The hardest LSAT Logic Games I could find

Ok, so you’ve been doing practice LSAT Logic Games and you’re feeling pretty good. Cool. Confident. Collected.

If so, I bring you the ultimate test. If the LSAT is a video game, these questions are like the final boss.

Here is a collection of the ten hardest Logic Games questions I've come across:

After you finish, let me know how you did! If you breeze through those, I’ve got some more tough ones tucked in my back pocket.

- Steve

P.S. If you get any wrong, let me know which ones. If enough people miss the same ones, maybe I’ll share some advice on how to solve them!

Recommended Resources:

1. LSAT Courses
The best of my LSAT material with exclusive access to attend my Live Online LSAT Master Classes + Q&As, and on-demand video lessons you can watch anytime. Plus, LSAT study plans to keep you on track. Save hundreds of dollars with an LSAT course package.

2. Logic Games Explanations
The explanations that should have come with the LSAT. These tell you why the wrong answers are wrong, why the right answers are right, and the easiest way to get the correct answer.

This guide to Logic Games is by a former writer of actual LSAT questions! Enough said.

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