LSAT PrepTest 44 Section 3 Question 9 Explanation | Logic Games

I didn't write the following blog post. It was already on the blog when I took over the URL. The following blog post may contain mistakes. -Steve


Here's a Logic Games question from the October 2004 LSAT.

According to the rules:

1) If P is on Tuesday, L must be also.

2) We know S must be on Monday, since a rule says that if it's on Wed., H is on Tues., and we know that cannot be true (and we know S can't be on Tues. either).

3) K must be on Wednesday, since Tues. is occupied and if it were on Mon., G would have to be on Tues. (according to the rules) even though Tues. is filled.

Let's make a diagram made of a table and symbols based on that:

Tuesday: LP
Wednesday: K

Fortunately, even though we haven't completed the diagram, we've eliminated all the choices but A already, so A is correct.


Use a diagram made of symbols in a table to answer most LSAT Logic Games. They're quick, easy, and very accurate. As was the case here, you will sometimes arrive at an answer before you've even finished diagramming. This is great, stop diagramming if this is the case. There's no point in doing so if you've already eliminated all the wrong answer choices.

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