
LSAT Diary: Sticking With LSAT Prep

LSAT Blog Diary Sticking With LSAT Prep
This LSAT Diary is from Sid, who's taking the June 2013 LSAT. He writes in with his plans to stick with LSAT prep.

Enjoy, and if you want to be in LSAT Diaries, please email me at (You can be in LSAT Diaries whether you've taken the exam already or not.)

Leave Sid some encouragement below in the comments!

Sid's LSAT Diary:

I'm a 20-year-old junior pre-law student studying for the LSAT. I plan on taking the June 2013 LSAT. I have been studying since the summer, but not too seriously. I find that I often get mentally burned while prepping. My worst habit is I will feel I do not have enough time to study, so, I do not study at all. This leads me to being streaky in my studying resulting in days to weeks with no studying. I hope this blog will force me to study more seriously, as I often feel too lax.

I have been using the PrepTests and plan to purchase Steve's 2-month LSAT study plan. With school and work it is very easy to slack off and not put enough time as needed for the LSAT. My current schedule has me studying every day except Friday and Sunday, I tailored it through Steve's schedule suggestions.

This week will be the first week I begin this schedule. I will post my progress every 2 weeks or whenever something significant comes up. I will count Saturday's PrepTest as my first diagnostic. This morning I'm going to score and give an answer/explanation for each question I got incorrect or found tricky. I hope this blog will be able to help others who often procrastinate their studying. This blog will also give me a chance to discuss with others about LSAT studying.

Week 1:

Just scored PrepTest #15 as my diagnostic. It was untimed. I got -13 on RC. -10 on LR. -7 LR #2. -3 on LG. Total of -33. My goal is to get above a 172. Due to my extremely low GPA, the LSAT is something I must excel on. Some things I noticed while taking the test:

1. I am absolutely terrible at reading comprehension, however, I plan on preparing that for last. I feel I need to master LR and LG first.

2. My mind is getting burned out by #15 for each section. I know I can answer the question, however, I'm just having difficulty absorbing the material.

3. I believe this " burnout  " is leading to me to miss 3,4 questions in a row. For the first LR Section. I was 10/12 for the first 12. Then 4/12 for the last 12. The questions are also more difficult. The pattern of reasoning and flaw in reasoning are my biggest weaknesses so far.

4. -3 in LG isn't an accomplishment untimed. The biggest difficulty for that is the timing, so, I know not to get excited on only missing 3.

I know I can do much better than this. I made a lot of mental errors. I hope to get to -25 in 2 weeks. Really need to start focusing. My biggest advice to myself and others is: Don't adjust LSAT studying for other activities, adjust other activities for LSAT studying. No matter what. It will be there after the LSAT. If it isn't, it probably wasn't worth it. I'm going to try and study at least 3 hours a day except for on Fridays and Sundays.

Photo by bobaubuchon


  1. Being in school full time and working makes it difficult to make time to study, but keep with it! I began the 6 month study plan last week and I have already increased my time on the logic games immensely.

    I took a timed diagnostic test and I found that my weakest section is also the RC, followed by LR. I am not taking the LSAT until this fall, but I wish you luck in your studying and in your test taking.

  2. Hang in there, Sid. I'm that "Non-Traditional Student" Steve profiled a few weeks back. I, like you, plan to take the June LSAT. Steve's advice is the best! I find his LG explanations particularly helpful. But I wish I could tell you that there's some magic formula for success. There isn't. The only way to ace this exam is through practice. And sadly, your progress will likely be measured in baby steps. Also, as Steve reminds us, the training wheels don't come off until the timed tests begin.

    I took Prep Test #27 today, timed. I slammed headlong into "Snakes & Lizards", one of the tougher Grouping games, and the results weren't pretty. The only remedy is practice...more practice...and still more practice after that! Sid, best of luck! Keep us posted.

  3. Coincidentally enough, we're in the same boat, especially in terms of low-GPA and the burning need for a high score. I started studying 'here and there' fall of 2012; now that i'm nearing the two month mark to the June test I found myself growing much more urgent. The last paragraph of your post has helped me tremendously; hope to read more on the journey soon!

  4. You can do it! We're in the same boat, but that last part about working your other studies around LSAT is an eye-opener. I do the exact opposite and I just can't seem to stop myself.... good luck!!!
