
June 2013 LSAT Discussion

LSAT Blog June 2013 LSAT Discussion
Congratulations, you're now done with the June 2013 LSAT!

This is an open post where you can leave comments and answer each others' questions about the test, now that the hard part is over.

Check out past June LSAT score release dates, and see my prediction about when June 2013 LSAT scores will be released.

If you think the test went well, congrats! Read about admissions.

If you're not so sure it went well, decide whether to cancel your LSAT score.

Please feel free to vent and discuss your general thoughts on the exam in the comments below, but no specifics about particular questions themselves, please. (LSAC doesn't permit such discussion.)


  1. SCREW RC. It killed me.

    1. I also got killed by RC -- which is usually my strong suit. And I had a panic attack during the very first LR.

  2. What were peoples' thoughts? Easier than expected? More challenging? Comparable to recent PTs?

  3. RC was reasonsable., LR same as usual.
    I had RC, LR, LG, RC, LR. Compared to prep test 68, on par.

    1. had same set up, which RC do you think was experimental, thought they were relatively the same but my mind being fresh in the 1st one makes me want it to be the real thing and have the 4th section be experimental. Games seemed really easy for me and LR was not terrible...thoughts?

  4. Lg and LR was a piece of cake. RC was mad hard...

  5. I thought the LG was pretty straightforward. LR about par for the course (had 3 of these) compared to practice tests. RC seemed harder than most. Altogether, not too bad.

  6. I thought RC was a tad bit easier than expected, LG was as expected though maybe a slight tricky towards the end, and 3 LR sections

  7. LG was deceivingly time consuming with the last two games. Nothing unreasonable on any section

  8. I had two LG sections. Did anyone else? Im praying the second set wont be added in with my score.

    1. I was hoping the same thing. Unfortunately it looks like it's the one that counts

    2. I had two as well! One was fairly easy but the other one killed me! Mine was LG ,LR, LG, RC, LR.

    3. I had two LG as well was hoping for three LR. Overall they weren't too bad but the first one I got was easier than the second.

  9. Hey, I had two logic games and I can't tell which on was counted. Would you guys be able to tell which one counted?

    1. That's the first one, right?

    2. How do you know?

    3. If you mention a game I would remember, I can tell you which section was counted, since I only had one LG section on mine.

  10. Thought everything was pretty reasonable. Had 2 RC's, one of which was quite hard but I have a feeling that was the experimental.

  11. University of Richmond was like taking the exam in the sauna. It was like 80 degrees and definitely negatively impacted my performance.

    1. The guy next to me kept shaking his desk with his distracting!

    2. UR was boiling. One girl told me during break that she wanted to take her pants off in the middle of the test. I suppose that would have been more distracting than the heat. Slightly.

    3. UR was freaking boiling. One girl told me she wanted to take her pants off during the test. I suppose that would have been a little more distracting than the heat. A little.

  12. @Ramalover, if the test proctors can confirm it, you could probably have the LSAC send a letter explaining the circumstances with your scores.

  13. Probably the easiest test I've ever taken. Those of you who didn't have experimental games, could you help me in figuring out which counted?!

    1. On which sections do you have your two games?

    2. First and third

    3. Was the first or the third the experimental? : /

    4. Did anyone answer as to which was experimental: 1st or 3rd?

    5. 3rd counted. I am 100% sure after talking with others that did not have 2 LGs

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  15. I had RC LR LG RC LR and had the paralegal game. It seems like the first section was the experimental

  16. Oyyyyy. Glad it's over. I don't remember anything except that I think I had two LG sections fairly early on in the test. Glad it's over... Now the wait begins. I'm totally dazed.

    1. Me too. I think I fried my brain with all the studying, and almost died of boredom yesterday from how long the test took (5 hours). I couldn't sleep last night, worried about my score. This is the part that really sucks!!!

  17. Lsac loves dioxins...

  18. Did anyone get three LR's during the test? Not sure which one was experimental

    1. I had 3 LRs. my test was LR LG LR LR RC

    2. Yep I had that set up too. I'm praying that the first one counted, but to me it felt much easier than the other two so I feel like it was probably the experimental.

    3. I had 3 as well... first LR was super easy, the middle one (section 3) was stupid hard, and the fourth one (section 4) was about par...definitely hoping only 1 and 4 counted! I have a feeling the middle one was experimental just cuz most people aren't complaining abou that section, and if it were standard I think more would...

    4. I heard that LR 1 and 2 counted. (See below)

    5. the first two LRs sec 1 and 3 respectively for me had 25 questions each. the last LR sec 4 had 26 right. If so I am pretty sure LRS 1 and 2 were realwhereas LR 3 was exp. Can anyone else verify?

