LSAT Logic Game Toy Dinosaurs Explanation Video

I just made a video explanation for the third LSAT Logic Game from LSAT PrepTest 57 (June 2009 LSAT). It's the "toy dinosaurs" game (colors: mauve, green, red, and yellow; dinosaurs: iguanadon, lambeosaur, plateosaur, stegosaur, tyrannosaur, ultrasaur, and velociprator).

I explained all questions in one video that's just under 10 1/2 minutes. (Get more free LSAT videos.)



For more, see my more-detailed written Logic Games explanations available on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. God...I'm on Week 4 of studying and this was by far the hardest game I have played. 2/6 correct when I usually go -1/-0 on a game!
