A unique LSAT prep opportunity to work with me

I want to let you know about a special Mastermind group I've put together -

It's a unique program for successful students who are ready to achieve the "Impossible."

I choose to work with high performers in my coaching because if I can help them figure out what's holding them back, I can help them achieve massive score increases - and the kind of gains in understanding that will transform their thinking and change their lives.

These kinds of transformations don't happen overnight. And they don't come easy. You'll work harder than you ever have, and you'll achieve more than you ever dreamed possible.

But you'll have to put in the work.

After all, if you're not willing to make a significant investment in yourself, how can you truly improve and achieve your goals?

My coaching is not for everyone. It requires dedication and discipline.

My students and I work together intensively, and their lives transform.

There are plenty of explanations out there. There are plenty of tutors out there who can, and will, explain them to you live, and if you want, they'll show you their "perfect" way to solve it. There are tutors who will teach you their entire curriculum start-to-finish and endlessly explain LSAT problems until their throats are sore.

That's not what I do.

In fact, I don't tutor, I coach.

And my coaching is different. I only work with highly-motivated students looking to make a powerful impact in their thinking - a total mindset makeover. The kind of change that will transform their lives - creating a ripple effect into law school and beyond.

After over 15 years of one-on-one coaching, this Mastermind remains a rare opportunity to be coached directly by me in a group setting. Join an intimate hand-picked group of high-performing students and build the two most important skills you need to be a top-performer: (i) Deep Mastery, (ii) Confidence.

There's a reason many of the most successful students - and those with the biggest score increases - have been coached by me personally.

We meet twice per month over video, and you get access to the recordings of all previous Mastermind coaching sessions.

This is a unique opportunity to work with me directly for a fraction of the price of 1-1 coaching.

Initially, I ran this Mastermind as a separate group coaching program, but after seeing its success, I've integrated group coaching into my LSAT course (the Supreme) and opened it up to all my students. 

Reach out if you have any questions.


P.S. I'm looking for a few students shooting for 170+ to receive a free LSAT coaching session with me and be featured on the LSAT Unplugged YouTube channel and podcast. (Examples here.)

Reach out to find out more.

Recommended Resources:

1. LSAT Courses
The best of my LSAT material with exclusive access to attend my Live Online LSAT Master Classes + Q&As, and on-demand video lessons you can watch anytime. Plus, LSAT study plans to keep you on track. Save hundreds of dollars with an LSAT course package.

2. Logical Reasoning Explanations
The explanations that should have come with the LSAT. These don't just fall back on "out of scope," but actually tell you why the wrong answers are wrong, why the right answers are right, and the easiest way to get the correct answer.

3. Logical Reasoning Cheat Sheet
Based on what I'd typically do in college: read what the professor emphasized and condense it all onto a single piece of paper. It gave me a quick reference, making things a lot less threatening and a lot more manageable.

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