LSAT Study Schedules That Give You A Plan Of Attack
(so you don't waste time on mindless Internet scrolling and other distractions)
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Steve.
When I started studying for the LSAT, I didn't know anyone else who'd taken it. So, here's the "brilliant" way I approached it:
1. Find the best LSAT test prep resources available
2. Create a plan of attack to learn, practice, and master LSAT concepts
3. Buy a bunch of practice tests
4. Execute the study plan
5. Take the practice tests and watch my scores shoot through the roof!
- Take a bunch of practice tests
- Get depressed about my low scores
- Repeat
This was my bedroom floor:
God, I was so stupid it makes me want to cry.
Turns out, you can’t improve your score by just taking the test over and over. You have to actually LEARN THE CONCEPTS on the tests (shocking, I know).
And if I wanted to learn the concepts, I had to figure out HOW to study. Because despite my best efforts, osmosis just wasn’t cutting it.
After a rather rough period of trial and error, I hit upon the formula that would eventually prove to be wildly successful. Here it is in a nutshell:
1. Find the best LSAT test prep resources available
2. Create a plan of attack to learn, practice, and master LSAT concepts
3. Buy a bunch of practice tests
4. Execute the study plan
5. Take the practice tests and watch my scores shoot through the roof!
Putting My Plan Into Action
I assumed Step One would be easy. So I fired up the ol’ Google and read every blog, forum, and article I could find about the LSAT.
But I had one MASSIVE PROBLEM – it was virtually impossible to find resources that explained the test in a way that made sense to me. And even worse, much of the advice I read conflicted with other advice.
My Epiphany
It was like a switch flicked in my brain and I became one with the test. I could finally make sense of the dizzying amount of information that is the LSAT curriculum. And even better – I knew how I could remember and understand it.
It was a long time coming. I bought every LSAT book I could find and every practice LSAT ever released. I studied on and off for a year and wasted a lot of time. But eventually, I cracked the LSAT code and learned what I needed to know in order to feel comfortable going into the test.
But I didn’t want my new superpower to go to waste. I started working as a private LSAT instructor and learned that my students were struggling the same way I had.
They needed to know HOW to study, not just WHAT to study.
I made these day-by-day study plan courses because they're the methods I wish I had used starting day one. Not only would I have been able to study a lot more efficiently, but I would have been able to stop procrastinating and finally take the LSAT a lot sooner.
My study plans eliminate all the guesswork. These courses lay out SPECIFICALLY what to do. Every. Single. Day.
No more falling asleep while reading a boring prep book.
Just me, walking you through everything in person (well, online), whenever you’re ready to start.
The LSAT study plan courses are for you:
- if you want to finally start studying for the LSAT but are unsure of how to take that first step
- if you've attempted to study but are having trouble sticking with it
- if you need a regular schedule to keep you accountable and make sure you're on track
“Awesome! I’m in! What’s my investment in these LSAT study plan courses?”
These aren’t pie-in-the-sky numbers. They’re based on REAL scores from my REAL satisfied students.
My top-tier day-by-day study plan course is only $497/month. It's a small price to pay for expert guidance that's practically guaranteed to boost your scores.
Thousands of LSAT students have used my study plans since I first released them. And I keep them all up-to-date, so they're relevant for anyone studying to take the 4-section online LSAT.
My day-by-day study schedules literally produce results like these all the time (I've bolded the relevant parts):
My top-tier day-by-day study plan course is only $497/month. It's a small price to pay for expert guidance that's practically guaranteed to boost your scores.
Thousands of LSAT students have used my study plans since I first released them. And I keep them all up-to-date, so they're relevant for anyone studying to take the 4-section online LSAT.
