
October 2013 LSAT Discussion

LSAT Blog October 2013 LSAT Discussion
Congratulations, you're now done with the October 2013 LSAT!
This is an open post where you can leave comments and answer each others' questions about the test, now that the hard part is over.

Check out past October LSAT score release dates, and see my prediction about when October 2013 LSAT scores will be released.

If you think the test went well, congrats! Read about admissions.

If you're not so sure it went well, decide whether to cancel your LSAT score.

Please feel free to vent and discuss your general thoughts on the exam in the comments below, but no specifics about particular questions themselves, please. (LSAC doesn't permit such discussion.)


How'd the big day go for you?

Also see "How to Wait a Long Time for Your LSAT Score".


  1. Don't feel too confident about my performance on logic games, I was struggling at the beginning of the section and rushed and guess at the end. I feel real confident about logical reasoning and reading comp. though. I don't plan on canceling my score, but I'll reconsider whether or not to retake it once I see how I did.

    1. Same! LG were my best section during practice tests.. but the second 2 were difficult.

    2. I was so disappointed. LG are the one thing I can usually count on and I totally choked on the last two. Glad I'm not alone here.

  2. You felt confident about the RC section?

  3. RC was pretty easy, got to finish in time. logic games was a bit difficult (third one)

  4. I was pretty confident about all of the LR sections, although I don't know which one was experimental (fingers crossed that it was the third). RC was a breeze, but I've found that my seeming overconfidence on that section can kill my score. LG was tough- I was breezing through the first two and then the last two I lost it a bit and guessed on the last couple of questions. No test is perfect, though! I hope everyone feel good about their performance and is now breathing easier. Have fun tonight- you deserve it!

    1. The 5th LR was the experimental.

    2. It all depends on your test, the LR sections can come in different orders. For instance, Anonymous above claims 5th, but 5th for me had XTX company (or something like that) which has been pretty much confirmed as being a marked section. For me, it was section 3, my second LR, that was exp.

    3. How do you know it was your section 3? I'm dying to know which it was for me! I had LR (25) - RC (27) - LR (25) - LG (23) - LR (26)

  5. I had an LR experimental. Any idea which one it was?

  6. i believe the second section was the experimental. Games were a bit hard

    1. The experimental could be any of them. People dont have experimental in the same order or place.

  7. LG was tough looking at a glance, so I froze... But it slowly began clicking in. I wasn't able to finish it, though. :/

    1. Same boat as you on this one. That section aside I'd feel fine, but now I'm nervous. Waiting til the end of the month for my score is just twisting the dagger.

    2. I had 3 LRs, but the LG I finished, but it took me a good 12 minutes to set up the first game and I felt rushed...

  8. Which LG section was experimental?

  9. I had three Logical reasoning sections so based on my exam, I would say one of them was the experimental

  10. What were the games on the real LG section? I can't remember what games were in which section. I had LG LG LR LR RC. Did anyone have these sections and know which is the experimental LG?

    1. Thats an awesome order to have... back to back LGs to start

  11. Hmmm it seems like whatever you had in the 3rd section was probably experimental

  12. Alright, so did anyone else experience a situation where they had three LR, and one was significantly harder than the other two?

    My first section was the significantly harder LR with 25 questions.

    My third section was a much easier LR with 26 questions.

    My fifth section was a much easier LR with 26 questions.

    Can anyone shed any light on whether my first LR with just 25 questions might have been the experimental? I'm hoping it is.

    1. That one was a real one. I had two and one of them has 25 questions and the other one has 26. But yes, I agree with you that the 25 questions one is harder. I barely finished that one when time was called.

    2. I thought the second LR was hardest. I think people often find the earlier sections harder because they don't come into the test primed. You weren't in the analytical "mode" in other words. I actually found the first section arguably the easiest of all. If you ran out of time it wasn't likely due to difficulty, but simply because you weren't rolling as you should have been. If you take the test again, try to do some problems right before you get to the center so you're ready mentally.

    3. The second LR was also the hardest for me, I found the other two to be relatively easy.

  13. My test was LR RC LR LG LR

    The last logical reasoning counted.

    Does anyone know which of the first 2 counted?

    1. how do you know it was the first, im dying to know.

    2. How do you know the last lr counted?

    3. but the one with 25 questions had some new prompts that I haven't ever seen before, or at least new wordings, was that one the real LR section?

