Applying to Law School During Coronavirus

(from email interview with reporter)
Some may defer due to the uncertainty, but many will choose to go to law school now because the opportunity cost is lower. Those graduating from undergrad now face a job market where few are hiring - if they have few employment options in the short term, law school becomes relatively more appealing.

This would be similar to what we saw in the 2008-2010 recession where law school applications spiked - because the job market was unappealing, applicants chose to enter law school to "wait it out" and hope the job market would improve in the next 3 years.

I don't think many will suddenly get into the game to start this fall, but many who have already applied will stick it out and possibly take lower offers than they would (or should). I would expect more desperation from current applicants who don't want to kill time to wait another year before reapplying. 

Recent poll results in this group indicate most would still start 1L online -- and even though most also *say* they wouldn't pay as much, I haven't heard law schools offering tuition discounts for temporarily moving their classes online at the "Zoom School of Law."

At the same time, I would expect more desperation from law schools to fill seats (status of international students uncertain, some applicants will want to stay closer to home/family rather than moving for law school), leading them to discount heavily if applicants negotiate.

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