
LSAC's Website Not Working

LSAC's Director of Communications just sent me an update about how the current issues with their website will affect law school application deadlines.

The update:
Due to internet issues that have affected the ability of applicants to access LSAC’s website since yesterday, LSAC has been communicating with law schools that have a March 1, 2013 application deadline in order to determine accommodations that may be made for users who are unable to apply. All law schools with a March 1 deadline will be extending their deadline in order to ensure that all applicants have the opportunity to apply.

LSAC recommends that you keep trying to access their website and complete your applications as soon as you can, as "[t]he law schools have said they will continue to accept them after March 1."

LSAC also writes:
Please know that LSAC’s website is not “down.” Many people are able to access our site. Yesterday our internet service provider had a problem that caused the LSAC domain name to be changed throughout the internet. That problem was fixed yesterday morning very soon after it was discovered. However, it may take another 24-48 hours for the thousands of servers on the internet to clear their memories of the incorrect record and substitute the correct one. These servers are completely outside of our control. Unfortunately, the timing could not be worse, but rest assured we are doing everything possible to make sure that everyone who has been affected has additional options for doing what they need to do.


  1. So relieved to be done with my apps long time ago! :D Hopefully they're up and running soon for all applicants finishing up. Good luck to everyone applying!

  2. What the Whaaaat!?!?! So appalled right now LSAC!

  3. Thank you for posting this. I was able to access the website from my work computer, but just tried about 4 or 5 times from my home laptop without success. I read your post, tried again, & the actual website finally came up via a google search on the 7th or 8th attempt.

  4. From reddit:

    ScientistBlah[S] 2 points 9 hours ago
    Hey, I'm a mac user too. The steps are pretty easy to do on OS X. Go into System Preferences>Network then make sure the lock in the bottom left corner is unlocked. If it isn't click it and enter your password. Then click "Advanced..." and the "DNS" tab. You should be able to click the + button below the DNS servers list. Add "" and then add "". That worked for me.

    1. thank you so much!!! your comment is really helpful! my lsac website is working again...thanks!

    2. It worked for me too! Thank you for your help!

    3. Reddit saves the day. Worked for me, but I had to do a Google search to get it to pop up and not go directly to the site.

    4. Someone else posted this solution:

      Here's a stupid person's (me, not you) guide for windows users:
      1)Right click the network icon on the taskbar.
      2) Click "Open Network and Sharing Center"
      3) Click anything that says "Change adapter settings" or if your panel already shows adapters then right click the one you're using.
      4) Right click the adapter and select "Properties".
      5) Find IPv4 and select properties.
      6) Check "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter into the boxes and respectively.
      7) Click "OK", exit, pull up chrome, problem should be gone. If you're not using chrome then you have to go into your router's settings and set it to route to that dns as well. If you can't do that then just go get chrome, it's faster than figuring out your router's password.

  5. I can get through the website up until I click on the button "Application" in the "In-Progress Applications," then I am directed to this random website ( or something) that is some type of internet domain ad with an annoying pop-up. It is extremely frustrating! I was 89% done with my application, and now I can't complete it...just days before the deadline! Anyone have any technical tricks to overcome this issue? I'm so close to being done!!!

  6. If you're applying at the deadline, you deserve something terrible to happen. This is graduate school, not returning a Redbox dvd.

    1. Wow. You're quite a piece of shit.

    2. Or maybe you have a full time job that consumes your life. We all can't live on our parents dime and spend our days preparing for law school, but I'm glad you bothered to add your comment on the help section, it really helped out!

    3. But...why are you still commenting on this blog/site if you're done? Too much free time?

    4. Wow, that is a rude comment. Yes, we understand this is graduate school, but unlike you, some of us have hundreds of plates spinning.

  7. Or perhaps there are legitimate life reasons for taking the February LSAT and having to apply now? You may need to sharpen your reasoning skills a little, for the LSAT, if you haven't already taken it!

  8. Steve: Thanks for posting this! Can you (or anyone else) please check with YLS and HLS to see of they will be extending the March 1 deadline as per your note? I am still unable to send my application to these schools even though I had completed my application well before March 1. Thanks! :-)

  9. The LSAC website is a piece of junk. Amazing how they charge one hundred something for their CAS service, which is not necessary