    6. I had the same set up! I don't know how to determine what counted and what didn't until scores come out. Good luck

  19. I didn't think the RC was that bad. I really struggled with both of my LG sections though. Based on what you all are saying about the RC being hard, things don't look good for me..

    Also I had a hard time determining how much time I had left. I mistakenly always practiced with a digital countdown, so the uncertainty of proctors was difficult for me.

    1. I did that the first time I took the test and it screwed me. The day of the test, yesterday, I learned that you are allowed to use an analog timer. It really helped.

  20. This is going to sound like a crazy question, but everyone had only 25 questions in each LR section right? So the total number of questions was 100 (not counting experimental)?

    1. I am almost 100% positive i had 26 questions on 1 of my 3 LRs

  21. hey all, sorry if this is a repost, I looked for this answer above but couldn't find it. I had RC LG LR RC LR. Does anyone know which RC was experimental? REALLY hope it was the first...

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    2. Yep it was the first! I know, I was really happy about that too!

  22. Does anyone remember anything from LR? I had three sections. All had 25 questions. I don't remember anything from the first or second sections, but the last section had a weird question in it about picking parallel reasoning and all of the choices started with "similarly,..."

    1. I don't remember that question.

    2. I didn't have the experimental LR section and don't remember anything about dolphins

    3. Ya that one was hard

    4. I do remember there being a very weird question in one of my sections and i think its the one youre talking about, im hoping that was the experimental section because i found it to be a little harder than the other two

  23. was there 24 or 23 questions on the lg section that counted?

  24. I had 2 Logic Games and from reading this I think the easier of the 2 of course was the experimental. I FLEW through that one! The reading comp was not the best for me. I struggled towards the end. One of the two LR seemed a lot harder than the other.

    1. which game was the experimental? 1 or 2nd?

  25. Yes sorry I mean last game of the LG section

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  26. RC and LR was easy as cake. Could not have asked easier.

  27. So I've figured it out, if you had 3 LRs the last one (section 4) was the experimental one, section 1 and 3 were for real (you can see above for the deductions it took to come to this conclusion)

  28. that was experimental, i only had one RC and didnt have those

  29. I keep seeing people talking about which LG was counted, was it the one with 24 questions or 23 questions, that is how I remembered which one I did worse on. I think it was the 24 because it made up the 101 total, but there have been 100 question test so I wasn't sure.

  30. Experimental has to be before the break, right?

    1. I don't think so. Could be, but not least that is my assumption based on the authority figure that I heard it from.

  31. Did anyone have 26 Qs for any of their LRs. I am almost positive I did for my third one.

  32. Did anyone have 26 Qs for one of their 3 LRs. Please let me know because I'm pretty sure I did and I'm sorta freaking that I haven't seen anyone corroborate this.

    1. I did but pretty sure that was the experimental section

    2. yeah i did, do you remember which LR it was? for me it was either the 2nd or 3rd but i can't remember.

    3. I'm 99% sure that all three of my LR had 25 questions. Maybe it's possible that there were multiple experimental versions?

    4. My first and second LRs were 26 questions.

    5. my LRs were all three 25 questions as well

  33. I had RC (exp), LR, LG, RC, LR. The two RCs were about the same to me; I didn't fully get through either "law" passage, but finished the rest. LG was by far the easiest for me. Very straightforward, and two sequencing games (IIRC). LR was about the same as I had been doing in practice. Overall, not bad. I only had to fill in about 3 answers due to time constraints (all of them were RC). It's a tricky thing to estimate how many you got right. Obviously, I think I got all of them right- or else I wouldn't have written them down. But I'm sure I missed somewhere between 15 and 25 because that's how I've been doing in practice. Not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. If I do have to take it again, I'll feel a lot more comfortable the day before/day of. Hope you all did well

  34. Did bad on 1 reading passage of the 4 I think, and 1 game of the 4 I think. But that alone can kill a score.

    I pt'ed at 171, 171, and 172 on my last three practice test and I dont think I even sniffed that on the real thing.

    1. For the final game I think I had a bit of a spread, the third game was the one I skipped and came back to and probably did bad on.

  35. I had lg. lr. Lg. rc. and lg. was the experimental the first or second lg?

    1. I had the same set up. From what I can tell from reading the second counted and the first didnt.

  36. Did everyone do the same writing sample - about the animal shelter dealio?

    1. Yes. I'm in LA.

    2. Yes, In Seattle

    3. Not sure if this helps but the RC that had a Passage 1 and Passage 2 section was the non-experimental. I only had one RC.

