February 2012 LSAT Scores Released

As you know, February 2012 LSAT scores were finally released yesterday. Hope you all rocked it!

Unfortunately, LSAC doesn't release February exams, so you won't get to look over your test or answers. All you'll get is that little (or hopefully not-so-little) 3-digit number.

Now that the dust has settled and it's a new day (and you may be waking up to a hangover whether you aced the LSAT or bombed it), it's time to figure out where to go from here.

Feel free to use the comments on this blog post to gloat about your score if you rocked it, to vent if you bombed, and to discuss with each other how to go forward from here.

How'd the LSAT turn out for you? Better than expected? Worse? What are your plans going forward?

Discuss it all in the comments!

Photo by vincealonji


  1. 174, on the upper end of my PT scores. Very unexpected and exciting!

  2. It was my second time writing. My first go around I scored a 148. I knew I could do better.

    I was aiming for 160 this time. Near the end of my study schedule I was doing terribly on practice tests. Sometimes even low 150s. I think it was burnout.

    I managed to pull off a 161 on test day. Considering my GPA, this should be good enough for the ole' admissions folks at my target school.

  3. Steve,
    Great site. Took the test last year, didn't study at all, took one PT and got a 167, then took the actual test and got a 157. I'm going to take it again in 7 months and actually try to get 170+.

    My question to you is, since I have no previous studying experience, would you recommend following the 7 month daily schedule, or following the 3 month studying schedule then immediately start the 3 month retake schedule? Thanks for the help and the great site.

    1. Glad you're enjoying the blog! Go for the 7-month daily schedule:


  4. 161, 3.8gpa, electrical engineering, 5 years of work experience. Am I just shy of getting into Fordham

  5. first time; got a 170... hoping to get in to UCLA or Berkeley. trying to decide if I should take it again...

  6. 169, first time. Phew, what a relief! With that and a 3.6+, hopefully I can crack the top 14.
