Starting Law School This Year vs Next

I have the feeling that a lot of law schools will be online in the fall. Based on my reading of the coronavirus situation, in-person simply won't be possible, if stay-at-home orders continue, and if there are further waves of coronavirus. 
I have the feeling that a lot of law schools will be online in the fall. Based on my reading of the coronavirus situation, in-person simply won't be possible, if stay-at-home orders continue, and if there are further waves of coronavirus.

So, if that's the case, then law school might be online in August, but I don't think they will delay the start of the semester.

If you're considering starting law school this fall, you might not want to start online, and you might not want to pay the same amount for starting online versus in-person. Some may want to wait a cycle, in order to have a bit more certainty about what law school will be like. 

Alternatively, and I talked about this in an interview for the National Law Journal, some will want to go to law school now, in part to wait out another recession. That could be a reasonable and popular course of action (similar to in the 2008 recession).

Lots of law schools will be extending deadlines, even to account for the July LSAT, and quite possibly, even to account for the August LSAT. (This means you might start law school a week or two late if your August LSAT scores boost you up enough.)

Deadlines are fluid -- they're not fixed.

Law schools don't exist to enforce these deadlines. They want to get bodies in seats. They want to get tuition dollars. They have massive overhead they have to maintain. For that reason, they will bend and even break their previous deadlines to allow new folks to come in.

I've never really understood the idea of these deadlines being so early anyway. Why should the deadline be in February, when law school's not starting for another six months? 

If they could have somebody else come along, with a higher LSAT score, higher GPA, numbers that would raise their medians, why wouldn't they consider that applicant? They've got plenty of time to move them into the system, and allow them to start. I don't really see the reason for it.

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