LSAT-Flex Raw Score Conversion

If you want to get a rough approximation of a scaled score on the LSAT-Flex, multiply your initial raw score by 4/3 before converting it using that exam's chart.

It won't be perfect, but it'll be close enough to give you a sense.

Another option would be to calculate your overall accuracy % on the 3 sections you complete, then use that as a baseline to approximate your accuracy % out of the total number of questions on a given exam.

(For example, if you answered 60/75 correct, that's 80% accuracy. If you maintained that level of accuracy on a 100-question exam, that would mean your raw score was 80. On the June 2007 LSAT, a raw score of 80 converts to 161.)

Give yourself a margin of error of a couple of points on each end to be safe. If you take the average of your most recent five exams you've done in a relatively short period, that will give you the best indication of where you stand.

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