    4. No, textbooks. Korea

  37. yo everyone! just want to give a random good luck shout out to us all, hope we all rocked it! also, i had LR LG LR LR RC, the last LR seemed super weird and i had a significantly harder time with that one than the rest of the test. praying that that was the experimental! rest of the test seemed fairly decent

  38. Has anyone figured our which one of the LG sections counted for the setup: LG, LR, LG, RC, LR? Any help?

  39. Out of curiosity, is it 'normal' for proctors to walk in and out of the testing room throughout the exam? There was a TON of noise outside our room because of students at the school hosting the exam. I'm guessing the proctor kept going out to quiet them down, but just the act of coming and going created a great deal of additional noise that made it very difficult to concentrate periodically during the first three sections. Is that acceptable? I don't remember that much background noise during my GRE, and this exam is so much more important!

  40. eeFFFFF! the RC. I bombed section 1. When I saw that I had another RC for section 4, I was like Praise the LORD! Then I got owned on that even harder.
    The 4 games I finished in 29 Minutes. 2 group, 2 linear a little too easy.

    RC, LR, LG, RC, LR

  41. are all the sections is the same order? like is it the same lr1 and lr2 for every test?

  42. I had RC LR LG -break- RC LR. It wasn't all bad except for the very first section- the first Reading Comp. It was God AWFUL. I am PRAYING this was the experimental...does anyone have ANY clue on how to figure out which one was the experimental? as of October 2011 it could be any of the five sections....please tell me my first dose of RC will not be scored...

    1. The RC that had a section with a "passage 1 and passage 2" was the scored one. I only had one RC.

  43. Second LR out of 3 (section 3) seemed hella intense compared to the other two, anyone else agree? History would argue the sketchy before break section was experimental, no?

    1. i agree! someone else posted that the last one was the experimental one but i cant find where they figured that one out, im sure it was ordered differently on different tests, and also some people had a section with 26 questions and i didnt, so i really think that second one had to be the experimental one for me because it was definitely harder than the other two and had weird questions

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  45. Did anyone else's testing center take FIVE hours (12:30-5:30)for the test? Our proctors were S-L-O-W!!!!

    1. Mine did!! I thought I was going to diieeee, haha. Where diy ou write? & Good luck to you!

    2. Mine was 12:30-6:30 RIDICULOUSLY SLOW!!!

    3. My room had a friggin lit movie screen come down during the test because a proctor pressed a button by mistake. For the next 8 or 9 minutes they tried to fix it. They were turning the lights off and on, and got two repairmen to fix it. All the while two of the proctors were talking, as were the repairmen. It was a fiasco.

  46. I'm just starting with my LSAT prep and it's confusing me that some people have LG experimental sections, whereas some received experimental LRs. Do tests include different experimental sections?

    1. Yes. I only had one LG section, but a few LR sections, so my experimental section was an LR (thank goodness!!!)

  47. I had one LR section with 26 questions. Judging by the responses above that had to be the experimental section. But no one else is saying they had a 26 question LR section is making me think I got something wrong

    1. After reading through several other blogs, I think the order of the experimental section can vary for test takers, but the information enclosed in the experimental section is the same.

      So Test Taker A could have LR1, LG, LR2, LR3, RC and Test Taker B could have LR1, LG, LR2, LR3, RC and have the same experimental LR section content, but Test Taker A could have LR2 as the experimental and Test Taker B could have LR1 as the experimental.

      That is why people tend to post about specific questions they remember to determine what the experimental content was, and then each individual test taker can determine where that section fell in order of their own test.

      That is also why it was so important to copy your test serial code properly onto your answer sheet, and also why the serial code was so long.

  48. I was surprised by the amount of people who showed up to take the test who obviously did not read the directions that came with their ticket, nor did they apparently research anything about taking the test. I saw people show up in hats, bring a cell phone in, show up with ONE pencil and no sharpener, came in shorts, flip flops and a tank top like it would be summer time in the testing location (it was cold inside!). On top of that when the proctor asked 'any questions?' a bunch of people asked questions that were clearly answered by the LSAC website(including if wrong answers count against your grade; how long do we have for a break; how many sections will there be; and my favorite: do we have to use a number 2 pencil?") Seriously. I kept thinking if they can't get this part right, how would they ever make it on the test, or law school???

  49. For those of us who had 3 LR sections, does anyone remember having several "agree" questions? My guess is that those were part of the experimental section as I've never encountered them before.


  50. what was the 2nd logic game about? I'm completely blanking on what the topic was.

