
February 2013 LSAT Score Release Dates

LSAT Blog February 2013 LSAT Score Release Dates
Update: For the first time ever (that I know of, anyway), LSAC released scores on the scheduled release date for a test administration. This may have been due to inclement weather (details below).

Good luck to everyone taking the February 2013 LSAT!

The February 2013 LSAT scores / results are scheduled to be released via email by Wednesday, March 6, 2013, so you'll have to wait for your LSAT score.

However, the scores usually come out a bit earlier than scheduled.

Let's look at the trend over the past several years (click to enlarge):

LSAT Blog February 2013 LSAT Score Release Dates

I've never heard of them coming back on the scheduled release date itself. As you can see, LSAC is becoming a little unpredictable when it comes to releasing February LSAT scores. If we look at previous LSAT score release dates for June, October, and December, it seems that LSAC is taking longer to release scores than in previous years.

As such, I predict that LSAC will release scores on Monday, March 4 or Tuesday, March 5.

"But at what time specifically do scores come on score release days? I need to know when to constantly refresh my email / LSAC account!"

In batches over the course of several hours. Likely starting late in the day (Eastern Time).

No one knows how the batches are organized, if at all.

The batches do not seem to be organized in any of these ways:

alphabetical/regional/high-to-low scores/low-to-high scores/test center #, etc.

Wish everyone all the best!


Is your LSAT test date postponed due to the blizzard in the northeast? Read about how that may or may not affect your score release date and law school admission.


See other LSAT score release dates posts and read about admissions.


Please feel free to vent and discuss your general thoughts on the exam in the comments, but no specifics about particular questions themselves, please. (LSAC doesn't permit such discussion.)


  1. I just finished! It wasn't horrible. Sections 1-3 were fine, but 4 was terrible, and I didn't finish logic games like usual. Is there any way I can figure out which section was the experimental?

    1. Oops I meant that I didn't finish the games, but I usually do finish. I had 3 LR sections, so I'm hoping my incredibly difficult 4th section was the experimental!

    2. My test yesterday was RC, LR, AR, AR, LR. The RC and LR sections weren't bad. Neither was the first AR. But the second AR was a killer! And from what I've been able to gather, that was the scored one! Oh well. :(

  2. I'm dying to know which section was experimental as well. Otherwise I won't sleep well for the next 3+ weeks until scores are released. I had three LR sections, two with 26 questions and one with 25 questions. Please tell me that one of the 26-question sections was experimental...!

    1. I had the same as you. Did you have LR for your fourth section?

    2. Yes, one of your 26 questions was defintely experimental because i had 3 LR sections, and the breakdown of the questions for me was 26-25-25. I'm exactly in the position as you- this is making me tear my hair out. I really want to know which one of the 25 questions one was scored. Do either one of you have any insight? I do know that for the 26 section that was scored, the first question was a dialogue between 2 people and was something along the lines of what is an appropiate counter the first speaker could make to the second. Hope that helps!

    3. In the one with 26 questions, was there a DISAGREE question fairly early on (#3 or so)?

    4. hmm, I honestly can't remember, but I do distinctly remember that in the section where # 1 was a dialogue between 2 speakers, there was another question with a dialogue later in the section where one of the speakers said something like "sorry, I cannot accept that as true.. etc." basically the word sorry was in there. Does this ring a bell? I also remember that there was another LR section where the first question was a flaw question. Does that seem familiar too? DO you remember anything about the third LR section?

    5. The third LR section had about 3 dialogue questions right off the bat. I hope that was the experimental section because it was REALLY difficult for me. It also had a question about power lines I think....

    6. I had three LR as well.... I know I had question with a dialogue between 2 teachers talking about the white board/taking notes in class... that was part of my 4th section. I really hope the first section was experimental. I'm not sure how to feel about this... 2 LG's I nailed off the bat and 2 were difficult

    7. was that the one with one or two parallel argument questions in the last 3 questions of the section?

    8. There was one about honey in the second section
      And one about most people thinking they sleep more than most people in the third section.
      If I'm remember correctly. I do not remember anything about the 1st LR section. I did bad on that one and I hope that it was the experimental one.

    9. the question you are referring to: "sorry, I cannot accept that as true" was that about trans-fat in baked goods?

  3. I had two RC sections, so one of them was my experimental. Which? I have no idea :D And yes, LG was awful for me as well.

