Law School Study Partners: Pick Hot Chick, Not Smart Chick?

LSAT Blog Law School Study Partners Video"Mr. Law School" gives some questionable advice about how to pick a law school study partner in his YouTube video, "Pick the Hot Chick NOT the smart chick" (video also below the quote). Thoughts?

He says:
In law school, there's gonna be a lot of classes where you gotta work with a partner. Some might say, 'hey - pick somebody who's smart,' but that's not the advice I'm gonna give you. Guys out there - what I want you to do is, pick the hottest chick possible...

Is it an enjoyable experience to do law school work? No. It's not enjoyable. But, it'll make it that much better when you have to do the work having a hot chick next to you. Working with her, seeing her every day, maybe you can get her to go booze after. Who the hell knows? But it could lead to something.


Do any of the hot and smart ladies reading this have some thoughts on Mr. Law School's advice?

And guys out there - what sort of study partners do you plan to pick? Will you do what Mr. Law School suggests?


Read some Law School Diaries for other takes on the law school experience.

Photo of Tina Fey via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Don't date Jewish red-heads. That's all I get out of this. Good choice of a pic! Tina Fey is perfect.

  2. No way. This guy had a good point, but he didn't think it through all the way.

    Pick the smart chick so that you get done faster, get better grades, and essentially free up more time to go out chasing chicks outside of law school.


    Why spend all your hot chick time in law school, studying? Get 'er done and get out to the bars, son! And studying with a dumb chick? Yeah, that sounds like a blast. No way. Plus, smart chicks would be more fun to hang out with. And, they would be a good 'in' for meeting new chicks.

    This guy is an amateur.

  3. Am I the only one here that is thinking LOGICAL REASONING ERROR ALERT! ALERT! (the feminist in me wants to make other comments but i will calm myself and say this) YOU DO REALIZE there are plenty of HOT AND SMART 'chicks', you guys created a false dilemma....

    LOGICAL Reasoning points for me me me!! and none for you!!!

    I'll be sure to pick the cute smart guys as my study buds, romance and law school didn't even cross my mind...but you are right Caleb, do the work faster, better, get out and play hard.

    Cheers from the Best place on Earth,
    Van, BC, Canada

  4. This is the point Mr. Law School was making: Study with hot chick, so you're excited to study! As for the hairy feminist complaining in this blog, there is no such thing as a "hot" smart chick... only ugly smart chicks who think they're hot. logic points for me, me, me, me !

  5. to the anonymous fool above, yet another logic flaw for you thinking all feminists are hairy tsk tsk i know you'll suck big time on LR, go read Steve's blog posts and the LRB all over again you nutty clown.

    logic points for me me me!!!


  6. After 25 years in the workplace, I am way certain I don't want to be on Mr. Law School's team. Hot? Smart? Who cares? Reliable and ambitious are the traits I want in a coworker. Some one who we can trust to meet individual and team goals without angst or drama.

  7. (Loud Applause and Cheers) for Tamara. Even better Logical reasoning than mine.

    Well said.

  8. Benjamin JeffersonMarch 7, 2011 at 9:37 AM

    25 years? You go girl! Also you Neblina, excellent thoughts!

  9. If I was a guy I would probably pick the "hot chick." I always end up doing all the work anyway since I want it done "my way."

    Although as a model currently finishing up my last semester of chemical engineering and biochemistry double major and doing antibody engineering research, I slightly resent the mutual exclusivity he's suggesting between "hot chick" and "smart chick."

  10. Wow that's pretty lousy advice. I thought people went to law school to, oh, I don't know, become lawyers?

    Us women have it bad enough as it is with stereotypes and this misogynist dribble is not helping. There's those of us who are not HAWT but we are attractive AND intelligent and we don't want to have some guys browsing us like we're in a vending machine while we're in law school.

    This template also assumes that if a woman is intelligent she must be ugly and if she is hot she must be dumb. That's some false logic right there isn't it?
