On Public Speaking

Although I teach a lot of classes and speak a lot, I've never had any formal training or education in speaking.

While I'm not the world's most experienced public speaker by any stretch, I have gotten a few questions on this.

While theory and strategy can both help you get started and help you improve, if you want to get better at public speaking, I'm going to advise you to




Do a livestream for just 1 minute. You can delete it afterward if you want. Then do another. And keep doing it until you do one you're not afraid to leave up after re-watching it.

It won't be perfect.

But it doesn't need to be.

And you have gifts worth sharing with the world if you can get over the barriers (they're not as big as they seem right now).

The biggest thing standing between you and getting past nerves / blanking-out is the six inches between your ears. 

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