
February 2014 LSAT Score Release Dates

LSAT Blog February 2014 LSAT Score Release Dates
Good luck to everyone taking the February 2014 LSAT!

The February 2014 LSAT scores / results are scheduled to be released via email by Wednesday, March 5, 2014, so you'll have to wait for your LSAT score.

However, the scores usually come out a bit earlier than scheduled.

Let's look at the trend over the past several years (click to enlarge):

LSAT Blog February 2014 LSAT Score Release Dates

I've never heard of them coming back on the scheduled release date itself. As you can see, LSAC is taking longer and longer to release February LSAT scores (a general trend that is true of other LSAT administrations over the past few years). I believe that Monday, March 3, and Tuesday, March 4, are the most likely score release dates based on the above.

"But at what time specifically do scores come on score release days? I need to know when to constantly refresh my email / LSAC account!"

In batches over the course of several hours. Likely starting late in the day (Eastern Time).

No one knows how the batches are organized, if at all.

The batches do not seem to be organized in any of these ways:

alphabetical/regional/high-to-low scores/low-to-high scores/test center #, etc.

Wish everyone all the best!


See other LSAT score release dates posts and read about admissions.


Please feel free to vent and discuss your general thoughts on the exam in the comments, but no specifics about particular questions themselves, please. (LSAC doesn't permit such discussion.)


  1. Any opinions re: the curve? I am not thrilled with how that test went...

    1. I got 2 games so my Game is experimental. smh the last game was a killer :(

    2. I wonder how having a relatively "hard" section of games factors into the curve. I also felt like I choked badly on the second and third games, and from what I'm hearing a lot of people felt about the same. Hopefully, we're in -14 territory on this one.

    3. Cannot agree with you more. I have been praying that the last set of games was the experimental.

  2. That was not good. Game #4 big surprise. RC maybe my own fault.

  3. Can anyone shed light as to which LR sections were real? I had 3 of them.

  4. that was the hardest lsat ive ever seen. WOW

  5. for those of you who had only ONE LG section, was there a game about clockwise seating people??? please reply!!!!!

    1. It's safe to say that the easy LG section was experimental... I mean come on... it was a cake walk. I knew it couldn't be the real thing... it was a dream section.

    2. That LG game ruined my life!!!!

  6. so that was REAL? NOT EXPERIMENTAL????? NO JOKE???? someone said they didn't have this one.......and they only had 1 lg section and 3 lr and 1 rc so the lr was the experimental for them....

    1. the nightmare LG was real ... trust me. Everyone had it. and the easy LG section was too good to be true.

    2. The table question wasn't that difficult. I wish I hadn't left it for last.

    3. how many questions were in the real LG section? Anyone remember?

  7. That was brutal. Here's hoping for a forgiving curve. Cheers everyone!

  8. Was it just me or was the RC unusually hard?

  9. I thought LR sections were all pretty easy. RC threw me a bit. LG 8 people clockwise was a big surprise in a BAD way. I don't think i'll be getting the score I hoped for.

  10. I had LR RC LR LG LR. Which LR was experimental?

    1. No idea. Not so easy to remember which questions were on which LR sections. For what it's worth, I thought my 1st. LR section was delightfully easy. Finished with 5 full minutes to spare. Then 2nd was slightly above average difficulty. Then 3rd was average.

    2. Ha, I thought the same, except with the 1st and 3rd sections switched.

  11. Replies
    1. Same here. Here's to hoping that the second LR was experimental! The first and last I thought were cake.

    2. I had the same setup and also thought the second LR was harder. Has anyone been able to figure out if that was in fact the experimental section? Fingers crossed...

    3. Had that setup as well and thought the first was very easy, second medium, third difficult - may have just been cause it was last though

    4. The first LR was the experimental one.

    5. If that's true Halleluyar! I didn't have a good feeling about the first game. It had to be the first or the third because they each had 25 questions and the second had 27 IIRC. It took me a section or two to get used to the minuscule desk on which I had to take my test. I couldn't even fit the opened test booklet on it.

    6. same here i hope the second logical reasoning game was experieimental... can scores come already

  12. For those who had two LGs. Did you guys feel like the first LG was SUPER easy but the second was SUPER difficult? NOT FAIR.

