
October 2013 LSAT Questions and Answers

LSAT Blog October 2013 LSAT Questions Answers
The October 2013 LSAT is coming up soon, and I know many of you are planning to take it.

What questions do you have about studying for the LSAT?

This LSAT Blog post is a place where you leave comments and answer each others' questions about anything related to LSAT studying and law school admissions.

(If you're looking for general advice on improving your Logic GamesLogical Reasoning, or Reading Comprehension abilities, please note that I've already written plenty of blog posts on these topics. I also have plenty of advice in my LSAT study schedules.)

Keep at it. The October 2013 LSAT (soon to be PrepTest 70) will be here before you know it!

Photo by lwr


  1. Hello!
    I took the June 2013 LSAT and am registered to take the Oct test. I am concerned that I will receive the same score and I don't know if it'll be worth my time to take it again. My problem area, like most, is Logic Games. I work full time so I study when I can but I just don't seem to be getting it. Does anyone have any tips for study techniques for the month before the test that might help me catch on faster? I know practicing, practicing, practicing is probably the best ticket, but does anyone have any other tips?

    Thank you!!


    1. Other than reading the LG Bible, it really is just practice unfortunately. There's no quick and easy tricks other than making sure you read and understand the implications of all the rules, and know what diagrams work best (and quickest) for you. Maybe photocopy or print off an LG section and take it to work to do one or two games on your break if time is an issue?

  2. Sudoku puzzles really help!

  3. I took my first practice LSAT without much preparation and scored a 140. I learned that I was getting a majority of the questions that I answered correct but didn't have enough time to finish the test and would leave a large amount blank. I hope to reach a score of 155-160. Any tips for finishing the LSAT in the allotted time, because it seems nearly impossible for me! Thanks


    1. Practice, practice, practice. If you feel your accuracy is up to par, start timing yourself. Work through all the questions, but note how long it takes you to finish each section. When I started studying 2 months ago it took me 50-something minutes to finish a logical reasoning section. I've got it down to 30 minutes now. It's just a matter of familiarizing yourself with the test and practicing.

  4. I am not scoring where I want to be for the October test that is only 4 weeks away! I am still 7-10 points away on untimed exams. I want to enter school next year - is it a big disadvantage to take it in December vs October and delay applications?

  5. Yes, I second the early admissions question-- I'm not sure if I'll have my BEST score by Oct, but if I have more of an advantage in the early admissions pool, I'd rather not push back. What are your thoughts?

  6. I agree, addressing the early admissions would be helpful. I'm registered for the Oct. Test, and am scoring 165-170, but would like to be pushing 175+ come test day. I'm a splitter (low GPA/above average LSAT) and need the best score possible, but would I be at more advantage to take, say, a 167 and apply now versus later?

  7. Also curious re: early admission vs. higher score. I have a high GPA and a masters from my top choice law school in a relevant field. Will probably score 169-173ish on 10/5 and think 175+ would be doable in December but I just want this process to be over with and wonder how much it matters

  8. I took Preptest 63 the other day - and both logical reasoning sections are stumping me. I ended up with a 10 point drop in each section. Even reviewing I'm having a hard time working through them. Was this a harder exam? or is it just me?
