Good luck to everyone taking the October LSAT!
The October LSAT scores / results are scheduled to be released via email by November 1, 2010. However, the scores usually come back a bit earlier.
Update: They were released on Friday, October 29th.
Let's look at the trend over the past several years (click below chart to enlarge):

Call me crazy, but it seems pretty likely that October 2010 LSAT scores will be released on Friday, October 29, 2010.
"But at what time specifically? I need to know when to constantly refresh my email / LSAC account!"
In batches over the course of several hours. Likely starting late in the day (Eastern Time).
No one knows how the batches are organized, if at all.
The batches do not seem to be organized in any of these ways:
alphabetical/regional/high-to-low scores/low-to-high scores/test center #, etc.
Wish everyone all the best!
Also see:
February LSAT Score Release Dates
June LSAT Score Release Dates
December LSAT Score Release Dates
See other LSAT score release dates posts.
While you're waiting for your score, get busy with my admissions-related blog posts.
Also see, Should You to Cancel Your LSAT Score?
Feel free to leave comments and vent at the injustice of having to wait so long for what is rightfully yours.
Thanks for the info. Personally, I think they should offer the tests electronically. It's multiple choice so the computer can give you an unofficial score report at the end. I've taken other tests that way and it helped me know whether or not I needed to sign up to take the test again. They wouldn't have to offer it at all testing sites. Some sites are already equipped with labs that would work. Surely the technology cost would be offset somehow by the reduction in printing and grading. (I'd really like to see a breakdown of where my $136 goes.) A lot of people would pay extra to take it electronically anyway.
ReplyDeleteSkinnyD's argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it..
ReplyDeletehahaha just kidding, totally agree though! WISH it was electronic so we could know our scores more quickly!!!!!!!!!!
Me too. Plus, I hate writing by hand so typing would be super.
ReplyDeleteIf you want your $136 back, just follow the LSAC in their fancy cars to their local strip clubs. Then shank the strippers afterwards and grab your dough.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to everyone testing tomorrow! I recommend using my seagull game as a warm-up... I will!
@ Anonymous ...Same thought went through my head when I read the post. These arguments are driving my brain to think differently everytime someone tries to argue a point
ReplyDeleteGood luck to everyone!!
I just found this blog yesterday and I so wish I had done so a few months ago!
ReplyDeleteI also think 3 weeks is entirely too long, especially since the tests aren't hand graded. I will be glued to my computer screen on Friday, the 29th.
Have fun with the LSAT tomorrow everybody!
I just took the October LSAT. To my dismay, I realized far too late in the section that one logic game wanted reverse chronological order. I dont remember every seeing this in the past. Has LSAC ever used this before?
ReplyDeletePlease help, I need advice! I just took the October LSAT, after first taking it in February. I scored fairly high in Feb but wanted to see if I could raise it in October. However, I have a feeling that my score dropped, since I had trouble completing the Logic Games. What would you recommend- canceling the score or waiting it out? Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteWhat?! I did not even notice any reverse chronological order questions! What a shame...no chance you could give me a buzzword to jog my memory what game it might have been? Nothing too specific that you would break the sacred LSAC vows of course...
ReplyDeleteIt was ordering highest or oldest to lowest or highest. 1-7, I think.
Hey, is the experiemental section always first three?
Don't remember seeing any reverse chrono games. Could it have been an experimental section?
ReplyDeleteI think I had your reverse chrono section and I believe it was experimental. There were a number of unique question stems there too.
ReplyDeleteThe reverse chrono was the artifacts game, it was real
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous
ReplyDeleteThe experimental section is always one of the first three. I had two LG sections to complete.... ugh....
yeah, i don't remember any artifacts...although, to be fair, it was all such a whirlwind i don't remember anything except the last logic game. r/s/t seems to be a common thread to LSAT logic games recently...
ReplyDeleteIt was oldest to newest, left to right. Seemed normal to me.
ReplyDeletei didn't notice anything particularly surprising on my LG section, so i'm just hoping i didn't miss something along the way. Then again, I literally cannot recall a UN RC passage a lot of people seem to be worried about. October 29 can't come soon enough!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Ben... seemed fine to me. Thought they were fairly standard!
ReplyDeleteHow was that reverse chronological? It was 1-7, with 1 being the oldest and 7 being the newest. It's still in order of 1 to 7.
ReplyDeleteyeah it was only reverse if you're inclined to think newest to oldest, but since it was talking about artifacts I think oldest to newest would be more intuitive. That being said until I read this I didn't remember that game or a single other logic game on the test. And ive taken a million practice tests too. Weird and makes me feel uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteBenito- I too have taken a million practice tests and can practically recite verbatim different questions I did a month ago.
