LSAT PrepTest 44 Section 3 Question 7 Explanation | Logic Games

I didn't write the following blog post. It was already on the blog when I took over the URL. The following blog post may contain mistakes. -Steve


Here's a Logic Games question from the October 2004 LSAT.

These kinds of questions (which could be correct) are really common on the games, with one seeming to show up on almost every game I've done. However, I don't think we've ever done one here on the blog so, even though they're somewhat basic, I thought we should tackle one. A diagram is not exactly what we want on this's easier to just look at the rules and eliminate answer choices on questions like this. So, let's jump right in. (The letters are just symbols for the dog whose name begins with that letter.)

A is out because of the first rule, which says L and P must go together. We can eliminate C because the second rule says that G and H can't go together. B is out because of the 2nd rule, which says that if K is on Monday, G is on Tuesday (which is not obeyed by this answer choice). D is out because the last rule says that if S goes on Wednesday, H goes on Tuesday. So E is correct.


1. On questions that ask which one of the following arrangements could be correct (like this one), which are common and often the first question in a game (as it was here), don't be too quick to diagram. Diagramming always works of course, and you could've used it here, but on this type of question, just look at the rules and eliminating answer choices based on that is usually easier.

2. Notice that here we eliminated answer choices by looking at the rules in order, not looking at each answer choice and then trying to find the rule that might eliminate it. I think this is faster (less searching through the rules), but your preference may be different, which is fine. Go with what works for you.

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