    4. what were the questions like on your LG...i had two LG and i want to know which one was experimental

  14. How can LSAC compare this LG section to the June lsat?

    1. I found this LG section to be way harder than any practice test I've taken (and I also took the LSAT in June). I almost always score perfectly on LG (maybe -1 or -2) but this section destroyed me. The first 2 games weren't bad (but not easy) and took me over 20 minutes to do. The last 2 games were really difficult though and I ended up blindly guessing on the last 3 or 4 questions and I don't feel confident about the answers I did attempt. For someone who usually relies on a good LG score I'm really disappointed in my performance on this test. I have a feeling the curve will have to be high to adjust for how difficult the LG section was.

    2. I completely agree and am in the same boat. I usually really enjoy LG and was excited to have LG as sections 1 and 2, however what appears to be the experimental section was wayyyy easier/more along the lines of games I have seen throughout almost all of the preptests I completed....not so happy about that!

    3. I'm am so glad to hear you say that. I don't like LG, but I've spent the last two weeks learning to tolerate it. I was practicing with a -2 routinely and so my confidence in LG was finally there. I usually feel ok about the other sections and I thought LG was something I could really influence. Today, I didn't feel confident about anything! The LG section is definitely going to totally destroy my score and unless some divine power guided me to the right answer in my many many many LR guesses (and my typical couple of RC guesses) well then I'm done for.

    4. How do you know the easier LG was experimental?

  15. I had 3 LR sections.

    LR 1 - 25 questions
    LR 2 - 25 questions
    LR 3 - 26 questions

    Which one was experimental? Was the LR with 26 questions real?

    1. Same here - from what I've gathered the test was 101 questions.. so the 26 question section was real. I haven't figured out which one was the experimental though.

    2. Same here too... Was your guys set up LR,RC,LR,LG,LR??

    3. mine was in that order. I thought the first LR was significantly harder, even when taking into account that one starts off not really in the groove of analytical thinking. It had completely new prompts and structures to the answers. Im really hoping this was the experimental. I was practicing at -2/-3 on LR and think i really screwed it up. The last two games got me too :(

  16. curve predictions anyone?

    1. -12. The LG was definitely hard. I've honed my game and had to guess on a few, and was very shaky on both of the last two games. I really didn't crack either one, but kind of wavered instead, solved most, and sort of whittled answers down to a few and made educated guesses on 3 or 4. If I get a somewhere between 4 and 7 wrong on this LG then the curve must be fairly steep, because my game was definitely up there when I walked in. The curve will be greater than 10 but will it be greater than 12? Probably not. 12, I'd say.

    2. 11 or 12 I think. 10 and below would be unfortunate

  17. I got it. Definitely not experimental. Sorry.

  18. I had LG LR LR LR RC ...which one was experimental

    1. Damn, really? I had the same order. I thought the first section was way harder. I know one LR had 26, LG 23, RC 27, and correct me if I am wrong but I thought the other two LR's had 24 and 25 maybe I'm wrong though?

    2. I had the same order as well (LG LR LR LR RC). Mt first LR was 26 and super hard the second was 25 and the third was 26. I am really hoping the first LR was experimental. Has anyone heard?

    3. I had the same order (LG LR LR LR RC which was crazy btw) and I have about the same feedback. The first one was the hardest, second was fair, third one was the easiest for me. I'm hoping for the first or second to have been the experimental but its hard for me to differentiate them since they were back-to-back-to-back like that. LG was okay but the last game was tricky and the RC was one of the easiest I have ever taken.

  19. Wait, just to clarify, there were only 102 questions on the test, right?

    1. That adds up to 101...

    2. That's what I meant to type! Thanks!

      I got confused because someone posted that they had two LR sections of 26 questions and I only remember having one section of 26 and the other two being 25...

  20. For LG, I went fairly quickly through the first three games and turned to the fourth game with maybe 10-15 minutes left, and I got stuck the entire time on the first question. I ended up having to guess on all of the questions for that game because I ran out of time just trying to split the game or do something because I couldn't figure out why I couldn't even get the first question. Still don't understand it. Was there a specific inference that I just missed?

    1. It seemed very open to me, which is why I had some trouble with it. Tough LG's.

    2. With 12 minutes left when beginning the fourth game, I also got stuck and guessed.

    3. I had the same experience but I figured it out at the end I think. Under the conditions they had a couple comas that were awkwardly placed and changed the meaning of the sentence but I'm still pretty unsure about it overall.