    1. I only had 1 RC... there was a story about bebop music and paranormal phenoms so that is the real one... hope that helps

    2. I had that test - had two games sections on it - one early on right after the reading comp and one at the end

    3. Anon @ 10:21 - very helpful, thanks.

    4. hey, you had an experimental that wasnt LR .

      can you shed light on which were the 2 LR sections that are scored


  4. Thanks for the help, Steve. I had three LR sections, two of which were in the first 3 sections, so I assume one of those was the experimental. I didnt find the LR or RC particularly difficult, but those are my strengths. I agree with the previous commenters that the LG was brutal. The first half of it led me to believe they let us off easy and then the second half arrived...

  5. Which sections were your RC sections in? I had 3 LR sections as well.

  6. ...i really enjoyed the games. minus the minor panic attack when i realized i wrote a rule down incorrectly. finished in plenty of time to correct it, though, so no biggie. pretty sure the adrenaline rush woke my brain back up for the rest of the test.

  7. Glad you actually enjoyed a section.

  8. Is there anyway we can figure out whether the first or fourth section was experimental? For all those with LR, RC, LR, LR, LG....

    The first LR was 26, the second LR was 25, and the third LR was 26. I'm guessing the test is 101 questions (I believe 102 is unprecedented)... so either the first LR or the third (Section 4) is the experimental....

    If anyone finds out, please let me know. I can't remember for the life of me any of the questions on the sections....

    1. I'm in the exact same position as you! I had that form as well. Did you find the third LR (the one after RC) to be easier than the others? I reallllly hope that one is scored. I can't remember the questions on that one though.

    2. Do you remember anything at all about that 3rd LR section (section 4)? Did it have 2 parallel reasoning type questions toward the end (on the last two pages even I think)?

    3. The third LR section started off with 2 or 3 dialogue questions and there was a question in there about power lines...

  9. My KAPLAN teacher told us that the experimental section is always before the break (one of the first three sections).

    1. I hope so, that would make it the first section and that was the section I had the hardest time with. Had to basically scim the last three questions and normally I have 3-4 minutes left to check stuff over on LR sections. Oh, I hope it was the first one!!

    2. I hope so too. I had LR-RC-LR-LR-LG, and I did terrible on the first LR. Btw, what makes you think that the experimental section was the first one instead of the third one?

  10. I also had 3 LR sections like Simon. My first LR section had this weird question with a bunch of "if" statements in the prompt. It was a short prompt. And then all the answer choices had absolute statements and the stem said something like which of the following would enable the conclusion to be drawn. I honestly can't remember the topic of the LR question, but I just remember going over it again and again. The second LR section (which was the 3rd section of my test), had this one problem about two teachers disagreeing over whether two different students were more qualified. One student was more of an expert in her field and published in leading journals, and the second student was more interdisciplinary and published in less known journals but her work was groundbreaking. The stem asked us to find out what the teachers agreed upon. Anyone who didn't have LR for their experimental, do any of these ring a bell? If so, that was the one that was scored. Please let us know.

    The RC one that was scored was the one about scientific reductionism and the paranormal, and then there was one about behop music, and this awful scientific one about piping and this bacteria.

    The last logic game was awful.

    1. Your second LR was NOT experimental (with the leading journals thing).
      Was your last game about choosing novels?

    2. I had 3 LR sections too. What was the breakdown of your sections (how many questions in each)? I remember that there was one where the first question was a dialogue between two people and the question asked what is the strongest counter the first person can make to the second. I also remember that there was an LR section where the first question was identifying a flaw, and the stem was something like "Everyone says X is true, but for me it is not, therefore everyone is wrong." Do these two questions ring a bell? ANd yes, the last game was about novels, so that one was not your experimental.

    3. hmmm.. I don't remember exactly what LR problem you are talking about. Do you remember the topic of it? One thing I did notice about this exam was there was more questions about two ppl "agreeing" on something rather than the normal "disagreeing" .

      So the LR section that was the first one for me was the Experiemental? I think that one had 26 problems. And my break down was LR, RC, LR, break, LR, LG.

      Anyone know which of these was the experiemental? Honestly, I wasn't happy about any of the LRs in the first half.

      For my logic game, I think my last one was about novels. All I remember was it had a bunch of conditional logic that somewhat connected. Does that ring a bell?

    4. I remember the sleeping one how most people think they sleep more then most people. That was in the third LR section I believe.