My day-by-day study schedules literally produce results like these all the time (I've bolded the relevant parts):
"The LSAT Blog has been an invaluable resource. I purchased the day-by-day LSAT study plan and it was the best money I've ever spent in my life." - Michela F., 148 to 163
"I found that on my second attempt using a day-by-day LSAT study schedule was the most important thing. For the previous exam I had simply given myself tasks that were to be completed by the end of the week. With procrastination kicking in here and there, this method often left me behind on my work...I have seen many speak of a “20 point ceiling”, about how, when it comes to the LSAT you “either have it or you don’t”, but this just isn’t so—and my experience can attest to that." - Dan, 141 to 168
"I purchased your day-by-day schedule and followed it to the best of my ability while working full time. In the end, I managed to increase my score from 148 to 161, above my target score of 160. Your website, blog posts and responsiveness to my questions was absolutely essential to my success. Thank you so much for doing what you do." - Anthony R."Steve is a fantastic person and resource for our community, and I want to give him as much good PR as I can. The mere idea that one can avoid a thousand-dollar prep course with a study schedule is unreal to me. Actually, the idea that more people don’t take advantage of this is unreal to me." - Ellen C., 174, accepted to Harvard Law
"I started Steve’s study schedule and within a matter of weeks I was feeling comfortable with linear games...I scored a 158 on my first timed practice test and scored a 172 (99th percentile)...I was just accepted to my dream school, University of Virginia School of Law." - JT
By following my study plans, a bunch of these students improved their scores by 10-20 points or more over a just few months. I'd say that's a PRETTY GOOD INVESTMENT!!!
Obviously, not everyone is going to have immediate success like Michela or Dan. My goal is that the AVERAGE person ends up with a 5-10 point score increase from following the schedule for one month, and 10-15 points from their investment in 2-3 months because of my help.
This is the rock-solid commitment I want to live up to with my study plan courses.
"These guides would be particularly helpful to those who are also working full-time or part-time while preparing for the LSAT; using one of these schedules could be a great way to make sure you’re staying on track and not losing momentum as the test approaches. No matter your situation, though, these schedules can help you feel more in control of the LSAT prep process -- and that feeling just may be priceless." - Michelle Fabio (law school admission counselor and former Law School Guide)

Choose From 3 Different Options For 3 Different Budgets
Pick an option from the list below, depending on your needs and budget, and get started today.
Once you join, you'll get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the entire library of study plan course videos, so you can start studying immediately!
Study Plan Pro
Designed for students who want the greatest level of access and personalization
If you want the best study plan resources I've created and unparalleled access to personalized instruction, Study Plan Pro is definitely the best study plan course to boost your LSAT score and get into the law school of your dreams. Aside from everything in the other study plan courses below, you'll also get live online classes, priority support, and access to dozens of on-demand Mastermind sessions.
I design these live classes around your needs and requests, so you get to ask your most pressing questions without having to pay for private coaching. It's better than having a private tutor and 1/3 the cost.
There's a reason most of my successful students (those with the biggest score increases) joined Study Plan Pro.
Here's the lowdown:
- EXCLUSIVE Foolproof LSAT Prep System...that’s more effective than your current LSAT routine ($1,000/month value for the time it'll save you from this point on in your studying)
- EXCLUSIVE LSAT Study Sessions Proven To Increase Your Score More Than Doing It Alone...adjusted to your needs so you never go too fast, plateau, or risk burnout ($2,000/month value)
- Improve in 5 Min Busy Student Quick-Start Study anyone can increase their score even if they have no time ($600/month value from getting 20 hours per week back)
- The Ultimate Improve While You're Working or In School Study Blueprint...for getting amazing study sessions in without blocking off time so you can still get it done ($199/month value)
- The "Never Quit" Accountability System...the unparalleled system that works without your permission (it's even gotten students who hate studying to look forward to showing up) ($1,000/month value)
- BONUS The "Live It Up While Buckling Down" Prep System that will give you the freedom to still see friends and live life without feeling like the "odd one out" ($349/month value)
Total value: $5,148/month (!) All for only $497/month.
Study Plan Basic
Designed for students aiming to score in the mid-160s or 170s
This is a much better value than Study Plan Lite, and it gives you a ton of LSAT prep material.
Aside from getting all the study plans, you'll also get exclusive access to every on-demand Mastermind session.
