Will the New Online LSAT Flex Become the New Normal?

Will the new online LSAT-Flex become the new normal?

The more LSAT-Flex administrations there are, the more that becomes the new "normal." And I suspect there will be several due to COVID-19 this year.

And with each LSAT-Flex test date, they'll get better at administering it.

It will be hard for them to go back (especially if there are more "waves" of COVID-19 as I'm hearing predicted).

LSAC says they hope to return to regular in-person administrations when possible. But COVID-19 or not, I suspect it's hard to go backward on technology.

It will be difficult for the June 8 LSAT to be administered in-person since at least a few states already have stay-at-home orders until June 10.

That would mean we'll have at least two LSAT-Flex administrations. July is a big question mark also if states extend stay-at-home orders even further.

If you're planning on taking the LSAT anytime in the next few months, don't assume it will be the Digital LSAT on tablet. It may be LSAT-Flex on your computer.


Additionally, some are assuming the LSAT-Flex will be easier because it is only 3 sections, rather than 5. However, LSAC has always been extremely careful about "test-equating" (ensuring that LSAT scores from different administrations and test forms are comparable). 

They go to great lengths with detailed statistical analyses to adjust the "LSAT curve" (raw score conversion) to account for any differences in difficulty based on students' performance.

(That's the main reason LSAC takes a few weeks to release LSAT scores - they are checking to see if students performed as expected on the questions.)

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