Live Online LSAT Master Class Students on the Importance of Reviewing

One of my Live Online LSAT Master Class students on the importance of reviewing:

Hey steve! I ended up doing 2 practice tests a week and doing the review method you detailed for most of them for a total of 8 tests. I was 8 for 8 above 160 with my max score being a 168! I was happy with my progress. When I took the June lsat, I think there was an element of test-day anxiety that kicked in, but i was really prepared to handle it. I answered all the questions, leaving no game or passage unanswered, which I think was a major hurdle considering my anxiety was definitely affecting my focus. By that, I mean that, although I didn’t ‘burn out’ or get tired and tried hard throughout, I noticed that it was hard for me to understand some questions as thoroughly as I could on a practice test. Some were so bad that picking up some random details in the stim was was all I could do without compromising too much time, but even so, I had become so familiar with the different question types that it was very very simple for me to locate a probable necessary assumption or rule out a tricky answer on a conclusion question. Definitely think that reviewing was a major benefit because seeing about a thousand questions and handling them in depth provided me with that intuitive feel for timing and recognizing patterns. Overall impressions from my 9 month lsat journey? Drilling in is important to learn concepts and trying thing out can help, but the real understanding grows from the osmosis-like absorption of the material over and over and over until it’s second nature. 

I’m super stoked to move past the lsat and go to law school!! My dream school is GSU and, since I’m used to getting in the score range where pretty much every applicant gets in with my gpa and maybe even below, so I would be kind of surprised (and devastated) to find that I scored substantially lower. 

I think re-introducing me to the review stuff was definitely a 500 dollar piece of advice. Thanks a bunch!!!

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