  11. I had 3 LR sections too. Based on what people are saying and the LR breakdown I had (26-25-25), I know the scored sections are one with 26 questions and one with 25 questions. Did anyone else have 3 LR sections that were 26-25-25? I really want to figure out which of my two 25 questions one was the experimental. The 26 questions one was pretty difficult. The other two 25 ones weren't that bad, although one seemed ridiculously easy compared to the other two. I'm really hoping that one was scored. But I too can't for the life of me remember which questions were on what. Can anyone shed some light?

    1. Do you remember anything on the (26) section?

    2. I do remember that there were a couple of questions about acting in that section. And the first question was a Strengthen/ Weaken type. Do you remember anything about your 25 section?

    3. yes! the acting one was pretty difficult... it was the very first LR section. I know that either first or third are experimental.

    4. Why do you think the 26 question one (in your case, the first LR) wasn't the experimental ? I was under the impression that it was...

  12. Okay, I had 3 LR sections too, and I remember distinctly that the first section was 26 questions, the second was 25, but now my mind is blanking on how many were on the third. Is it possible for students to receive varities of LSAT experimental sections of the same kind-- i.e. would LSAC give out 2 or more experimentals for LR, or is it more likely that there is no such thing as 26-25-25 for this test??

  13. Someone who had only one Games section: was your last game about choosing novels? Trying to figure out which section was experimental...

    1. I'm pretty sure the last one was about novels, but I remember the first one was about classes in a semester and the second one I think was a parade. I had only one LG section so I know that one was scored. Can you help me out with LR please? Do you remember anything about the 2 sections that were scored?

    2. Oh, and there was also one about employees and some being in manager positions if that helps.

    3. Thanks!
      This question was in one of my two LR sections:
      two teachers disagreeing over whether two different students were more qualified. One student was more of an expert in her field and published in leading journals, and the second student was more interdisciplinary and published in less known journals but her work was groundbreaking. The stem asked us to find out what the teachers agreed upon.

    4. Thank you! Do you remember if you had one where one of the last couple questions was one where you need to find a parallel argument? Do you by any chance remember what the first questions in each of your sections were? I remember them more by the first question.

    5. Do you remember this one section about bears in the artic? I think it was a parallel flaw LR. It talked about some of them eating fish and being located in this certain park, and most of the answer choices were variants on this example of artic bears.

    6. I had the polar bear question. Was that a graded section? I hope not...

    7. ya i think it was

    8. I had the spotted bears question and only 2 LR sections. It was definitely a graded section.

    9. Yes it was about choosing which books

    10. do you remember if the spotted bears was in a 26 question or 25 question section?

    11. The spotted bears was in the 26 section one (4th section overall)

  14. I had to RC sections, and they were difficult. The real RC section had something about Scientific Reductionism and Bebop music, does anyone else remember the other two?

    1. *two (sorry, brain=dead)

    2. One was about formalism in law and another was about poly something... an environmentally friendly subsitute for another product. I had LR for my experimental. Can you help me out please? Do you remember how many questions were in each section and what the subject and/or type of the first question on the two sections was?

    3. The two LR sections had 25 and 26, as for the first questions, I am trying my bed to remember.

    4. Substantive vs. universal law right(in the RC section)?

    5. Yes, that's correct- that was the first passage in the RC section. Do you remember if there was a question that asked you to find a parallel argument in the last 4 questions of the section (on those last two pages)? I think there might even have been two parallel argument ones. I'm trying to figure out if that was the experimental.

  15. *two (sorry, brain=dead)

  16. To the people who had to RC sections: was your experimental section 1 or 3?

    1. I had RC, AR, RC * I think experimental, then after break LR and AR (can't remember which order).

  17. Can someone who didn't have Logical Reasoning as an experimental section please tell me as much as they remember from the scored section that had 25 questions?

    1. I can! I remember the last question of the 25 LR section involving government funding. 1 out of 5 dollars...something along those lines. I didn't have LR experimental so I am sure of that.

    2. Thanks! Do you remember anything else about the section with 25? Specifically, do you remember the first question?

  18. How will the cancellations affect the scores? Will it be an easier/harder curve, or will there be no noticeable change?

    1. Unfortunately, since the Feb test is not disclosed, there's no way to know or predict what the curve will be like.

    2. Well I don't want to necessarily want to predict, I'm just wondering if because there were fewer people taking this test, will the curve be harder?

    3. it's not technically curved... it's equated. the number of people taking it yesterday will not affect this.

  19. I also had 26-25-25 questions in my LR sections. The first two were pretty easy, but the last one was difficult. Do we know which was experimental?