ReplyDeleteI can barely describe one or two from yesterday's exam. Repressed memories?
You're not the only one who feels this way.
@ benito and Appreciator
ReplyDeleteI'm with you two-- I remember many practice games perfectly, could probably re-recite the rules and then solve them...but yesterday's (except vaguely for the last one) are complete blanks. If I saw them again I doubt they'd even feel familiar. Can't remember most RC passages too. I may have been possessed by an LSAT demon while taking this exam. Hopefully a smart LSAT demon.
I wouldn't consider oldest to newest reverse chrono. Whew! thought I may have missed something there.
ReplyDeletehaha yeah i hope mine was too. well thank you both for the input I feel a little better. Part of it is probably being so used to poring over the practice tests after we take them. Never had to try to remember before and having zero recollection means a total bombing of that section is possible. I felt really good about the rest of it that would be such a shame. Three long weeks ahead.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am one worried TOO! Mt test came in this order RC RC LR LR LG so I was dead by the time logic games came. Also feel free to comment on this. I take the test by doing everything in the book then when the 5 nminute warning is called I transfer my answers to my answer sheet. The proctor interrupted me twice to say "hey you have to put the answers on the sheet" and a second time in a different section to say "when are you going to record your answers on your sheet?" I was like lady leave me the fu^& alone I said this during the test so annoying and frustrating. Ill be happy with anything in the 150's!
ReplyDeletewow yeah I would have been pretty upset to have been bothered by anybody in the middle of a section for any reason. I would have given her a good talking to after the test as well, you should report that to LSAC.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you guys on not remembering jack squat. I guess that's a good thing for the real test though. I just wanted to be aware of one question at a time and completely suppressed the memory of each prior section. All I remember is an LR brickhouses question (total mind f***) and the UN passage. Raymon I'd totally report that to LSAC. That's terrible.
ReplyDeleteI thought the UN RC was easy and the bee RC was a little hard, am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteug I hope I didn't not read the game right that the other person said was reverse, I thought they were all straight forward and I ordered them first to last, but I think that made sense to me as oldest to newest, so I hope I didn't get all those wrong.
ReplyDeleteHey did anybody notice a question that appeared to be flawed? I had a LR question about car theft that did not appear to have a correct answer. I didn't ponder it for ten minutes by any means, but I think it really was an error. Anybody else?
ReplyDeletei do remember that one!! it was probably the toughest LR question on the test, but I think the answer was A.....my memory is vague but it was something to the effect of car theft being down yet more people are getting convicted than before...included in answer choice A was something like there are now fewer car thieves but a lower rate of people are abandoning cars before their owners notice they have been stolen. Which would lead one to believe that more thieves are being caught and convicted. At least I hope!
ReplyDelete@Benito: I agree with you, in my opinion that seemed to be the most correct choice for the car theft question.
ReplyDelete@ benito: I agree also
ReplyDelete@ UF: I remember the brick question. I camped on it for a while because I had some time left over but I don't think I was certain of the answer that I picked...
My problem was that I got so caught up with the test when it started I forgot to check what time it was to see what time section one would end. Consequently, I heard the 5 minute warning when I was just starting to read the last RC passage. All I remember is that it was about African American history. I had to really rush through it.... Not on one of my practice tests did I run out of time on the RC section!
And then I thought the experimental section is always a lot harder but I had the LGs and they seemed pretty standard and easy, so it really threw me off when I saw another LG section after the break.
anyone have any guesses on the scoring scale? It seems like the main determinant for that is the difficulty of the games section which although Im bad at games did seem pretty straight-forward. The June 2010 scale gave some cushion but that games section was likely harder.... probably not gonna get much leeway on this one huh?
ReplyDelete@benito: Ahh....thanks. (re: car theft) I guess that does make sense, although the rest of the answers being about how there are less convictions recently does not seem to follow the typical LR m.o.. I was certain that I caught the test-makers in an error. But I suppose Occam's razor would cut through that convoluted line of reasoning in a hurry. Oh well. What is this brick business?
ReplyDeleteThe brick houses questions had every answer begin with "By this analogy..." and essentially every answer sounded very similar with only minor variations in argument form. So using Powerscores method of matching up argument forms then conclusions then premises was only moderately effective. It was a time consuming question near the end of the section. Bad combo...And on the car theft question, call me crazy, but what seems to be the correct answer was taken a little too far. It was a disgustingly weak resolution to the paradox.
ReplyDelete@ UF:
ReplyDeleteyour right it did feel like a bit of a stretch, and I've had similar feelings on questions I turned out very wrong on before. So I'm not super confident, but at least I could make an argument for it whereas the other answer choices appeared much further off the mark. I don't remember a thing about brickhouses either though that series of answer choices rings a bell.
