How I helped one student increase her LSAT score from the 150s to 170

And we’re back!

Ok, so usually I like to let LSAT Diaries speak for themselves, but I can’t bury the lede on this one.

Allison improved from the mid-150s to a 170 on the October LSAT after working with me and taking my LSAT Premium course!

I’m really proud of Allison’s progress, so here’s a bit of her story in her own words:

“I had every workbook, every practice test, every possible resource, and yet I felt really stuck a few months into studying for the LSAT. I was nowhere near my goal in terms of scoring, and I felt like I was doing everything I could do without making any progress. I was studying hours every day over the summer, working on logic puzzles and logical reasoning questions until my frustration and exhaustion would become too much. It was a terrible routine, and I was feeling more and more defeated every time I studied.  

Finally, after a few months of studying and not a lot of improvement, I found Steve's blog and began reading, and ultimately I realized that Steve's strategies and ways of talking about the LSAT on his blog resonated with me and helped things click into place, and I hadn't even accessed any of his study materials yet. I decided to buy some tutoring sessions, and to take his online video courses.

Within a few days of watching Steve's videos, I was getting better and faster at the LSAT. My thought process became more efficient and organized, and I no longer agonized over different answer choices. Then, in my tutoring sessions with Steve, I was able to discuss in detail with him questions that stumped me, and I began to identify patterns of mistakes I was making that I could now rectify with his help. With more confidence than I had felt in months, I threw myself back into studying for the test, and I was overjoyed to see my score slowly but surely climbing towards my goal.”

Allison goes on to talk about her test day experience and some great study techniques she discovered all on her own. I recommend reading the rest right here.

If you're struggling with any areas in particular, or just feeling defeated, it can sometimes be easier to work with someone personally.

I have some openings in my schedule coming up, so if you'd like help identifying and improving on your weak areas, or just feel stressed about everything in general, reach out and let me know.

Because even with all the courses, books, and free resources, the fastest way to get the score you need is by working directly with somebody one-on-one who's already been through the process.

LSAT Coaching is for you:
* if you want me to give you guidance on your study schedule.

* if you want me to analyze what you're doing wrong in problem areas (and give you ways to correct those problems).

* if you feel like you need some one-on-one help but don't have time to start over with a whole new course of prep.

So, if you feel like LSAT coaching might help with your situation, or you just want to say "Hi," just reach out and let me know, and we can talk more about it.   

And your life will transform.

-Steve (LSAT Coach)

P.S. Some find it especially helpful to receive coaching alongside other highly-motivated students in a small group. That's why I created 3PC: The 3 Percent ClubClick here to find out more.

P.P.S. For those of you who are feeling good about everything, and just want some advice on preparing for unexpected Test Day disasters.... I've got more coming your way about that next time.

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