
Number of LSAT Takers Increased in February

Shockingly, the number of LSAT takers increased in February, according to LSAC's website. By how much? Not exactly a staggering amount:

The number who took in February 2014 (19,499) was 1.1% higher than in February 2013 (19,286). 

This is the first year-over-year increase since June 2010. What, if anything, does this news mean?

Let's not jump to any enormous conclusions here. We're dealing with an extremely small number of test-takers. The difference between these two test administrations is only slightly more than 200 test-takers. The real news is that it didn't continue to drop as it has for the last several test administrations (context):

LSAT Blog Number of LSAT Takers Increased in February

Why did this happen? Maybe because the barrage of bad news about job prospects in the legal profession has softened a bit (see this recent story in the WSJ). 

Perhaps as career prospects improve, the good news will trickle down to potential law school applicants. To be sure, it'll take a while for the number of LSAT takers (and law school applicants) to increase by any significant amount. However, this recent update from LSAC suggests that the trend over the last few years may reverse itself with time.


  1. Great work. Thanks.

  2. Steve, I've been studying since October 2013, and I'm really intimidated by the test, but I think I'm getting there. Is it completely normal not to finish all the questions in the time allotted?

  3. So we get all these statistics on the February test, but I still won't ever actually get to see the test I spent months studying for? Seems to me like such a ripoff that they never release the February test.