I took the lsat outside of North America so I will never know the answers to my questions. However, there was a question about time travel (which was awesome) that didn't appear to have a correct answer (which was less awesome). I have never encountered a sci-fi question before so I suspect it was the experimental section ;).
ReplyDeleteWhere does it list the official score release date? I can't see anything like that on my lsac profile.
ReplyDeleteI remember the time travel question--and in the moment I also thought that it was awesome. It was along the lines of...time travel will only be able to send individuals into the future because if traveling into the past was an option then we would have encountered a visitor from the future. I believe it was a weaken question, and I went with an answer that was along the lines of: "This argument doesn't take into consideration the possibility that someone may have visited from the future but deliberately tried to avoid being identified."
ReplyDeleteI took the test outside of North America too, and I had 3 LR sections, but I have no memory of the time travel one...I wonder if there were more than 1 experimental LR sections? I wish we could see the answers too! It seems unfair that our tests weren't disclosed, even though there seems to be quite a bit of overlap between the American tests (car theft, etc) and ours.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous 4.15am:
ReplyDeleteWhen you go to your LSAC account, go to the menu at the top, pick LSAT and then LSAT status. It should pull up a table that lists the date and location of your LSAT test and the date the score will be emailed to you.
Can you believe we have to wait 3 weeks? Lame.
ReplyDelete@benito Yup. It was a tricky one, but that was it.
@UF since that was the middle of 3 argument sections I had, I'm pretty sure it was the variable section (well, that evidence plus the fact that the other two were standard format and 1 easy, 1 hard). I imagine that the answer stems will be a new type of question they'll be using in the future. Pretty figure-outable using standard procedures, but still tricky when you're not used to seeing them!
Now we play the waiting game...
ReplyDeleteCould you please do a post about essay topics? I'm thinking about writing about my decision to have my daughter, but I don't want it to be annoying.
@Anonymous 10/13:
ReplyDeleteSince this is an LSAT blog I wouldn't expect a post on the personal statement, but Anna Ivey's guide on law school admissions does provide some insight on that. https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=813075&cl=134834&ejc=2 I'm not sure if its still free though.
I can't believe it hasn't even been a freaking week yet!! Im not gonna make it man.....
I was really upset during the logic games section and I can remember doing two of the games and guessing at a third, but I can't remember the fourth at all - as in, did I do a third or read it at all?
ReplyDeleteI remember: artifacts, grouping with two cars, runners in a race. And...anyone remember the fourth?
@Anonymous 10/14
ReplyDeleteNurses teaching
Anon - Thanks. That doesn't ring a bell at all, so I guess I didn't read that one. I hope I bubbled some guesses for that one - that section was a total blur. Thanks.
ReplyDelete@Anon 10/15 11:50pm
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't assume that you missed that game, i know for a fact I got to all four games but nurses teaching still doesn't ring a bell. Apparently the whole thing being a blur and not remembering much afterward isn't uncommon. Hopefully it works out for both of us!
The nurse game kicked me hard because I ran out of time halfway through the questions on it. As for the LR questions, I also got the sci-fi question, and also had 3 LR sections... I didn't think the car theft question was super difficult. That answer wasn't perfect, but it was the only one that was even in the ballpark. I finished the LR section with the brick house question in it at about 20 minutes and spent TEN on it, and still couldn't figure it out. Super irritated. Does anyone else remember a rainforest conservation LR question? Also, anyone with me in thinking that by the time you finished the RC passages on language and aesthetic philosophy, anything about African history and the way its trans-national approach to anything read like "banana banana banana"?
ReplyDeleteI don't remember a brick house question (but I did hear that song this morning on the way to work. weird.) or a rain forest question.
ReplyDeleteI liked the trans-national section. I took an advanced undergrad course in "Blues and Jazz in African American History, Literature, and Film" and we studied some of these same philosophies and also the emigration movement. The cultural identity (nation within a nation) ideas discussed in the passage were greatly related to the development of jazz music in this country.
That and I am that weird guy that can become fascinated by almost any topic or opinion if it's well thought-out and interesting.
Nerd? Maybe.
Nerd? Probably.
ReplyDeleteI'm the nerdiest chick ever, but my primary nerd-rage avenue is philosophy so my guess is I exhausted myself with the throwbacks to aesthetics and the philosophy of language and was just burned out by the last passage. :)
The rain forest question, while most of it has fallen victim to my October 9 post-traumatic-stress blackout, has been haunting me since I answered it. I remember only that I had it narrowed down to two answers, one of which had language that seemed absolute and too strong, and the other of which had language that seemed too wishy-washy and weak. They said almost the same thing to different degrees, and I'm still thrown over it.