    4. Commas? How so?

  21. I had LR(25), RC(27), LR(25), LG(23), LR(26). I'm assuming the last LR was not experimental because 26 would make it 101 questions. I hope the first LR is experimental, I found it to be very difficult.

    1. I definitely had two LR that were each 26 questions and one LR that was just 25 questions. Are you sure you had two LR that were 25 questions?

    2. I had LG LR LR LR RC. And I too found the first LR the most difficult I was really nervous during that section but kept it cool for the second and third section. I need someone to post a question from that hard logical reasoning section so I know whether or not to cancel my score!

  22. What did you guys think about the overall difficulty of the October LSAT? Is anyone planning on cancelling?

    1. I'm thinking about it. Only due to the LG! It just killed me.

  23. A girl in my testing room was feeling sick, and as she was being escorted out of the test room and passed by my desk, she collapsed into the arms of the escort. They eventually paused the test but for about two minutes they were trying to address her medical condition, right next to me. I felt really bad for her but it was also insanely distracting. Does the LSAC offer "condolence points" of some kind if an interruption like that occurs in your test?

  24. My order was LR.RC.LR.LG.LR, the first two LRs had 25 questions each and the last one had 26-27 whcih was also in my opinion the hardest. Which one was experimental and why? Also how do you know people whom had similar format didnt have a different order of LR sections?

    1. I had the same format. And I believe that the last LR section was the most difficult. However, I'm curious about whether or not its position in the order of sections contributed, in a marked way, to that LR section's overall difficulty -- real or perceived. I hope that that LR section was experimental because I'm inclined to believe that that was my weakest LR section.

  25. I had LG LG LR RC LR. Trying to figure out which was experimental...the games are all scrambled in my head. Any one know?

    1. I also had 2 logic games sections at the beginning. The second was experimental as all the other people I have discussed with do not remember those question. ( salad, fish, pasta) It sucks because I thought the second was much easier although I did finish both with 6 minutes left roughly. The first lg section had harder games but once I figured the last 2 out the answers came quickly.

  26. I had LR LR RC LG and LR. First LR seemed harder then third. Any thoughts one which one was experimental?

  27. Did anyone else think that this LSAT was harder than usual? I took Oct 2012 and did fine, went in feeling great but this test generally kicked my butt, esp, LG and RC

    1. You are definitely NOT alone! I have read tons of blogs. Even the people on TopLawSchool are stating that the test was difficult. There is tons of discussions on the higher than usual difficulty for the LG section.

  28. who is taking the December LSAT..? hahah :)

  29. My first real LSAT experience could not have gone worse! Within the first five minutes of starting, a girl threw up and psyched us all out. Next, there was construction on the building we were testing in throughout the test (drilling!!!). Also, I had to guess on numerous LG questions (I had two LG sections; one was absolutely horrid and the other was only a little less intimidating). I don't feel bad, but don't feel particularly good about the other sections. Debating on canceling. Any opinions?

    1. MAKE SURE YOU SUBMIT THIS TO THE LSAC BOARD ! if you don't cancel it and retake it and need to write an addendum it needs to be on file otherwise they'll toss it.

  30. I had two RCs, one I did well on and the other I totally messed up (they had the wrong end time on the board for half the section so I thought I had more time than I did). What RC did you guys have? I'm trying to decide if I should cancel :/

    1. I had 2 RCs as well. and I feel the same as you did.

  31. I didn't find the LG to be hard, but the fact that I had to go through another section of LR was just draining. Some of those questions were definitely challenging.

  32. I had RC experimental, and don't remember either of those LR questions

    1. Only cancel if your potential Law Schools average the scores. Most of the schools I will be applying to (in Canada), only look at your highest score. You may as well get your score in order to learn and gain insight... I am doing the same. I royally screwed up the LG section (usually don't). I will keep my score, even if it's as low as 160.

  33. Just got my score! 178!

    Just kidding!!! Lol

    1. You made me choke on water.

      Lol. I wish! Wouldn't it be great if scores came out that fast? Actually, it might not be that great.

    2. almost ran to check my account...

  34. Out of many practice tests I took. I found this lsat to be quite brutal. Debating whether or not to cancel or see my score and take it again.

  35. Is it just me?... I found the LG to be really easy. I thought RC was hard. I had three LR sections in a row which was draining.

