
Sample Thank You/Cover Letter for Law School Recommenders

LSAT Blog sample cover letter law school recommenders
The below sample thank you / cover letter for law school recommenders is from A Guide to Law School Recommendations.

Dear Professor Johnson,

Thank you so much for agreeing to write a law school letter of recommendation for me. I thought that you would be an excellent person to write this letter because you said that my paper on the impact of historical conflicts in the  Middle East today showed insight and research skills far beyond what you usually observed at the undergraduate level. I have included a copy of that paper with your notes in case you want to look back at it—I know you’ve read a lot of papers in the year since I finished your class.

I am also including some additional documents and information. The first and most important is the LSAC/CAS Letter of Recommendation Form. This form must be submitted with your letter or the letter will be returned to you. I’ve filled in your basic information already, so all you’ll have to do is sign the form, place it in the enclosed addressed, stamped envelope with your signed letter and drop it in the mail.

Enclosed for your reference you will also find:

-My resume;
-An early draft of my personal statement;
-A copy of my unofficial transcript;
-An information sheet about law school letters of recommendation;
-A list of my other recommenders and my best guess at topics they will cover.

Once again, thank you for your help. If you need any further information, you can reach me at (email address) or (phone number).


Photo by bobaubuchon

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