I'm hoping someone remembers and can clear this monster up for me. Waiting three weeks is killing me.
I hear you barkin', dog.
ReplyDeleteNarrowing answer choices down to the 2 reasonable ones became the standard practice in attacking LSAT questions for me. I didn't even read too deeply before I eliminated the "easy 3."
That being said, I developed a sort of "LSAT-radar" that could tell which, out of two similarly f'ed-up and nearly identical answers, which one was the "LSAT-iest." (you can use that word if you want.)
One of my best practice tests was when I used this LSAT intuition to guide my guesses.
Sometimes (especially when your brain has turned to "banana banana banana" mode) I put answers down that I didn't even understand the meaning of, yet knew they were the right ones. Sounds strange, right? I think that this is the true secret of the LSAT.
Quit worrying about the rainforest. You either got it right or you got it wrong, and there's no undoing it now! Just distract yourself with excessive nerdery.
I recommend playing through some role-playing games, watching star wars, and polishing your old D&D dice. Speaking of, my orange d20 is getting a little faded...
PS "nerdiest chick ever" is a bold claim.
It is quite bold.
ReplyDelete"Quit worrying about the rainforest" sounds so easy.
Perfectionism is tough!
Also, I completely agree with your use of the "'LSAT'iest language mechanism for answer determination," and use something similar any time I have to guess on anything. I about died on this test when the right answer to one of the questions actually had to do with mistaking a sufficient condition for a necessary condition, as that is a very LSATy possibility, but I haven't yet seen in any of my practice exams an example of that being the correct answer.
ReplyDeleteThe answers were equally LSATy, and I'm still hung. Ugh.
"... and I'm still hung."
ReplyDeleteMe too.
[using crudeness as an LSAT-score-waiting-for distraction]
I figured you (or someone else) would capitalize on that, but I figured I'd dismiss it with some crack about the logical (er, anatomical?) implications of "nerdiest chick ever," and the improbability (not impossibility, I guess, giving all due respect to the transgender community) of my being simultaneously a chick, and hung in any naughty sense, and after missing THOSE implications, good luck on logical reasoning. :)
ReplyDelete"LSAT-score-waiting-for distraction." Ha.
See also: coping mechanism.
I could use three more. HOPEFULLY one week, one day to go. Hopefully.
This is gonna make the fact that I've spent way too much time thinking about this painfully obvious but has anybody heard from previous test takers about what TIME of day the scores are released on that Friday? Should I wake up in the morning with my heart in my throat or expect a whole day on the verge of a heart attack:)
ReplyDeleteBenito, I've been thinking about that too. A former co-worker of mine took the LSAT in June of 2009 and I remember someone mentioning her score in a staff meeting that took place around 10am. So I guess they e-mailed the score to her in the morning.... certainly before lunch. I know I'll be glued to my computer screen from the moment my eyes pop open on Friday morning.
ReplyDeleteBenito, a friend of mine who also took the June 2009 LSAT didn't get her score emailed until around 7pm. I don't know what their system is for releasing scores but I know I'll be refreshing my browser every 20 seconds on October 29th.
ReplyDeletePlease make the waiting end... click... boom!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the response friends, less than a week to go now! best of luck to everyone
ReplyDeleteI remember my answer to that rainforest question, but probably can't post the answer here...you can email me at brian.b.bui@gmail.com if you wanna compare answers
I'm no expert Brian but I think to post the answer anonymously in a public forum is better than to announce your intention to do so privately using your real personal email:)
ReplyDeleteNow that I've waited two weeks I'm almost scared to find out the score, this is going to be one loooong week...
benito, I agree - waiting the past two weeks has been somewhat of a blissful oblivion... and Friday is approaching! One person I spoke to said the worst part is when you actually receive the email and you stare at it for a minute wondering whether you should open it or not.......
ReplyDeleteCripes, you whiners! Just make three plans: one for if you score about where you think you will, one for scoring less, and one for scoring more. Then get your score on Friday and enact the appropriate plan. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteEr, I mean, I'm sure it's stressful and you'll do fine and believe in yourself and always be true.
Sorry, trying to move from the dark side to the light side. Not going so well.
I have three plans. :) If I score where I think I will, I'll go with the first plan, if I score more, I'll either go with the first plan with more scholarship money, and if I score less, I'm jumping off a building.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll talk to y'all on Saturday. Maybe.
So I had two LR sections before the break, after starting with a RC, and this whole time I've felt like the 2nd LR was the experimental section because it seemed unusually difficult and had a bunch of unusual question stems. Also the other LR section before the break, and the one after the break, formed the usual one pretty hard one pretty easy pattern I'd seen on most of the practice tests. Now I have good reason to believe that section I found unusual and difficult was real, which makes the easy one the experimental. I tell you this story not to waste your time, but just to provide you the appropriate answer should anyone ever ask you: what does it take to make a grown man cry?
