3 videos to pump you up for the LSAT

In this article, I'm sharing 3 songs (+ a bonus video) to pump you up for the LSAT.

Studying for the LSAT is tough, but you can do it!

It goes without saying these songs are cheesy as anything! If you’re allergic to that, be warned…

although the LAST video is still worth seeing.

It should be seen by everyone.

On the planet.

Here they are:

* Coach Taylor wants you to get out there and win: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pZHXQ698Ok

* Elle Woods wants you to fight for your dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9zpbPaV56s

* Steve Jobs wants you to change the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZyUlHtxoBs

a quick 30-second-ish bonus video with some words of wisdom and inspiration:

Hopefully these give you a motivation boost whene
ver you’re feeling low about your LSAT prep. 

Want more? I made a full LSAT Test Day Motivation playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgOHAiSs08EbYGdGvNEt_THdd-bNahauC

Send me your playlist with cheesy inspirational videos you can watch while you’re getting ready on Test Day!

“Never Give Up!!”


P.S. Hit reply and share your favorite songs for motivation! I’d love to hear what keeps you going through those long prep days.

P.P.S. In response to my last article with advice from former test-takers, one student had this advice to share:

1. Book VERY early - as soon as you can, pretty much...
2. Contemplate sitting a REAL LSAT with the view of cancelling your score on the day so you can have a feel in respect of how you are going to perform, the environment etc...

3. When you are revising, take the TIME (especially in games) to work out what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong...
4. Never underestimate the power of diagramming...
5. It might sound very silly, but when you are practicing use the same eraser as you will use during the test, the same coloured pencils, the same snack, possibly the same outfit (ie wih a view to creating the conditions so as to mirror as close to the Real Test Day as possible)...

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