  13. Had LR RC LR LG LR
    Really hoping first LR was one of the real ones as it was easy AF. Anyone know if experimentals tend to be easier/harder, from what I understand they're almost always in the first three sections.

    1. I also had the same setup. From what I can tell from previous LSATs is that there is usually an easier LR and a more difficult LR. So I am betting the tougher LR (section 3), counted and the first LR was exp.

    2. I'm not sure...I had the same, but I felt there was a very substantial difficulty difference between all three. Section 1 was easy, Section 3 was normal, and Section 5 was very hard. I got the sense that Section 5 was experimental cause it did not feel organized in the traditional way (i.e. easy to harder).

    3. That's kind of the way I felt about the first section, like they were messing with the whole ramping up of difficulty thing. Maybe some people got the experimental LR first. Apparently the practice of placing the experimental section within the first 3 sections only was abandoned in 2011.

  14. Sorry to sound like such a "newby" but this is the first blog I've found on the LSAT and didn't research too much on it before I took it; is it scaled in the typical way? If someone ONLY missed one question, say, they'd only scale the others that one question, etc..

  15. I had LR RC LR LG RC. I've heard the first LR was experimental. Is that true?

    1. maybe a typo, but your section list implies that one of the RC's was experimental, not one of the LR's

    2. Yup, sorry, typo: LR RC LR LG LR

    3. well then I HOPE the first LR was not experimental. very easy. we know it was either the first or the second. definitely not the third.

    4. It was the first that was experimental

    5. ^Why do you say that?

    6. One of the LG was experimental, not sure which one though

  16. Very depressed after finding out the 5th LG was not experimental that might of just ruined everything hope there is a nice curve. Did feel that rc was a little tough.

  17. I took the December LSAT and today's LSAT and I think December was easier. Anyone else take December LSAT?

    1. Yes I thought december LSAT was easier. But then I had tons of unforced errors on RC and LRs that I don't normally have, and my score dipped anyway. And THAT curve was -12 for 170 if I recall. So I'm hoping for an even bigger curve on this Feb. LSAT.

    2. December was WAYYYYYYYY easier. What do we think the curve will be?

    3. Wasn't December's curve already -14? That was definitely a hard one. Not sure if the curve could possibly get any bigger than that though...

  18. Can the folks who only had 2 LR sections shed any light on which ones were real for us with 3? I know this is much harder to remember than RC and LG, but anything you can think of?

  19. Which section was your 26q?

  20. The hardest LR was experimental for those with 3 LR sections.

    1. what was your order?
      which one was most difficult?

    2. Hey can you explain this please? Have heard a lot of conflicting accounts on which LR was experimental.

  21. Several students brought bananas for a snack during break, but oddly our proctor had us initial our bananas, then she collected them and put them in the corner until break time. "No, you may not keep your banana under your seat." What is that about?!

    1. that is one of the weirdest things I've heard

    2. This proctor must have had a bad experience with a test taker's banana... only explanation.

    3. she didn't want anyone to trip and fall....or didn't want anyone to "go bananas" after the first

  22. I think the February 2014 test was a bit difficult.

  23. From what I've seen it seems very likely that, at least for those that had LR RC LR LG LR, that the placement (1,3,5) of the scored LR sections varied even for people that had 3 LR's.


    1. I had the exact same format and also found the section 5 LG to be very difficult and non traditional!! I felt the first three sections were fairly easy and then the second LR was slightly harder and the LG was absurd

    2. Same!!!!! The third LG was the experimental which is so unfair. But I definitely felt the last two sections were difficult compared to the first 3. Which is exactly what I felt happened with December.

  25. Okay people... I feel like crying. I thought because my last section (LG) was so stinking hard that it was the experimental! AHHH!!! I guessed B the whole way down, because I was almost positive it wasn't the real one!

  26. I had the nightmare LG section as section 2. My section 5 LG was the easy one. Really hoping that nightmare section is experimental because it was way out of bounds difficult compared to any previous exams i practiced with.

  27. To everyone wondering about the difficult LG section and if it was experimental or not....I had one LG section and it was ridiculously hard. The hard one will be definitely be the graded one, unfortunately. Sad Face :(

  28. I thought this test was easier but these posts make me think i just evaluated myself wrong

  29. Oh my goodness! So happy I found this blog! I've been having all of the same feelings/questions. I never knew anything about a curve so that makes me feel happy! I'm just so ready for the scores to come back already! Checking my email every 4 seconds lol. Best to you all!!!