    1. I found LG to be easy as well. And RC was tough for me.. I didn't like the comparative or last passage

    2. The logic games section was very easy. Finished with 5 mins to spare. The 25 question lr was very hard, among the hardest I've seen for the lsat. The 26 question lr was average difficulty. The rc was slightly harder than average.

    3. For me, the LG was the section that was toughest. Usually do well on it. I am completely stumped to see that people thought it was "very easy". I usually do quite well on this section (-2 to -3).

    4. I agree with you, I think my actual LG (I also had an experimental one) went okay with the exception of the substitution question on the first game. RC, which is typically hit or miss for me, was unfortunately very challenging. Could easily go -10 on RC alone, I don't even know.

    5. Completely agree which is a little nerve wracking, as I normally only do fair on lg -3 or so yet I found these very easy. Finished both my lg sections with more than 5 minutes left and was able to recheck some answers.

  36. Mine went LG LG LR LR RC. LG2 was experimental. LR, LR, RC seemed easier than usual, but LG1 sucked. I normally at -2 on LG, but I think I was minus 4/5. I am normally at -3 for RC, but I this one seemed much easier than normal. For LR, I hover around -1 to -3, and I am hoping I am closer to -1. This is going to be close........

    1. How do you know that the second one was experimental????

  37. Feeling horrified about RC section - had the experimental too (2nd sect.), which was obvi much easier.
    Feeling surprisingly alright about the LG section - agreed that it is difficult in the sense that it was very open set-ups, and as my first section, I could not phantom the idea that I must go through each answer choice to eliminate wrong ones... there isn't enough time!
    Feeling average about LR - just a toss, guessed for quite a few questions.

    Good Luck!

    How do you plan to kill time until results pop up in our inbox?

    1. doesn't ring a bell but don't quote me, my short-term memory lasts not even a day. how are you feeling about your lsat?

  38. I had LR RC LR LG LR. The first LR was killer with 25 questions, but I think it was because I freaked out when I started. The last two LRs were 26 questions, so one of them had to be the experimental otherwise it would be 102 questions. RC I think I did okay in, LG I finished but may have missed one. Do you guys think I should cancel? I did not use the strategies I usually use during LR sections but I was focused... I guessed on a lot more than I usually do (educated guesses). Thanks!

    1. I had the same order of sections on the test. I also freaked out during the first section and I was hoping that that would be the experimental, but I discovered that it's not and it actually counts :( I finished LG and RC on time as well, but I ended up guessing on a few LRs in the other sections. I was considering cancelling my score but I won't, and I don't think you should either. If this is your first time taking the test, I think it would be beneficial to see how you scored under the real pressure of the test. Also, if the schools that you are applying to look at your highest score, then you don't lose anything by taking it again (and doing better on December) and learning from this score.

  39. I had LR 25 - RC - LR 26 - LG - LR 26.....anyone who had this format know which one was experimental. I definitely found the last LR section to be much harder than the first two so i'm hoping that was experimental.

    1. the third was the experimental

  40. I felt pretty good about it. I'm 99.999% sure which LR of mine was exp. I found the games to be challenging, but manageable. The RC and LR seemed really quite easy to me. I finished all in about 20-25 minutes and had time to review everything. Although, I may have just bombed entirely. My prediction for me is RC: -2/-4, LR1: -2/-3, LR2: -2/-3, LG: -0/-1, so -6 at best, -11 at worst. Hoping for a -12 or more curve!

    1. you thought RC/LR were easy? do you remember specific qs?

  41. Question to you all: Would it be worth filing a test center complaint for my situation? Here is what happened: At the end of section 5, we had roughly 3 minutes remaining. However, the proctor called time and stopped us, and started collecting answer sheets. The proctor collected almost a third of the answer sheets before people finally spoke up and pointed out that we hadn't run out of time yet. The proctor was surprised, checked their stopwatch, and confirmed to us that it had just stopped working/gone off early. The answer sheets were then handed back to us, but the proctor wasn't sure how much time to give us to finish the section, and nobody had a precise answer. So the proctor gave us two more minutes to finish the section, but by then our concentration had been broken and it wasn't a satisfactory compromise.

    Is this worth reporting? My concern is that barring this mishap, I believe I did pretty well on the test. Is it possible that reporting this could delay my score, or otherwise have a negative impact on everyone's scores (like having them all cancelled before of improper procedure)? Would there be any positive impact?