    1. no, i don't. i also thought the last one was brutal. is there anyone out there who had 2 LR sections only who remembers details from the section with 25 questions so we can figure out which one the experimental ones?

  20. To the people who had to RC sections: was your experimental section 1 or 3?

    1. two* (haha, just copying and pasting)

    2. the real reading comp had stories about bebop music, formalism in law, paranomal phenomena, and oysters producing para something or other that was used in detergent... hope that helps!

  21. More specific question: for the LG that talked about managers, the last question was one of those rule replacement stems. It was like if you replace the rule that Y is infront of the nonmanagers, what rule could replace it with keeping the same layout (paraphrased). This is super specific but it is plaguing me. Do you guys remember what the answer choice was? I selected A -- I think it was something about Y being infront of the experienced ppl.

    My format was something like

    FHG- y- WZ

    and we had to find a rule that would re-create this order.

    1. I selected the same answer as you for that question. Did you have LR for your experimental? If not, can you please tell me as much as you remember from the section with 25 questions? not knowing what the experimental was is plaguing me lol.

    2. I also picked A

    3. Yes, I picked that answer also.
      All the others would have allowed Y to be with WZ

      I had LR for my experimental

    4. was the lg about managers the first game?

  22. did anyone who had only 2 LR sections remember a flaw question along these lines: "Everyone says x is true, but it is not true for me, therefore it is false."

    and do they remember a parallel flaw question about polar bears? trying to figure out the experimental

    1. polar bears or spotted bears?

    2. actually yes, i think it was spotted bears! was that a real section?

  23. The experimental section, according to comments, was the LR section with 26 questions that did NOT contain the question on discussing the better person for a job based off scholarly articles. My format was LR RC LR LR LG, so the first LR was experimental.

    1. If that is true....that makes me VERY happy!

    2. The LR section with 26 was real...I know several people who had an extra RC section, and their two LR sections were 26 questions and 25 questions

    3. That was definitely the actual section because I did not have LR as experimental, and I vividly remember this question. I chose A, but I was really not sure.

  24. does anyone remember the novel game? that one messed me up. what was the trick behind it because I had no clue...

  25. Was the LG game the last one a selection one? I had TWO LG games both with 23 question, the first one was EASY!!! The second one was harder, the last one was a selection game I think. It had formal logic to it and had the most questions. Was that the non-experiment one,

    1. The Experimental one did not have the questions about Parades and Choosing Books.

    2. Yeah I had 2 LGs also, the first one was a piece of cake and the 2nd beat me around. My scores will fluctuate at least 5 points based on which was real. But I can't for the life of me remember which questions were on which...I guess I'll just have to sit tight until March.

  26. Is it still true that the experimental is within the first 3 sections?

  27. I'm having trouble remembering what was in the two RC sections.
    After reading posters' comments, I've gathered that the real RC had bebop, formalism (law), reductionism (paranormal), and polyc/polyp (environmental). I think the experimental had an article on Darwin. Can someone please refresh my memory?? This will determine whether I keep or cancel my score, as I did well in everything but DEF. bombed one of the RC sections. Way too tired for two RCs first thing. Thanks!

    1. oh awesome. i killed the 3rd RC section...and it seems like it was experimental. totally ran out of time and ended up guessing/skimming the last story about the polyc/polyp. swell. thanks lsat gods.

    2. I think the experimental RC had passages about genetic memes, ann petry's novel "the street," and a law passage about accomplice witnesses.

    3. To 1st Anon: Sorry to hear that. I only had time to skim the last story myself.
      To 2nd Anon: Thanks for your reply. Was genetic memes the Darwin one? That RC was such a blur, I don't remember the novel, or the accomplice witnesses. Honestly, I don't think I even got to skim the last passage. That's what happens when you retake the LSATs completely cold: no practice, no sleep. I don't recommend it!!

    4. yes, genetic memes was the Darwin one involving natural selection i am pretty sure. So mad, I feel so much stronger about that one and it was my experimental. the other RC i bombed.

  28. To anyone who had only 2 Logical Reasoning sections: Do you remember anything about your section with 25 questions? One of my experimental sections was a LR with 25, and I need to figure out which one it was to determine whether to cancel or not. Thank you!

