Former NYU Law School Admission Officer Interview

Former NYU Law School Admission Officer Interview -

Didn't realize people were going to be so interested in our discussion! Posted it on the LSAT Unplugged YouTube channel and podcast ---->
Some takeaways:
  • keep addenda short and sweet, not 7 pages, ~200 words for a low LSAT score
  • feel free to write an addendum whenever you like, even if it's something like the digital LSAT not going well
  • don't repeat yourself in your application
  • lots of ambiguity about the future role of GRE, but doesn't seem as compelling as applying with LSAT
  • a school as popular as NYU doesn't necessarily obsess over rankings the way others might
Anyway, Christina had plenty of good advice to share, so check it out for more.
Note: Her advice on addenda is in direct opposition to Law School Expert Ann Levine's advice on LSAT addenda, which is just to retake, rather than explaining it. (Ann Levine podcastYouTube).
(Anyway, if you prefer to listen and would enjoy other discussions like this, subscribe to the LSAT Unplugged podcast - I'll release the recordings there as well.)