ReplyDeleteBenito, stop with the crazy talk. Go take a bottle of Vodka and a half-dozen xanax and see if you can't just sleep straight through till this weekend!
ReplyDeleteWouldn't that be nice? Just go to bed, wake up, there's your score.
Wouldn't it be funny if the LSAC saw our posts and decided to surprise us with the score, say, today...?
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to wonder anytime I said an unread email in my inbox! :-)
I'm digging the OD on Xanax idea. I'll wake up Friday night just in time for Halloween weekend. I'll get all dressed up in some insane risque costume like every other college female, and either drink away my brain cells out of excitement, or out of sorrow... Either way, I'll KNOW.
ReplyDeleteKnowing IS half the battle, right?
Jordan, bless your heart. Chicks dressed as slutty [insert any profession here] are one of the highlights of my year. Really looking forward to getting back on a campus and prowling for what I like to call, "skanks." And I mean that with all due respect.
ReplyDeleteAnd you don't drink away your brain cells; you thin the brain-cell-herd of the slow and weak, thereby increasing the overall speed and efficiency of your mind. See Norm's Buffalo Theory from the show Cheers.
ReplyDeleteCaleb im not sure skanks can be meant with any respect whether its due or not....but the xanax is a good idea, my heads gonna explode...
ReplyDeleteI work 9-9 Friday. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing. But if I get a bad score, I am going to quit right then and there.
ReplyDeleteGRE, DAT get scores on the spot. How is it healthy for us to wait 3 weeks? I'm losing my hair, damnit!
Also, I can't remember at all what was on the test. I had LR LG RC LR LG. And the first LG was way too easy, I flew through it, so I'm assuming it's the experimental. (The one area I feel superconfident in, is the experimental). One more day guys!!
But today's the worst. We're so closee.
what time tomorrow should we start to see them being released? Like 8 in the morning or later in the afternoon? Or at night?
ReplyDeleteBenito- apparently you aren't familiar with the ramifications of saying "with all due respect." When you preface things with that phrase (or even use it anywhere in your statement), you are allowed to say whatever you want. That's just how it works.
"If 'Jordan' turned out to be a hottie, I would find out where she's going to school and go try and get on her. With all due respect."
Totally safe. See? Try it out.
Never in my life have I been anticipating with so much fear an impending Friday.
ReplyDeleteAnyone trying to apply for early admission for SCU law (due next monday)?
ReplyDeletewhat time should we look for the scores? In the morning or what? Anyone know?
ReplyDeleteHate to burst bubbles but I took the february LSAT and the score didn't come in until 2pm on Saturday. Torture.
ReplyDeleteHey people from everything I've heard they come out in the afternoon to early evening. So be ready to refresh your LSAC page all day basically. DAMN that experimental LR section, ruined all my confidence, good luck everyone....
ReplyDeleteA co-worker of mine got hers before 10am in 2009... Oh my goodness, I hope they get here early tomorrow so we can have it over with! 2pm Saturday? No way!
ReplyDeleteI trust that whoever gets their score will post so the rest of us will know it's on its way?....
I have two friends who took the June 2010 LSAT. One woke up at 6 a.m. to find the e-mail on her Blackberry, the other...nothing. His LSAC page didn't reflect a score either, although the Blackberry babe's did. Must have something to do with the computers and processing. As for the February post above, that is true. Another friend waited all day Friday and most of the day Saturday...nothing until late, late afternoon.
ReplyDeleteIf someone gets a score please let us know. This is waiting is just sick.
Look at it this way, at least we're not alone. We're all going through this! Best of luck to you all. I hope everyone gets a fantastic score :)
ReplyDeleteAnything?.... Anybody?.....
ReplyDeletestill waiting! I'm getting everything done that I need to in case my score sucks and I need to curl up a ball in bed.
ReplyDeletenothing yet...Apparently the score will be right in the email though, so, you don't have to keep refreshing your LSAC page.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what time the Ocober scores were released last year?
ReplyDeleteThis is BRUTAL!!!!
ReplyDeleteIm bout to call them ask them. haha
ReplyDeleteI GOT IT!!!!!
ReplyDeletejk...sorry but I had to
I believe I received last year's LSAT results around 2-3 pm. Still could be some time before hearing...
ReplyDeleteI've been up since 6:55 am EST. The wait is killing me.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely agonizing....
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous 11:06 AM #1
ReplyDeletesorry isn't good enough, you're going straight to hell
this feels like a pregnancy test.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to throw up. I've refreshed my LSAC page approximately a zillion times, and it's only 9:39 a.m. my time...