Here's the lowdown:
- Improve in 5 Min Busy Student Quick-Start Study anyone can increase their score even if they have no time ($600/month value from getting 20 hours per week back)
- The Ultimate Improve While You're Working or In School Study Blueprint...for getting amazing study sessions in without blocking off time so you can still get it done ($199/month value)
- The "Never Quit" Accountability System...the unparalleled system that works without your permission (it's even gotten students who hate studying to look forward to showing up) ($1,000/month value)
- BONUS The "Live It Up While Buckling Down" Prep System that will give you the freedom to still see friends and live life without feeling like the "odd one out" ($349/month value)
Total value: $2,148/month (!) All for only $297/month.
Study Plan Lite
Designed for students aiming to score in the 150s or low 160s
I created this option to give as many people as possible access to my help. It's a good choice if you want to supplement your prep.
It gives you full on-demand access to my day-by-day study plan course with foundational video lessons covering each section of the exam.
It includes:
- The "Never Quit" Accountability System...the unparalleled system that works without your permission (it's even gotten students who hate studying to look forward to showing up) ($1,000/month value)
- BONUS The "Live It Up While Buckling Down" Prep System that will give you the freedom to still see friends and live life without feeling like the "odd one out" ($349/month value)
Total value: $1,349/month (!) All for only $277/month.
My day-by-day study plan courses show you:
- everything you need to do
- exactly what to do each day, and in what order
- the videos to watch and material to read before attempting specific LSAT questions
- the specific LSAT questions you should solve and when to do them
Don't miss out on these valuable resources that could hold the key to the score you need.
You can spend the next few months reading random blog posts and forums, or you can spend less than $300/month to have it professionally explained for you.
Let me save you the trouble of figuring out exactly what to do, so you can just get down to business right away.
Use these courses to spend less time worrying about whether you're on track, and spend more time studying, sleeping, and maybe even seeing your friends every once in a while (a radical idea, I know).
Still Not Convinced?
Join With Confidence:
100% 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
I want to make “LSAT Unplugged” a completely risk-free path to your goals.
I've rigorously tested my materials with thousands of students. And I know my methods work. That’s why I'm confident these courses will help you improve your LSAT scores (no matter where you’re at) and get into the law school of your dreams.
So let's make this a no-brainer...
I can’t guarantee you’ll hit your goals right away (I can't study FOR you). But I CAN guarantee to deliver as much value and service as I can to support you on this journey. If you don't feel like I deliver that level of service, I’ll give you a full refund the day you tell me so.
Whether it’s 29 minutes or 29 days from now… If you're not happy with “LSAT Unplugged” FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER and want your money back...
…All you have to do is email within the first 30 days and say “gimme my money.”
And I’ll send it right back to you within 24 hours (likely much faster).
So Why Not Take A Look Inside And THEN Decide?
I’m not asking you to decide yes or no today…
You wouldn’t buy a house without first doing a walk-through, would you?
In the same way, the only way you can truly make a fully informed decision about this course is from the inside. Thanks to my 30-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee, you can join risk-free now…
The only way you can make a fully informed decision is from the inside, not the outside. So get inside the courses and see if everything I say on this website is true and valuable to you.
…And decide if you want to keep it later.
If it’s not for you, no hard feelings.
Why would I do such a thing? Have I gone completely CRAZY?
At least after you join, you'll be able to make a fully informed decision that this isn’t for you.
But you can’t make this decision right now for the same reason you don't buy a house without first taking a look inside.
I like to think people are inherently honest. And because I'm confident that when you join, you'll see you’re getting exactly what you need to increase your LSAT score and drastically improve your odds of getting into a top law school.
Best case is you get into the law school of your dreams. And the worst case is you get your full refund, free access to my LSAT courses, and end back up exactly where you are right now.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How much time do I need to have available to study?
-The 1-month day-by-day study plan assumes you're able to intensively study for the LSAT full-time.
-The other study plans all assume you're studying at least 10-15 hours per week. Of course, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out!
-The 1-month day-by-day study plan assumes you're able to intensively study for the LSAT full-time.
-The other study plans all assume you're studying at least 10-15 hours per week. Of course, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out!
-When you join, you will automatically get access to ALL the study plans on all different timelines, whether you're taking the LSAT in 1 month, 6 months, or anywhere in-between! I also include plenty of guidance for those on longer timelines.
