Digital LSAT scratch paper: LSAC

You'll get a booklet w/ 14 pages of scratch paper.
LSAC (via email): “The paper will be 8.5’ by 11” and it will be unlined. Test takers will only receive one booklet of scratch paper.”
I've heard the scratch paper booklet will be anywhere from 14-16 pages, but there's been some confusion about whether LSAC will give you additional booklets if you need. This email indicates they *won't*.

And for those wondering, the scratch paper will be the thin newsprint the old paper LSATs were on - update: LSAC is now using normal-quality (regular) paper.

I think it's more than enough paper. (Funny thing, though. I mentioned it in one of my YouTube videos and somebody made a big deal about how it was *only* 14 pages. Compared to the space you used to get, I think it's a lot!)
My intuition is that after years of deliberation about moving to a computer-based administration, they've suddenly rushed things (perhaps due to GRE competition?)

As a result, there are many details being left unaddressed until the last possible moment (we're now a month before the July LSAT already!)

And, as with many things, moving to the Digital LSAT format may be more work for LSAC than they expected...

(Re: Digital LSAT Reading Comp, You have to scroll or click arrows b/c there's not enough space to display the entire passage at once (with or without questions). I actually did a Digital LSAT video walkthrough here ----> 

Benefits - you do save time on bubbling. And the flagging tool is helpful.)

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