
U.S. News Law School Rankings 2014

The 2014 U.S. News law school rankings were just released this week.

Here are the 2014 U.S. News Rankings for the top 14 law schools (some are tied):

1. Yale

2. Harvard

2. Stanford

4. Columbia

4. Chicago

6. NYU

7. UPenn

7. UVA

9. Berkeley

9. Michigan

11. Duke

12. Northwestern

13. Cornell

14. Georgetown

For those of you keeping score, they're pretty much the same as last year's rankings.


See some analysis from Above The Law.

See my previous blog posts about the U.S. News rankings:

Choosing a Law School Using U.S. News Rankings

U.S. News Rankings Articles

More U.S. News Rankings Articles


  1. It's just amazing how Harvard usually will always be at the top of the list. Does anyone know if Harvard will ever not be on this list?

  2. The top six are generally etched in stone (actually, the top 3-HYSand the next 3-CCN.

  3. Harvard's MASSIVE endowment ensures that it will always have the best professors, facilities, and legal minds.
