
New Option to Withdraw Your LSAT Registration From LSAC

Since June 2009, LSAT test-takers have been in a tricky position with regard to deciding whether they're ready to take the LSAT.

LSAC would make you let them know ~3 weeks before Test Day if you weren't taking it. If something came up between that date and Test Day, or if you weren't sure whether you'd be ready but , you'd have to either just not show up, getting a notation of absent, or show up and cancel your score.

Although LSAC had its reasons, this was annoying, problematic, and stressful for many test-takers.

However, starting with the June 2011 LSAT, LSAC has decided to modify this policy - almost completely reversing its position - this is a good thing.

The test date *change* deadline (aka "postponement deadline") is still approximately 3 weeks before, just as it was before the policy change.

However, LSAC now offers a withdrawal option, meaning you can now decide up until the day before the LSAT whether you'll be taking it. If you withdraw, law schools will never even know you were registered for that exam date in the first place. In other words, law schools cannot tell that you've withdrawn - this is not noted on your record.

Unfortunately, withdrawing after the postponement deadline (which is also the partial refund deadline) means you won't get any refund at all for your LSAT registration fee.

However, this is a small price to pay for no longer suffering the indignity of an "absent" on your record when you knew you weren't taking the LSAT that day anyway.

You can now rest easy, knowing you still have those 3 weeks before Test Day to keep taking practice tests, brushing up on weak areas, and boosting your practice scores.

You can take the LSAT when your scores are close to your goal score, not feeling the pressure of having a absence or cancellation note on your record.

And if you're not feeling ready the day before the LSAT, just withdraw your registration and set your sights on the next LSAT administration.


  1. does this show up when applying to law schools. i am actually in this position scoring at an average from 160-165 on prep tests, and dropping ocassionally 155 plus when im not focused. However my goal was to consistently score 165-170 on prep tests in order to hopefully ensure a 160 plus. my worry is i signed up for feb 2011, did not have enough time to cancel or change date, and cancelled my score. i guess i dont want law schools to see cancellation plus "withdrawal" option as of june 2011 and then me taking it on october 2011. what do you guys think?

  2. I believe that this late withdrawal wouldn't show up on your record at all, the only price you pay is the registration fee of $139.

  3. Would this mean the way the law schools would evaluate the past absences will change as well? That is, sine they can't tell anymore who was absent and who wasn't starting with this year's applicants, would they perhaps care less about absences anymore? I was absent last October and have been concerned very much - was wondering if this might be a good/bad news for me with regards to my past absence (which is, on record, of course).

  4. Steve can u please answer our qs

  5. If you withdraw your registration for a particular exam date, law schools won't ever know you were registered for that exam date.

    I can't speculate as to whether law schools will now view past absences differently. My guess is that they will matter even less than they did, in the interests of fairness to those who received absences prior to this policy change.

  6. Steve, do you know whether this counts towards the '3 tests within 2 years' rule?

  7. A withdrawal does not count towards it.

  8. Thank you for your answers..I decided to with draw my test and now I would sleep well.

  9. Hi Steve. I have a follow up question to those posted here. I have been getting automated "Good luck on the February LSAT!" emails from random law schools (including the one I am interested in). This indicates to me that they do have a way of knowing which LSATs we are registered for- so would it still stand that withdrawing won't be held against us?

    Thanks Steve! BTW's you're super awesome. :)
