How to deal with LSAT Formal vs. Informal Logic

We’ve all got a pretty good understanding of what formal and informal usually means. Formal attire means show up in a suit. An informal dinner usually means you shouldn’t be afraid to order the extra saucy chicken wings.

Formal and informal logic, however, isn’t always as easy to understand. I did an excellent interview with the esteemed Dr. Deborah Bennett. 

She wrote Logic Made Easywhich covers formal/informal logic, along with many other subjects.
Logic Made Easy

If you don’t have time to read the full interview, don’t worry. Definitely go back and check it out when you get a chance.

For now, here's a quick bite-sized read article about formal vs. informal logic that will help you with your LSAT prep:

Hopefully that cleared it up for you.

And, in case you're wondering, most of my meals are informal (like chicken wings and Chipotle) rather than formal (like 5-star Michelin restaurants that require wearing a suit). Maybe one day, though!

Keep up the great work,


P.S. If you’re still having trouble, send me an message letting me know what the problem is. If enough people are struggling with something, I’ll happily dive more in-depth!

Recommended Resources:

1. LSAT Courses
The best of my LSAT material with exclusive access to attend my Live Online LSAT Master Classes + Q&As, and on-demand video lessons you can watch anytime. Plus, LSAT study plans to keep you on track. Save hundreds of dollars with an LSAT course package.

2. Logical Reasoning Explanations
The explanations that should have come with the LSAT. These don't just fall back on "out of scope," but actually tell you why the wrong answers are wrong, why the right answers are right, and the easiest way to get the correct answer.

3. Logical Reasoning Cheat Sheet
Based on what I'd typically do in college: read what the professor emphasized and condense it all onto a single piece of paper. It gave me a quick reference, making things a lot less threatening and a lot more manageable.

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