  51. Yes I did..but I guessed though

  52. I hope everyone does well. But I don't get why anyone would complain about people coming unprepared. THe worse others do the better the score conversion curve is for you. So having a lot of unprepared people taking it makes for a better curve, and better score. At least thats the way I understand it.

  53. I had two LG's I remember the first one was easy, and then the second one I had was a little bit more difficult. I can't remember any specifics, I am just hoping the easier one was the one that counted.

  54. I had LR, LG, LR, LR, RC. After reading all the comments it seems like a lot of people think the last LR was the experimental one but I'm really hoping it was the 2nd one. I always finish LR sections with 5 minutes to spare (then go over unsure answers). In the second LR section I used every second just to get through the questions once. Not sure if this is because I was burnt out or if it's because the questions were weird!! Any one else have this problem?

    1. The 2nd LR section was the most difficult of the three for myself as well. I also had the LR/LG/LR/LR/RC format.

      I have been researching some different sites and although it is hard to determine which section was experimental, many people who have taken the test in the past and studied a significant amount, said that the experimental section was (more often than not) a more difficult section than the others.

      This makes sense considering LSAT and LSAC are trying to incorporate different question formats into future tests. So if one section had some pretty unfamiliar formats, I would assume that to be the experimental. Especially considering that a generally prepared student who took the LSAT would have an idea of where they were scoring on practice exams, so if one section completely threw them off, I would think that to be the experimental.

  55. curve guesses? i'll go -10, though i hope, i pray, for -11. -12 and i'll do a dance.

  56. Anyone take the LSAT in Europe?

  57. Which LG counted? 1st or 3rd?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Thank you for answering. Did you have only 2 LR sections?

  60. I had three LR sections, LR LG LR LR RC. can anyone say with with confidence which of them is the experimental section?

    1. The third one.

    2. everyone had theirs in different order so you can't know which one it was

  61. anybody remember how many questions were in the last two games of lg? I only got through a couple so i'mm trying to figure out how many I missed as I consider canceling. thanks

    1. I believe they all had 25 questions (though my memory is quickly erasing everything related to LSAT)

    2. LG sections usually only have around 23 Qs. I only had one section but it had 23.

  62. Which LG counted? 1st or 3rd?

  63. The LG with 23 questions was non-experimental. Anyone who had LR-LG-LR-LR-RC with a second LR section that made you want to leave the test center know which one was experimental?

  64. The wait is driving me crazy. I had a dream about scores...that can't be good.


  66. A disaster for me, esp. the 2 logic games. Hope the second one would be the experimental one. Whenever got struck just filled up the D box. Would be glad if get 154.

  67. Hi I read through but couldn't find an exact answer. My test set up was: LR LG LR LG RC. Does anyone know which section was experimental?

  68. Whichever LG section that had juice ans snacks is the real section

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  71. Any word on when the score will be released?

  72. Replies
    1. I feel like I'm gonna vomit; I can't take this much longer.

  73. 150.. life blows

    1. YOU GOT YOURS? Crap... mine isn't up. 150 isn't the end of the world; you still might be okay.

    2. What percentile did you hit?

    3. Thanks, but I really don't want to re-take it.

    4. with that you can get into Lot of schools..unlike me. I can't get anywhere with my score. No law school for me this year..looks like it..:(

  74. I feel like I'm waiting for the Pony Express to deliver my score. It's 2013!!!

  75. 160 ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. Shoot, I only got a 177

  77. Ugh 163. I was PTing in the 169-171 range. Totally shit the bed on the first LR section. I thought it was the easiest section too! I was expecting a -1 or -2 at the most for it but ended up with -8. Guess I'll be retaking the LSAT in October/December. :(
    This happen to anyone else? It was my first time taking the LSAT so maybe my nerves got the best of me?

    1. Happened to me. First time around I was practicing around 167, but got a 161. This time 172. I was a little sick the first time around, and it was significantly distracting. Nerves would do the same, I suppose. Good luck in October. At least you can apply in the same year (I could not).

    2. Thanks for replying! It's reassuring to hear about something similar happening to another person (and likely a huge portion of other people as well). Congrats on your score this time around! It's in the range of what I'm hoping to score in October. :)

    3. I was consistently scoring a 168 in practice +/- 1 and got a 164. My weak-suit has always been RC but I am so surprised at how I did on LR sections compared to practice. I will probably retake in october. I feel so defeated though because I don't think that what I've earned is not what I've received.

  78. Where do they post the correct answers?

    1. On the LSAC website all of your answers are listed next to the correct answers so you can see which you got wrong...the full test is posted as well!
