3 ways to rock the LSAT in 2020

I've realized that aside from the content of the LSAT - so many of the barriers relate to motivation and focus.

So to help you fulfill your LSAT New Year's Resolutions, I'm sharing 3 ways to rock the LSAT in 2020 (inspired by Nir Eyal's framework in Indistractable):

Effort - Make it as EASY as possible to study. Leave your books at work, school, in your car. Get the LSAT Unplugged podcast and YouTube videos to listen and watch on the go. Use my LSAT study plans to remove all the guesswork about what to do and when.

Price - Make an agreement with yourself that each day you don't study X hours, don't complete X problems, you have to donate $X to your favorite charity or give it to someone else holding you accountable. When there's money on the line, you'll have more skin in the game.

Identity - Instead of a distracted student, you are *focused*.
Take on the identity of a student, a Jedi, who is on a mission to master the LSAT. You are a lean, mean, LSAT-destroying machine.

From now until Test Day, this is WHO YOU ARE.

You are a future lawyer.

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