ReplyDeleteBenito, don't listen to Caleb. "With all due respect" is not a get-out-of-backhand-free card. I'd backhand him right now if I could reach to... wherever.
It needs to come already. I'm going to throw up.
...I'm going to throw up. And I have no Xanax.
HA. This feels like a pregnancy test. Truer words have never been spoken. I'm way more stressed about this than I have ever been about a pregnancy test, which means whatever it means.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get my Sept. 2009 results until super late - around 10 PM (CST)...I had friends that heard earlier but for the most part it wasn't until late afternoon. I recommend not worrying about logging onto your LSAC page - the site crashes every year and locks people out because so many people are trying to refresh their pages...just wait for the email to come and enjoy the last few hours of pondering a 180. Best of luck to all!
ReplyDeleteFor clarification, are we talking 10 PM of the announced release date, or 10 PM of the date three days prior to the announced release date?
ReplyDeleteMore stressed than a pregg-o test? What's wrong with you people. Why am I the only one not stressed? Are there others out there like me?
ReplyDeleteSeriously- I'm thinking of not even checking my email until next Tuesday just 'cuz. Except I would miss my updates to this comment section, which I have to check, so I guess I'll not do that.
Also, Jordan, agree to disagree. With all due respect.
PS "wherever" is Iowa, if that helps narrow it down for you!
(yes, there are smart people in Iowa)
Freakin' anonymous and your cruel joke.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for a computer error that makes me get a high score. And I haven't been checking my email every 10 minutes since midnight.......
They so say it takes the email a few hours to start rolling out to everyone once the score has been released.
I'm gonna go bide my time shopping for an outfit for the Atlanta forum and pretend I'm going to Yale.
RE: Jordan
ReplyDelete10 PM the Friday before the announced release date.
I've been told on last year's october test they started coming out around 2pm pacific time on the friday before the release date, and apparently came out in batches maybe alphabetically I dont know....some people got them as late as 6pm pacific, so yeah we probably got a few hours to go at least but I think we can be pretty confident they are coming today. I said a little prayer for everybody, let your hearts be content~
ReplyDeleteThe longer I wait the worse I think I did. When I got out of the test I though it wasn't too bad. Now every hour that passes my score estimate drops a point. This is brutal.
ReplyDelete@ joey...ME TOO!
ReplyDeleteNow I'm just trying to decide how low my score will be before I decide I should take the dang test over again...
anyone else have a "lowest acceptable score?" If so, how far below the median score of your school of choice is it?
Off topic but I've loaded this page a few times today and that picture of the little kid at the top makes me laugh every time, hilarious.
ReplyDeleteGood luck all.
Waiting for this e-mail is making it very difficult to focus in class.
ReplyDeleteIt's after 1PM in New York. It may be time for a drink to smooth this over lol.
every time I woke up after midnight i checked my phone for the email... said but true.
ReplyDeleteI had a nightmare last night that "They" (the evil LSAC demons) scored my LSAT with the wrong form (my LSAT was "Form D" and the one they scored it with was "Form E" but "They" wouldn't listen to me) and also snuck in an extra new section that I had apparently skipped during testing, which obviously made my score plummet. And there was nothing I could do about it.
ReplyDeleteI think I need help.
One of the reasons I need to do well on this test is that it will enable me to send out that "October LSAT Destroyed" Pic at the top of the page with my score report to friends and family.
ReplyDeleteKevin is on to something. Who's up for getting hammered and posting drunken comments to this post later?
ReplyDeleteI'll be starting my first toast in a bit. Who's with me??
Let me out myself - I have a pretty firm target score. I have solemnly sworn to jump off a building one story higher for every point below my target score I get. A lot hangs in the balance here. I WILL NOT take this again. :)
ReplyDelete@Caleb, I'm with you. I released my cocktail waitressing shift tonight (because I'd rather drink 'em than serve 'em today...) and I'm refreshing both pages simultaneously. I don't want to have to wait until super late to get Halloweened up and toss a few cocktails back.
Drunken commenting? We'll see if I maintain dexterity.
After seeing Caleb's sober commenting, I'm not sure were ready for the drunken ones. Especially since cocktail waitressing as employment does increase the chance Jordan is in fact a hot chick.....
ReplyDeleteBut given the possiblity of copious amounts of alcohol being required to celebrate the joy or wash away the pain later today I'd recommend saving your liver for now. May we all hit our firm target scores~
FYI...I took the June 2010 LSAT and got my score email at 11:49 AM Pacific Time the Friday before the scheduled send date. Good luck to everybody!
ReplyDeleteThat's loser talk. I'm going drink 1 grey goose/red bull for you, Benito. Then one for Jordan. Then one for Steve. Then one for Scott. Then one for Joey and Kevin.