What else do I need?
All that's truly necessary in order to benefit from this course are actual LSAT PrepTests, which must be purchased separately due to LSAC's licensing. However, you can easily find affordable copies on Amazon or (even better) get them in the online LSAT format exclusively through LSAC's LawHub.
While you can substitute other LSAT PrepTests for the ones listed in the schedules, it would definitely be a good idea to complete the newest exams before taking the LSAT!
Try It Out Risk-Free Now!
Attn: Special “Hardship” Offer!
50% Scholarship For Verification Of LSAC Fee Waiver Approval
Everyone should have a fair shot at law school, regardless of financial background. That’s why I give an automatic 50% scholarship to anyone who submits verification of an LSAC fee waiver approval. Be sure to contact LSAC as soon as possible to begin the fee waiver process… It can take several weeks to be approved.
(Please Note: “Conditional approval" doesn't count.)
Once you're approved, just forward me LSAC's verification and let me know which course package you'd like. I'll then share a unique link for you to join with the scholarship applied.
Attn: Special “Military” Offer!
50% Scholarship For All Active And Former U.S. Military Personnel
“LSAT Unplugged” is proud to support American vets!
Get a 50% scholarship if you served (or are currently serving) in our Armed Forces.
In order to receive your scholarship, please email me related documentation (with sensitive information removed, of course). Let me know which course package you'd like. I'll then share a unique link for you to join with the scholarship applied.
Attn: Special “Public Service” Offer!
10% Scholarship For Commitment To Serving A Good Cause
For many of us, entering the legal field is about building a better world! So yes, I also give a 10% scholarship for anyone who pledges to devote their career to public interest work.
Email me a sentence or two sharing what you plan to do after graduation, and let me know which course package you'd like. I'll then share a unique link for you to join with the scholarship applied.
These scholarships are valid on all of my LSAT courses. Any questions? Please call or text me -- 646.657.8357.
Listen, Getting A Better Score On The LSAT Is The Fastest Path To Getting Into A Better Law School
And getting into a better law school means that, on average, you’ll EARN A HIGHER SALARY once you graduate. Higher by a lot more than just the price of “LSAT Unplugged” — possibly even a starting salary increase of $50,000 or $60,000 per year!
Or, if you’re more interested in making a difference than making money, that ticket to a better law school might give you a better shot at getting the job you ACTUALLY WANT once you graduate…
…Potentially SHAVING YEARS OFF YOUR JOURNEY towards transforming the private prison system…
…Or holding oil and gas companies accountable when they beat up the environment…
…To do WHATEVER you’re setting out to do with your life.
EVEN JUST 5 MORE POINTS could be the difference between your dream school and your safety school...
Getting your dream job when you graduate or “just paying the bills.”
And Remember, Joining “LSAT Unplugged” Is 100% Risk-Free
That means you can “try it out for a month,” THEN decide if it's right for you.If you don't love it, I'll refund 100% of your money for the month. And you can cancel anytime….But I'm confident this will help you improve your LSAT score and streamline the path of you getting into the law school of your dreams. So let's get this started!
"The LSAT schedule provided by Steve went up on the wall. My first PrepTest was a 150 with each timed full test, I was pleased to see my scores rising until I pulled a 172...UPDATE: I got my LSAT score yesterday and was thrilled to find out that I got a 175. I really want to thank you for all the information you put on your blog and for offering the study schedule that I followed. There's not enough I can say to thank you." - Lisa, improved from 150 to 175
P.S. The day-by-day study plan courses when used as part of my Elite LSAT course are an unbeatable combination. (Study Plan Pro is automatically included with the Elite course.)
P.P.S. I honestly don't know anyone else who offers a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee on their LSAT courses. You might think I'm crazy for doing it, but I believe most people are honest and won't try to take advantage. (No one's tried to cash in on it yet.)
P.P.P.S. If you're NOT ready to start your LSAT prep...then please don't join.
P.P.P.S. If you're NOT ready to start your LSAT prep...then please don't join.
The Links To Join, One More Time: