The LSAT is Hard, Easy, Bullshit, and Unfair

LSAT Blog Hard Easy Bullshit 2Of course, I don't believe it's bullshit or unfair.

Apparently, you guys do. Google told me so.

According to Google's search suggestions (based on billions of searches), you think it's hard, easy, bullshit, and unfair, among other things:

LSAT is hard? Agreed.

LSAT is easy? Agreed.

LSAT is bullshit and unfair? Nope. LSAC says it has a correlation of .35 with 1L grades, and that's an underestimation because some test-takers never make it to law school (see p16 of PDF).

LSAT is out of...control? It's out of 180.

LSAT is tomorrow? Not usually. See LSAT dates.

How the LSAT is graded? I did a big series on the LSAT "curve" recently.

Which LSAT is the easiest / hardest? No particular LSAT exam is easier or harder than any other at the end of the day. Again, see my series on the LSAT "curve."