ReplyDeleteThen I'm going to drink one Bud Light for each anonymous comment on this post- so keep those anxiety-attack rants comin'!
As far as drunken-commenting/my-outlandish-behavior, I'll try to keep it reasonable.
"Marge, I can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try." --Homer Simpson
PS if you're trying to kill time today, check out my blog. http://calebshreves.blogspot.com I promise I'm ridiculous.
I'm sitting got my blackberry ringer on as loud as it will go and Bailey's in my coffee. 1pm central time...nothing yet. I'm about to lose it
ReplyDeleteMy refresh button is going to get sick of me.
ReplyDeleteI am going to eat one pound of halloween candy for every point below my target score to mend the wounds.
ReplyDeleteMy strategy of sleeping until later to avoid the anxiety of waiting has back fired terribly. That damn test score is haunting my dreams worst than Paranomal Activity 2 (which I saw last night)Oddly they have merged together in my mind to produce dreams of LSAT score demons...
ReplyDeleteI had LSAT dreams last night too! Ugh
ReplyDeleteMost unproductive work day ever... I've been sitting at my desk for the past 6 1/2 hours refreshing my LSAC account, email and this blog waiting for some kind of sign that these scores are starting to come out...Oh, I called LSAC earlier and the lady I talked to said that as far as she had been told, the scores weren't coming out till Monday...How I hope she's lying.
ReplyDeleteyeah thats just the company line, they're told to tell people Nov 1st by default but it would be a pretty big break in the pattern if they did not come out today....
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad I'm in Pacific time so I probably have to wait 3 hours less that those in Eastern.
ReplyDeleteI also had an LSAT nightmare, somehow my family thought today was my law school graduation day instead and showed up at my house expecting a party and with presents.
Who else thinks that asian chick on the LSAC home page is HOT?
ReplyDeletenot really.. she's not ugly but not my style.. I wonder if they're real law school students or just models..
ReplyDeletebenito, I agree it would be a big break in the pattern and the woman was most likely giving the "default" answer over the phone.... but it's almost 4pm... They really need to start shooting those emails out
ReplyDeleteDropping the cocktailing shift was a no-go. If they're not out by four pacific, I'll have to wait until AFTER my shift to check again...
ReplyDeleteThis is the only night I'm more likely to puke on my customers than they are to puke on me. Cute little role-reversal. Come on LSAC, you sick, sadistic bastards.
I bet everyone at LSAC is laughing at all of these posts
ReplyDeleteAnyone got anything yet?
ReplyDeletecurrently serving in the Peace Corps in South America... traveled over an hour on a crowded bus with all sorts of livestock just to get to internet today... been waiting over three hours on the internet just waiting for the scores to get in... hope they get in soon or else it looks like I´ll be missing the last bus back to site and will be hitch-hiking it back... please LSAC release those scores!!!
ReplyDeletenope :-(
ReplyDeleteNot really my style either, but I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.
ReplyDeleteJordan, I was a server for a while and routinely drank on the job. I recommend you do the same.
And can't you get emails on your phone? It's 2010- get with it.
well if 4:00 pm pacific time is the normal starting time...it means we probably have another 2 1/2 hours, I am in mountain time and it is only 2:30.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling it isn't going to be today
ReplyDeleteI guess now we wait until 5...
ReplyDeleteSo do I.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know where it would show up first, email or LSAC website?
ReplyDeletewell it's 431 eastern and nothing.....painful
ReplyDeleteLSAC website.
ReplyDeleteLSAT status page
ReplyDeleteWhen my sister took the October LSAT a few years ago, she didn't receive her score until after 10pm.. I know it's awful to think about but I just want to make sure you guys don't rule it out if we don't have our scores by 5-6
ReplyDeleteApparently the first batch of scores have been released. A friend of mine forwarded me his email with score. Not sure how the batches are structured, but we took the test at the same test center and last names are only two letters apart.
ReplyDeleteThe girl on the LSAC page is pretty, but I always feel like she's judging me. So, I kinda hate her.
ReplyDeleteIm refreshing every minute. terrible
ReplyDeleteTo the poster above: please don't toy with our feelings about the release of the scores *covers eyes*
ReplyDeleteTo the poster below the poster above: LOL she is a cute...I just logged out of my account to check her out :-D
do they send all batches within the same day??
ReplyDeleteI am not toying, I made him forward his email because I thought he was screwing with me. It is legit. I still don't have anything, so I know how you feel!!!!! Very sick.
ReplyDeleteto the poster that knows someone that has their scores..what part of the country?
ReplyDeletewhat is the curve for 170?