    1. the 25 LR section that counted invovled the last question being somethign about government funding and 1 out x amount of dollars spent. hope that helps

    2. Do you know query the question seen asked us to do?

    3. What the question stem*

    4. Also, what was the first question in that Section?

    5. I had LR (25), LG (23), LR (25), LR (26), RC (27). I know the LR (26) one was real. I'm trying to figure out which LR reasoning section is the experimental. I distinctly remeber in the second LR section, there was a question stem "The reasoning in the above is LEAST like the reasoning in which one of the following" --->It seemed really strange to me and I don't think I've ever seen a question with that type of stem on any other LSAT. Does anyone know if this is the experimental section?

  29. Yes the experimental RC was the one with novels and witnesses. The real one was about substantive law and bebop. To those with only two LR did one of them include a counter of the second speaker as the first question? I had LR RC LR LR LG. Also those who had this form does anyone remember how many questions there was for the last game? I completely lost focus and didn't finish them all for the last game! I did the ones on choosing classes,the parade, and the manager, and non managers. Thanks!

  30. Was the one about scholarly publications for the two students in a (26) section or (25)? If it's (26), we'll know that the first LR was experimental.

  31. I honestly can't remember. That test went so fast that my memory is hazy at this point. I rember an agreeing question though between two people on the third LR. Also, do you remeber the number of questions on the last logic game?

  32. So I had to RC LR LG LG LR so if the comment above is correct (that experimental is within the first three sections) then the first LG was the experimental correct? Anyone?

  33. LG on managers, experienced workers, and new employees is the real one.

  34. Has anyone shed any light as to which the experimental section was for LR(26), RC, LR(25), LR(26), and RC.

  35. I had RC, LR, AG, AG, LR. My first AG section had 3 easy games then a last one that was about computers in a network that received a viruses in particular orders which baffled me. I had a crappy RC section (1st) which was partly due to nerves and proctors walking right next to me (I had an aisle seat). So during the break, I'm hoping like hell that I get another RC section and that my first was an experimental. NOPE, get another AG section. That one wasn't so bad either. But looks like my first AG section was the experimental one. I haven't seen anyone else talk about the computer network/virus scenario. And if the experimental does in fact come before the break, that would seal the deal. I wish I could help more with the LR sections but at this point, I can hardly recall the questions. I do recall the one with the convo about hiring a new teacher/scholar/published. That would definitely be a SCORED section since I only had two LR sections.

  36. I had LR, RC, LR, LR, LG. I believe my question number order was 26, 27, 25, 25, 23. I am starting to wonder if my 3rd LR section that I remembered as 25 was in fact 26 based on what several of you are saying. Did anyone else have that combo? If so, is there any clarification you can provide on which might have been the experimental? I felt like the second LR was the easiest.

    1. exact same situation as you. I also have been getting mixed responses to the fact that one 25 was a 26.

      ALL THOSE who did not have LR as experimental please help in as much detail as you can !

    2. Thanks for the response. I was not under the impression that there was two different versions of experimental LR so this has all thrown me off. In a perfect world the third was in fact 26 questions and the first LR was the experimental.

    3. I think that last one was a 26 actually based on what everyone was saying. ive been researching and i think we were wrong in thinking there were only 25

    4. If this is the case there may just be hope after all! Hahaha. The first section of LR is what got me the most. I had a tough time finishing that one.

  37. There was this one LR question that included these two people talking about this latin phrase. It had something to do with things preceeding this historical work. The first guy said something like the fact that certain events occurred means that this work is a necessary outgrowth of it. The other guy said something like no because certain events did not precede these other works in art and another subject, so therefore it is not true that this work is a necessary outgrowth. I think the question stem was what would weaken the second guy's argument.

    Anyone who didn't have 3 LRS, do you remember this question? And anyone with 3 LRs, do you remember what section this was in? I'm thinking it was the second LR right before the break.


    1. it was the second section before the break !

    2. I don't recall the question you're talking about (latin phrase) and I did NOT have an LR experimental section. So that is likely your experimental section. However, I did not answer the last two questions from my LR sections. Just fyi...

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. hey i also had the three LR with the first one being 26,

    i would love help from those that did not have LR as an experimental to figure out hwich LR was the experimental section

  40. Was the parallel flaw question about spotted bears in a section with 25 questions? Also, someone who had only two LR sections, what was the question stem and details of the very first Queston in the section with 25 questions? Any help would be much appreciated!!

  41. Anyone figure out yet which the experimental was? For the crowd with LR(26) RC LR(25) LR(26) and LG... Was the experimental first or fourth?