  30. I want to get my stinking scores back NOW!!! lol... and not because I feel like I did well. I actually feel very badly about how I did, but I want the waiting to be over. I want to get it out of the way and sign up for the June LSAT. :( I am not applying for this year anyhow... I am for Fall 2015. I don't grad until next May in undergrad.

  31. Hey reading around and some people seem hopeful that LSAC will post this weekend? Is it even possible for LSAC to post scores on a Saturday or Sunday?

  32. @ 10:05 PM -Yes, they have come out on Saturday before, but it is unlikely

  33. Hi there. I'm wondering whether the LSAT is a new version, or if I can just buy materials for the 2012 version to study. I remember when I tried to take it in 2009 I had to buy new materials because they were updating the test that year. Do you know how often LSAC does that, and if so, should I be on the lookout for something for 2014? Thanks!! - M.

  34. I would suggest buying the most current LSAT prep tests you can find. The LSAT has changed since 2012 (i,e. Logic games and the angle of the RC and LR). I took the Feb. 2014 LSAT and found my 2010 and 2011 material to be insufficient compared to my 2013 prep material.

  35. Does anyone think the scores might be coming today? I feel like a fool constantly refreshing. If I should just stop, someone please say so.

  36. We've gone gray! This is not a drill!

  37. Replies
    1. when did you get your score? they haven't sent mine yet

  38. when did you get your score? they haven't sent mine

  39. are we all going to get our scores at the same time? I am freaking out cause I haven't gotten mine yet!!!

  40. scores wont reach everyone at the same time!

  41. but you got yours today and you took the feb 8, 2014 lsat???

  42. For my June test, the icons went gray and people started getting their scores at different times- depending on what part of the country/testing center. Everyone seemed to get theirs within about two hours of one another.

  43. oh okay. they changed the email score date from 3/5/2014 to 3/2/2014 so I am freaking out!!! I live in Cali and took the test here, it's already 1pm.....the lsac is closed today as well. How did you do on your LSAT?

  44. I was in LA when I took my June LSAT and my score arrived about 40 min. after the first kids started getting theirs; I knew because a lot of people were posting on this blog

  45. Thats where I took my test at UCLA. I haven't heard anyone say they got their test scores yet. :(
    Was the june test hard?

  46. I thought it felt like any other LSAT but according to my score it was harder than I thought, haha. Is this your first LSAT Andrea? Are you applying to enter law school in 2015?

  47. This is my first LSAT and I already sent all my applications for 2014.....I am prior military and the schools sent emails and called saying they would wait for my score. I have the Navy background and a 3.93 GPA for undergrad.....I need a good score so I can go to school. I am freaking out some people on another blog got their test scores, but not me! This is brutal!


  49. Well, how did ya do? I am impatiently waiting!!!! :) Did you do good! I hope so!

  50. I received my score around 2 pm. Bummed but now I get back at it again and reach for my goal. 6-9 months is ideal for study and prep time I knew 3 months wasn't enough so I guess I wasn't totally shocked but I did shed a tear or two. Hope everyone did well!

  51. 179!!! The last game was hard

  52. Brutal. Crying. There either wasn't a curve or it hurt me very very much.
    Never scored so low

  53. Will be retaking in June. 144. Not ashamed! Just happy to have accomplished something. Best to you all :) experience is the best teacher!

  54. Highest score I've ever gotten, 6 points above my practice test scores and 4 points above my december. My friend scored 4 points above normal as well. I just wish they would tell us where we scored and where we didn't

  55. Does anyone know why the answers have not posted?


    The LSAT does NOT measure the quality of attorney you will become or your IQ. This test is created by psychologist who created mind-trick questions with a time constraint that NO practicing attorney ever deals with. Nor are there any questions related to the practice of law, when there should be. The MCAT actually gives questions related to the medical profession - but the LSAT does not do the same for the legal profession. I didn't do great on the LSAT, but I am at the top of my class at law school. Don't let anyone talk you out of law school and do not ever believe that going to a top tier law school is the answer. I see Harvard and Yale grads lose in court to non-ABA grads ALL THE TIME. Not to mention there are "crummy" law school grads that pass the bar the first time - where Ivy-League people do not, on the same day. Furthermore, on some sites you can see the GPA and LSAT scores of individuals who were accepted and denied. There are people with 170+ scores and a 3.7+ who don't get in WHILE a person with a 2.5 GPA and 133 LSAT get in. Chin-up and stay positive! It's not how smart you are - it's how hard you work!


