LSAT Logic Game Eight Compositions Explanation Video

I just made a video explanation for the third LSAT Logic Game from LSAT PrepTest 32 (October 2000 LSAT). It's the "eight compositions" game.

I explained all questions in one video that's just under 9 minutes. (Get more free LSAT videos.)



For more, see my more-detailed written Logic Games explanations available on the blog.


  1. Steve you make life so much easier.

  2. On question 15, F "must" be performed on 6, because OS isn't a possibility. I think it's a poorly worded question tbh.

  3. For the second rule (as with the sixth rule), how does it specify that there must be a gap of two or more between F and R? Take answer E, it is true except for there being only one performance between F and R. However, there are still at least two performances after F (2nd slot) and at least two performances before R (4th slot) which meets the rules requirement, does it not?
