LSAT-Flex vs Regular LSAT

"For someone who's taken the LSAT previously, but not done well, would you do LSAT-Flex or regular LSAT?"

We don't know when LSAT-Flex will be available again. We know that it's available now for the May LSAT and my suspicion is that it will probably be available for the June LSAT, as well, if the June in-person is canceled, which I think it will be

It depends on your personal timing and when you're ready for the LSAT versus 3 sections at home versus five 5 in-person. 

For a lot of folks, if they have a quiet home environment, 3 sections at home is preferable because it's shorter, it's a smoother test day experience, on the flip side though, the 75 questions you do count relatively more per question than when you're doing four scored sections, so that's one thing to consider. 

Lots of unknowns -- we don't know how long the online LSAT-Flex will be available. LSAC is taking a wait-and-see approach, as they typically do. 

You may not necessarily have both options. You'll probably have one option or the other, for each administration, as things unfold.

As for the writing sample, that will still remain online, they're not going to administer that in-person, whether you're doing LSAT-Flex at home online, or digital LSAT tablet in-person, you'll still be doing LSAT writing online, at a separate point, at a separate time, either way.

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