) actually read in full, then refer back to throughout your LSAT studying.

I based them on the advice I share with my beginner students during our first tutoring sessions. Each guide gives you my intro to that topic - general advice covering the basics - in less than 10 pages.

I've ALSO written a guide to the law school admissions process covering the personal statement, résumé, and everything else you need to do.

LSAT Blog Guides Covers

These guides are for you if:

* your schedule's busy and you don't have a lot of time to study.

* you're feeling a little overwhelmed with where to start and don't have the luxury of reading everything out there.

* you just want the essential material to get you going.

* you feel like the books you're using are wordy and add unnecessary info.

These are NOT for you if:

* you're already scoring in the 170s. (You're better off with my explanations for specific LSAT questions.)

* you only want guides that cover EEEEEVVVVERRRYTHING. (Buy one of those 500+ page books instead.) 

“Awesome! I’m in! How do I get these LSAT & Admissions Guides?”

You can grab 'em right here:

The 4 guides cover Logic Games, Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and Law School Admissions. Get all 4 at once for only $59.97:


Or, get just the 3 LSAT guides covering Logic Games, Logical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension for only $49.97:


Or, get just individual guides for only $24.97 each:






Fun Facts:

* These are PDFs available for instant download after submitting payment. You can use Adobe Reader to open the files.

* The instant download link will be sent to whichever email address you submit.

P.S. If you’re having second thoughts about buying these...I offer a full 30-day money-back guarantee. If FOR ANY REASON you don’t like the guides, just let me know, and I'll give you back all your money the very next day.

Steve "your favorite LSAT guy" Schwartz

P.P.S. If you consider how much money you'll make from increasing your LSAT score and getting into a better law school...or getting more scholarship money...$59.97 is such a tiny drop in the bucket.