ReplyDeleteOh okay...Sorry...I'm not usually so stern but this waiting seems to be taking a toll on me. I was calm up until an hour ago...Where did your friend take the test?
ReplyDeletewooohoo got it
ReplyDeletePlease tell us where you are when you're getting your scores!!!
ReplyDeleteyes please..do inform the rest of us..
ReplyDeleteI believe this person is claiming the receipt of his/her score to f with all of us...
ReplyDeleteI believe you are correct
ReplyDeletedo the email notifications happen at the same time it is posted online????
ReplyDeletei think i read that email may come first
ReplyDeleteim sure if the dude got his score hes not sitting on his computer on a blog talking to people whom havent got theres. hes probably jumping for joy or crying
ReplyDeleteWe live in south Florida, outside Tampa. But I don't think where you live has anything to do with it because I haven't got mine yet. He said he got his via email on his phone, but nothing has updated on his LSAC account, so I would look for an email.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm not hiding behind an Anonymous posting or screwing with anybody... I took it in Utah and I have no score as of 3:15 p.m. MST.
ReplyDeleteoh ok good to know.. so i should be refreshing my email account rather than the lsac website.. which i guess makes more sense as it would lessen the traffic through lsac.org
ReplyDeletei heard that the curve was -12, unconfirmed no screen shots or anything but as desperate as I am for information confirmed or not I figured the rest of you are too.
ReplyDeleteEither way three weeks is a bit crazy...These scores should have been sent out starting this morning...LSAC is so strategic; end result: ANXIETY...
ReplyDeletebut now everytime a stupid school sends me a law school fair email i have a mini heart attack
ReplyDelete"i heard that the curve was -12"
ReplyDeletewhat does that mean????
-12 means you could miss 12 for a 170
ReplyDeleteI know the LSAC forum is in Chicago this weekend and every time I get an email I just about pee myself just to find out it's some law school in west virginia telling me to come to their table this weekend
ReplyDeleteHiding behind an anonymous post? Okay, well let me put my real name on here, this way you know my posts are real. Is this better Jordan? Or are you not really "Jordan" and all of your comments are lies?
ReplyDeletea -12 would be AMAZING news. does anybody have a source/confirmation for this??
ReplyDeleteThat's it! I'm gonna work out...I figure P90X can do to me what LSAC is doing to me right now (kicking my ass)...The only bonus is that I get to burn calories...Good luck all!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm about to take my dog out for a run.... In NJ - still nothing.
ReplyDeleteShit Barrack y you be taking that lsat? =)
ReplyDeleteyou do know how to spell your first name don't you Mr. Obama?
ReplyDeleteTX- Nothing
ReplyDeleteI do, but I don't want to give away my true identity.
ReplyDeleteFlorida here, results are in. I got an email with the score, checked my LSAT account and there is "..." where the green icons used to be.
ReplyDeleteI feel like this isn't even real anymore. I feel like I'm going to throw up every time I hit refresh on the LSAC site
ReplyDeleteUh Mr. President
ReplyDeleteAndrew: this isn't funny. Like at all. If you check out the icon legen there is no ... icon...Try again.
ReplyDeleteFor all of you women and minorities like myself, don't even worry about your scores, you will get in ahead of your white-male counterparts. That's the great thing about America, no racism or sexism...oh, wait.
ReplyDeleteLouisiana better get the damn scores in cuz i cant put this freaken lap top down. i wanna live, go outside.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way right now. I'm at work and can't get anything done... maybe its the enormous amount of sugar i ate during our Halloween party. in either case i feel sick and I need that score :(.
ReplyDeleteDC...no results yet
Okay, well believe it or not it is in. The LSAC account will show a "..." for about 10 minutes after you get the email, now the PDF icon is there. Good luck!!
ReplyDeletei second that shawn
ReplyDeleteLos Angeles here, nothing in my email, nothing on LSAC
ReplyDeleteSteve confirmed earlier that they come out in batches, so this might just mean the first batch is out, and since he also said its not done by region or alphabetically or anything there is really no way to be sure, until someone posts a screen shot somewhere. This is like my 50th post since the LSAT ive never posted on any message board before, clearly losing my mind.
ReplyDeleteAtlanta here: I've received nothing on LSAC or via email.
ReplyDeleteSan Diego, nothing...
ReplyDeleteColorado, nothing...
ReplyDeleteI've realized that after all this anxiety and build up. I probably don't even want to open the email should it come...
ReplyDeleteDear LSAC,
ReplyDeleteYour being a dirty whore!
All Who Wait
New York nothing.............*sigh* I can't seem to move away from the computer long enough to get anything done.
ReplyDeletesomneone on twitter said they got theirs.
ReplyDeletenj nothing
ReplyDeleteNothing in Kentucky either