  42. I only had two LR sections, so they were both scored.
    I remember the polar bear/spotted bear question mentioned about that was supposed to mirror a store in the mall A=B and B=C then A=C sort of thing. It was something on structure.
    There was also a flaw question where an answer choice was something like "confuses the definition of 'crisis' in the passage" or something like that. I think it was talking about a financial situation of a city.
    I remember the question that was between two people arguing whether a published/experienced research student was more qualified than one that is doing groundbreaking research that people have mentioned as well.
    And I thinkkkk there was one about aluminum amounts in recycled cans and re-recycled cans? That one may have been on a practice test I did.. It all kind of blurs together ha.
    No idea if they're in the same section, but hope it helps!

    1. What was the order of your sections and do you know which section the spotted bear question came in?

    2. I would also like to know which section the spotted bear was on

      further i would like to know if the 3 experimental LR were 26 25 26 or 26 25 25 i dont remember if the last one was 25/26

    3. There were two different forms. Some people had 26 25 25, others had 26 25 26

  43. Please, tell me the Topics of Reading Section.

  44. Reading section was: formalism/substantive law, bebop and jazz, polyakalytes, etc. Does anyone remember a question on bat echolocation? Also does anyone remember if the spotted bears section was on a 25Q sec or a 26? I'm trying to figure out which was the experimental for the 26 25 26 3 LR test

    1. In RC - There was something else - Do you remember?
      - about "reductionism" ? - can you provide more details ...

    2. Polyakalytes? - Do you mean Polyacrylate? .... Can you write some more main 'keywords' what the topic was about?

    3. It was about which of the alternatives was environmentally safer and the obstacles itd have to come to be successful.

      The other two RCs were about bebop and jazz, formalism and substantive law, and the dual passage about paranormal activity.

      Do you guys remember with LG and RC experimentals remember anything about your LR sections? Specific questions and which sections(and the number of questions in that section) they came from would help alot!

  45. Did anyone happen to answer "B" for anything in the last logic game and last couple of questions of the third game? (15-23). I ran out of time and I guessed B for all of them. this is the LG with security badges btw. Thanks!

    1. I am also interested in 2013 February LSAT Logic Games.
      Guys, let's try to reconstruct Logic Games -and then it will be very easy to clear out the correct answers for our problem questions. I do think that's the best manner we can help one another.

    2. Correct!
      - but I don't remember all details of security badges LG because I was out of time. Can anyone write here all premises of security badges LG ?

    3. I ran out of time on the novels question (I think it was last). I remember the badge question specifically because it was almost identical to a game I did on a practice test. It went like:

      There are 6 employees (FGHWYZ) receiving a security badge of one of four levels, level 1 being the lowest level badge, level 4 being the highest. FGH are new hires; WYZ are experienced. WZ (I think) are managers.

      All experienced employees receive a higher level badge than all new hires.
      All managers receive a higher level badge than any other non-manager employees.


      FGH could be split level 1,2 or both same level
      WZ could be level split 3,4 or both the same level
      Y (the experienced non-manager would always be alone at level 2 or 3

      I hope I didn't screw that one up. :/

  46. i had 3 LR's as well. in the 3rd one (sec 4) i encountered a question that used the same stem on a previous test. this is from the June 2002 test, but the question read: Adam: Marking road edges with reflecting posts gives drivers a clear view of the edges, thereby enabling them to drive more safely. Therefore, marking road edges with relfection posts will decrease the annual number of road accidents. Aiesha: You seem to forget that drivers exceed the speed limit more frequently on roads that are marked with reflecting posts than on similar roads without posts, and those are driving behaviors that cause road accidents. Aiesha responds by...

    Does anyone with two LR's remember a question like this? The section started with a question about Orchids. I believe this section had 25 questions, but i could be wrong.

    1. I had three LR's and I dont remember that question. I've done research about which was the experimental and if you had 26 25 25 for your LR sections, I'm pretty sure the third was experimental (which is why I dont remember that question). If you had 26 25 26, I'm still a bit unsure. You probably remember a question about scholarly articles, it was something about publication and two people were arguing about the quality of the journals or something. It was probably in your second section, right?

    2. the scholarly journal articles was the 2nd. I'm certain. I'm unsure if the exp was the 1st or 3rd LR though. Because I thought spotted bears was the 3rd section, and everyone had that...

    3. did you have 26 25 26 or 26 25 25? If you had 26 25 25, the first is definitely real, and since you said you remember scholarly journals articles in the 2nd, that was also real. If you truly remember spotted bears in the 3rd lr that means thats was real too. Which means youre memory is fuzzy haha. If you had 26 25 26 and you had spotted bears in the third lr, that means your first was experimental. How sure are you?