    2. It is the truth.

    3. Went from a 135 three years ago, paid 700 for a prep corse and got a 136. Depressed is an understatement, I am simply crushed.

    4. @136 above, I feel for you. In practice I was in the 155 - 160 range. I first scored a 138. Retook it and scored a 144. The time constraint throws me off. If you sneeze you just lost a couple precious If I spent $2,000 on a tutor I have no doubt I would be in the 165 range - but it's neither here nor there. Let me just say that once you get into law school - you soon realize that those scores do not matter anymore and you see people who scored very high - drop out after their first year. There are people in my class that scored very high that can't brief a case properly for the life of

  57. Has anyone received their complete Item Response Report?

    1. The February LSAT never releases the answers like the others. I do not know why. Maybe someone can chime in and answer...

    2. Apparently they like to keep some questions secret so they can reuse them for Sabbath test takers and other stuff.

  58. i got a 154 . Very disappointed. did anyone think the first logic game was fake?
    and does anyone know how many questions i would have gotten correct with 154 lsat?
    Good luck to everyone who is retaking! We can do this.

  59. @154.. Sorry for your disappointment. I only had 5 weeks to study. While going to school and working fulltime. Also, on my very first section I had a bubbling incident, which led to me not being able to concentrate on the remaining sections. Honestly, I wanted to get up and walk out. That said, I concentrated the best I could (which was NONE) and guessed along the way. Which resulted in a 137. I am disgusted with my score but I do know I will NOT make the same mistake twice. I learned A LOT from that experience. Please don't beat yourself up with your score. That Feb. LSAT was a BEAST!!! Good Luck in June and YES WE WILL DO THIS!!!!!

  60. I got a 167, this lsat was way easier than December's

  61. Most people on the various forums do not agree. Good for you!

  62. For most of you who received a 160 and above. I just want to know how did you guys do it? How long have you guys studied for? How many hours a day? Any prep courses? And is this your first score? This was my first time taking the LSAT I got a score of a 133 I kind of felt deep in my gut that I didn't do good but I didn't think I did that bad. I took a 3 month prep course and had a winter session (because I am still finishing up my undergrad) I spent 3 + hours almost every day just going through the books and prep tests. I'm thinking if I hear from the people who received such great scores how you guys prepared maybe it will help me for my study for the June test. I really would love to be in that score range I am even happy with a 155-160 but I just need some encouragement I am very depressed about this but trying to stay positive for June test.

    1. I received a 160 on the Feb LSAT. I self studied with prep books from my local public library for 2 months. I started studying around final exam time, so when I started, I was studying maybe 5 to 8 hours a week and then in January, I was studying about 10-12 hours a week. I studied LG for 3 weeks, LR for 2-3 weeks, RC for 2 weeks, and the final weeks I just reviewed, doing whole sections of tests. I did 2 full practice tests before my exam. My advice is to come up with a rigorous study schedule, stick to it, and stay positive. Towards the end of my studying, I studied with a close friend, with whom I knew wasn't competitive and where we could both motivate each other to put in the time to study. You can definitely do it!

  63. I received a 165 on the Dec LSAT, and I had missed an entire game (miscoded a sequencing rule, argh). I did not take the Feb, but I wanted to answer the above's question. I did not prep with a course. I think courses would be a good recommendation if you are not quick or great at pattern recognition. I feel that's where the courses may benefit and provide shortcuts to individuals. If you are very good at naturally realizing, organizing, and figuring out patterns, then I think you can prep on your own.

    I took a long time getting acquainted with logic games, then one day, it all made sense and became more natural to me. I was worried for a long time if I would ever become quick and snazzy with the games. I assure you, though, if you don't give up, eventually it will all congeal and make sense, even though it may take months. Logic arguments came the most natural to me, but it took dedication in reducing my margin of errors with specific argument types. In the end, I probably had the most trouble with honing my reading time. The passages in some exams are so dense. I needed to get down the basic structure of the science passages, and then I did much better. Hopefully this helps a little bit. Just trying to help!
