LSAT Test Day Food, Bathroom Break, and Clothing

LSAT Test Day Food

What to eat and drink? I would recommend keeping it simple and light the morning of.
For example, oatmeal, eggs, or a banana. Protein is good. Energy bars are totally fine. I wouldn't try anything new on Test Day. I wouldn't eat something that I hadn't ever eaten before - like a bagel with tuna fish immediately upon waking up, for example. That's a really bad idea.

The night before, I would not eat anything too heavy. I would try to keep it light so that you can sleep well. So again, nothing you haven't eaten before. I wouldn't eat too late at night. I wouldn't eat anything especially spicy. I wouldn't go to the all-you-can-eat buffet. None of those things are likely to end well. You want to go to bed early, you want to go to bed on a fairly light stomach, but not being hungry.

As for what to drink the morning of, coffee's fine. If you already drink coffee, don't change anything. Keep with that if it works for you. You don't want to have a caffeine headache. But also keep in mind that coffee is a diuretic, so you don't want anything that will make you have to go to the bathroom too often or for any reason.

LSAT Bathroom Breaks

So that relates also to a question I've gotten about bathroom jitters. “Has any student asked you about bathroom jitters, such as nerves creating the urge to go? Maybe the coffee or water is just doing their thing.”

I get what you mean. Nerves can definitely do that to a person and it's happened to me at times. I would say reduce your coffee, reduce your water, still have what you need. They’re a symptom of a root cause, which is anxiety, and this is normal. So if you can reduce anxiety, you can reduce your bathroom jitters.

So I'd be walking through best case and worst case scenarios, three to five years from now. The more you do that for yourself, the more real you make it, the more your anxiety will diminish because you'll see that the awful negative, your catastrophic outcome that you're envisioning for yourself, isn't necessarily as bad as you think it is and things can turn around for you.

LSAT Dress for Success

If you're worried the room could be too hot or too cold, you might want to think about dressing for comfort overall. For other people, wearing a button-down or a suit and dress shoes might help them feel confidence and going in dressed professionally. For other people that might be really comfortable. For me personally, that would be a bit uncomfortable. And so I wouldn't do that.

I would have loved to wear a hoodie on test day, but they don't permit those. I actually did bring a hoodie when I took the LSAT because I didn’t know about this and I actually had to leave it outside because the proctors wouldn't hold onto it.

But comfort is important. If you want to wear sweatpants or basketball shorts, I think that's perfectly fine. If you want to wear flip flops, totally fine. It's what about whatever works for you.

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