    4. I had 3 LRs and definitely do not recall a question about road markers on my third LR. However, I cannot remember whether I had 26 25 25 or 26 25 26. If it helps, I had the scholarly articles and spotted polar bear questions.

    5. was the scholarly articles question in a set with 25 questions?

    6. I remember a question about road markers
      However, I had two LR sections, so I'm not much help there.


    February waiters,join this chat to talk about the experimental sections and other questions related to the test!

  48. ok, so I've narrowed the LR experimental section down, I think, but I need ppl who havent taken the LR exp section to tell me if they remember this question:

    Something about this guy who is a gardener and he sells a majority of his gardening equipment wholesale, and other gardening equipment to individuals. The stem was a "what is supported" by this text?

    And if anyone who did have this question, could you chime in on what you got for your answer? I think I chose one of the top answers listed, that said something like he sold more equipment whole sale than to individuals.
    Is that what you got?

    Also, I am wondering about the last LG. There was a must be true question on the second page that asked something about choosing a certain letter-maybe R?-- and then what must be true about that. One of the answer choices was "two novels (i think this game was about novels?) must be selected" and then some of the other answer choices listed a bunch of letters saying which was chosen and which was not. Do you remember is the answer choice was something about "two must be selected" or something of the sort? That's what I chose, and I'm dying to know if it was right.

    Lastly for the last LG again, the first question which was "what could be a complete and accurate list..." was your answer choice A or B? (I think it was B), and only listed a few letters, as opposed to the several that were listed in D and E?

    Let me know! I'm trying to figure out if i want to cancel...

    1. Well, LG were about employee security badges, parade floats, classes during a semester, and buying books. As I guessed you are talking about books, Correct?

    2. What section was the gardening question for you and what was your order number? (26 25 25) or (26 25 26). I too remember the gardening Q but i had 3 LRs

    3. For the LG about novels, I'm pretty sure I remember choosing "two novels must be chosen" as my answer. Also, for the complete and accurate list, it was definitely one of the top answer choices that listed only a few letters. The several letters in D and E wouldn't work because it wouldn't satisfy the restrictions.

      Hope this helps!

    4. Also, do you remember what the answer to the "which of the following fully determiens the order" question in the parade game?

    5. I also had 3 LR. I think my LRs were 26LR, RC, 25 LR, break 25LR.

      I could be mistaken about the last LR though. I need someone to comment who DID NOT have LR as an experimental to tell me if they remember that gardening question. If they do, that means it was not my experimental.

      I don't really remember the parade game, sorry... If you have a specific question it might jog my memory.

    6. I think the order is determined if the Fire Department goes first.

  49. I'll pay anybody 200 if anybody sends me 2013 February LSAT test.

  50. I had three LR sections, and I definitely remember the spotted bear question and the scholarly article question. However, I can't remember whether I had 26 25 25 or 26 25 26.

    One question (I think in my first LR) talked about two cities, X and Y, one of which had a disproportionately high number of hospital patients. Does anyone who had just 2 LRs remember this question? Possible answers were stress, water pollution, preventative medicine, and patient transfers from X to Y.

    1. I only had two LR sections and I remember the question about the two cities, X and Y. However, I don't remember the spotted bear question everyone with three LR sections seems to be mentioning. However if it was a parallel question, I probably just guessed and moved on to another one.

    2. To the Anonymous poster at 1:30: the question about the 2 cities that you remember- do you know if it was in a section with 25 or 26 questions? Also, do you remember any details about your section with 25 questions? Specifically, do you remember the question and question stem of the first question in that section? Any help would be much appreciated.

    3. Anonymous poster at 1:39*

    4. As an aside, do you remember what the correct answer to that question was? I think I bubbled in "stress" since it wasn't clear that that was directly related to hospitalization, but I really hesitated.

    5. I put stress too! Anyone else put stress? I was unsure of that one. I just remember it was an except question.

      I also can't remember what section that was from... but I had LR as an experimental, so it wouldnt be much help anyway.

    6. Okay, nice. Common sense would suggest that stress contributes to hospitalizations, although there was nothing in the question itself that indicated a relationship between stress and hospitalization. By process of eliminating, I reluctantly chose stress.

      Anyone remember the answer to that 'principle' question about keeping promises, even if there is insufficient information to answer the question fully?

    7. can you describe the promise section in more detail? I vaguely remember it. I do remember it was hard!

