Think you’re too busy for LSAT studying? Meet Chrissie.

Look, I get it. We’re busy and life gets hectic sometimes.

Many people studying for the LSAT have jobs, significant others and a whole other world of distractions to keep them from dedicating the time they need to study.

I want to introduce you to Chrissie, a married MBA student and HR manager who hadn’t originally planned to go to law school, until one fateful night at an employment law class.

While this would make for a terrible intro for a superhero origin story, it’s a great one for future law students.

Chrissie's LSAT Diary

You’ll notice two keys that took Chrissie from a 149 to a 165.

1) My 3-month LSAT study schedule

2) Determination

While the study guides are useful, there is no substitute for determination. I especially love the part where she talks about waking up to study “with the crickets”.

You can get all the books and guides you want, but nothing will propel you forward like a great work ethic.

Keep at it!

-LSAT Steve

P.S. If you’re having trouble balancing your LSAT prep and your life, check out the article I wrote about doing exactly that.

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