    1. I was totally in your test. I am just letting it go.

    2. That said, if you get action I am totally piggybacking.

    3. Let me elaborate. The reason I'm letting it go is because, best case scenario, I get presented with the option to retake the test for free in December. But I would have to pick that option before I know what I got here. The proctor thing threw me off, but I don't think it derailed me enough to warrant canceling this grade. Worst case scenario, reporting it, even if I don't want to take the retake option, might cause LSAC to invalidate the test for the whole room, which I definitely don't want to have happen. If I thought what happened was egregious enough to seriously impact my grade here, and I would consider a cancel/retake anyway, then I would report it, but I'm just leaving well enough alone here.

    4. I was there too! I didn't think it was bad enough to mess up my score in any way though.

  42. I had LR, RC, LG, LG, LR. I am hoping the first LG was experimential. I actually circled one of the questions on the fourth game and wrote WTF?! Contradiction. Either I totally bombed and wrote the rules wrong or it was an actual contradiction. LG is my best section. As long as I finish, I usually get every question right. I was praying (literally) for an experimential LG section and now I am praying it was the third section.

    I felt pretty confident. I did not finish the RC, which I never do. But, I did finish both LR before time. I found it really hard to focus by the second one, though (fifth section). I kept looking at the clock and praying for them to call time by question 16. I had enough. Nevertheless I am hoping for somewhere in the 160's. I will be having nightmares until the score is released.

    1. I had the same sections. I'm pretty the third was the experimental from what other people have said (they only had one LG) Did you find the fourth section super hard?

    2. I had the same order as you too. After doing the first LG section I was ready to cancel my score as I normally find LG are the one thing I am consistantly good at. I ended up guessing for most of the last two games. Luckily that one was experiemental.
      But the second LG section I found to be a little odd but way easier then the first one. Definitely not worried about my score in that section.
      Just RC I found to be confusing and I managed to just finish as they called time. And LR I always struggle with but the last one I seemed to feel much better on, and the first one was a little rough.
      I am still debating on whether to cancel my score just because of the first half of the test, but glad the first LG won't count either way.

  43. My best section was hands down the LG, RC next and the first two LR I feel confident about, but that 5th section (3rd LR) kicked my butt. I hope I did better on it than I thought if it is one that counts...

  44. Anyone have 3 RCs???

    1. That's not possible. Do you mean 3 LR? Even if you had a RC experimental you'd only have had a total of 2 RC because there is only 1 scored RC section.

  45. will it be tomorrrrrow???

    1. I sure hope so!! I am assuming it will be by past release dates, but I can't wait until Wednesday!

  46. The wait is killing me. AHHH!!! Just give me a 165+

  47. I hope it's today!! I don't think I can handle much more of this uncertainty!!!!

  48. yeah seriously it has to be today

  49. does anyone know what time they usually release? If it's morning, I should probably stop checking my email ever 2 minutes and just wait for tomorrow...

  50. afternoon typically . in june i found out around 2/3

  51. In June I got my score shortly after 5 pm and my icons on the "LSAT Status" page in my LSAC account turned from green to grey 2-3 hours before that

  52. Would people care to be more specific? Not everyone lives in your time zone...

  53. 2/3 eastern time zone

  54. my productivity until the score release = 0

  55. Sorry, in June I got my score shortly after 5 pm EST

  56. Anybody have grey icons yet?

  57. I just got gray icons. I'm completely serious. I'm in Mass. at Brandeis. They turned gray at 2:30 p.m. EST.

  58. Just got grey icons as well. I'm in Chicago.

  59. Gray icons in Florida!

  60. Grey icons here too, chicago. I think our scores are coming today!

  61. The date just updated for the email date to be today. 10/28. Good luck everyone!

  62. grey icons too here in mexico city.

  63. I have grey as well (also at 2:30).

  64. I have grey in san francisco!

  65. My score email date now says 10/28.

  66. Grey in NYC! WOOOOO!

  67. I already was emailed my score in Nebraska.

  68. grey in slc utah!!

  69. Does anybody know if the email gets sent out first or if your lsac profile gets updated first?

    1. Apparently, the lsac profile is update and you'll receive the email around 45 seconds or so.

  70. Anybody know the curve yet?

  71. mine updated but i havent got my scores yet

  72. curve is supposedly confirmed at -12. source TLS.

  73. Is that a good curve?

  74. About average I guess. The curve never varies much, and unless you're regularly shooting for 170's I don't think it would affect your score much.