    8. I chose patient transfers, because the question asked what would affect how many residents of each city were hospitalized. It didn't matter where they were hospitalized; if someone from town x was hospitalized in town y, that person would still count toward the count of Town X.

  51. Did anyone else take the Monday (sabbath observer) test? The logic games were strangely hard. Also, do we know if the experimental section definitely comes before the break?

    1. The experimental section no longer necessarily comes before the break, unfortunately.

    2. The experimental section coming after the break would actually be great for me, but I doubt the super easy extra LG I had was real.

    3. I really really really hope the experimental was the one after the break. Did much better on the first one. Ran out of time on every stupid section though.

  52. ...Anyone at all remember answering "B" for any of the last real logic games? Questions 15-23? Any Bs?

  53. ok, so I've narrowed the LR experimental section down, I think, but I need ppl who havent taken the LR exp section to tell me if they remember this question:

    Something about this guy who is a gardener and he sells a majority of his gardening equipment wholesale, and other gardening equipment to individuals. The stem was a "what is supported" by this text?

    1. I only had two LR sections, and I definitely remember a question about a guy selling gardening equipment and the word "wholesale" being used in the question.

  54. Was that question on a 26 or 25 section for you?

    1. it was a 26 section, Im very concerned this section was included because it was so hard

  55. I had LR LG LR LR RC... the last game of my fourth question had to do with Thomas Hobbes writing his own material.. does anyone know if this is the experimental?? I am freaking out I really hope so.

    1. can you elaborate more on the question?

    2. The Thomas Hobbes was definitely NOT the experimental. I had 2 RCs and 2 LRs and remember the Thomas Hobbes question popping up. Any idea what passages were on your RC? I remember one passage relating to the merits and demerits of proportional representation, and am REALLY hoping that section was the experimental.

    3. Another passage on that same RC section had to do with visiting mars if that can help anyone identify it.

    4. that was real i had 3LR and my RC had the mars one

  56. Does anyone know if the game with the ambassadors Venezuela, half hour one hour slots, is real or experimental?...

  57. I had two Logic Games sections on my makeup. The only three games I can recall was the Ambassadors game, a game where we had to place seven individuals on three teams (Team One had 3 members, Team Two and Team Three and 2 members each), and a third game where three carpenters each did a task per day, and only two of them could switch tasks the next day.

    For those of you with two Reading Comp sections, The Mars/Hobbs/Democracy passages as the real thing. I found the one with the two mini passages about Democracy to be fairly difficult to get through.

  58. Hi do you think the specific game you mentioned, do you think that is real or experimental?>

  59. I only had one logic games section and don't recall carpenters or ambassadors so I'm pretty sure it was experimental.

    I also thought the logic games section was pretty easy compared to older tests. The reading comprehension, on the other hand, was one of the hardest I've seen and I took nearly all of the last 10 years of official preptests.

    1. Omg no wayyyy did you do your test at osgoode on feb 16???????

  60. Is there anyone here who can clarify if the game section with the AMBASSADORS WAS THE EXPERIMENTAL SECTION ON THE FEBRUARY 20, 2013 LSAT TEST?

  61. Pretty sure the one with ambassadors was experimental. I believe the real logic games section involved managers/badges, floats, books, and semester schedules.

  62. Hi, for any of the years your chart reflects, were there make-up tests that were scheduled? I am just wondering if given the situation with Nemo you think there is still any chance of an early score release or if the storm means we won't have it till the day of.

    Thanks for your blog, it's very helpful!

  63. has anyone received their score yet???

  64. Just checked online and - no - not available yet

  65. Shortly before your LSAT score is released, the green pdf icons on your LSAT Status page will go grey. In Decemeber, mine went grey around 3pm. My score was released 5pm the same day.

  66. I've got a feeling that they're going to be released today.

  67. LSAC plays serious games lol.

  68. Is there any real indication that those of us who took the makeup on February 16 will have our scores released at the same time as those who took the regularly scheduled exam on February 9? Or should we expect to get them a day or two (or more) after the first batches are released?

  69. First person to get grey icons is "IT" and has to tag the rest of us!!! hehe try to catch me!

  70. I really hope they are out today!!

  71. Im so anxious! Im ready to get my score! I hope they are released today as well!

  72. I've seen that they have a twitter account and usually post important notices. Nothing yet on LSAT scores. The wait is terrible!

  73. Are the weather delays back in Feb delaying the score posting?

  74. GIVE ME MY SCORES!!!!!!!!
