Advertise on LSAT Blog | Now Open to Submissions!

LSAT Blog Red Bull Racing CarThis blog post is intended for my non-LSAT-taking readership. For the most part, I mean people in the law school admissions community.

I've decided to devote a bit of space on the LSAT Blog sidebar to paid advertisements in the form of banner ads (175 width x 75 height in pixels).

Don't worry, dear readers. They won't be too big or too in-your-face. Nothing like the above picture. They'll be the same size as the Best LSAT Prep Books image at the top of the left sidebar.

As part of my commitment to your LSAT and law school admissions success, I will only accept ads for products/services/websites that I believe are useful. Nothing sketchy. Additionally, all ads will be clearly labeled as such (more on that below).

I expect interested advertisers might include, but are not limited to, the following:

-admission consultants
-admission-related websites
-personal statement / essay editors
-law schools
-law school prep companies
-anything related to pre-laws, college students, recent grads
-anything related to law school
-Red Bull?

Potential advertisers, please email me:

* A bit about yourself
* Your URL
* Brief description of your site/business
* Desired sidebar ad placement
* Amount you're willing to pay for a month of advertising for each ad slot that interests you
* Specific months, and number of months, you'd like your ad to run

(I expect that the closer an ad slot is to the top of the page, the more demand there will be for it, and the higher the price will be.)

You'll design the banner ad yourself (as a jpg or png). The words "what's this?" will appear directly below your banner with a link back to this blog post.

Looking forward to your submissions!

Photo by e01