LSAT Logic Game Bread Loaves Video Explanation

I just made a video explanation for the first LSAT Logic Game from PrepTest 30 (December 1999 LSAT). It's the "bread loaves" game (oatmeal, rye, and wheat, sliced or unsliced).

I explained all questions in one video that's just over 11 minutes. (Get more free LSAT videos.)



For more, see my more-detailed written Logic Games explanations available on the blog.


  1. This was my favorite In and Out game so far, probably because it didn't have much in terms of conditional statements.

  2. this game just made me really hungry. Thanks for the explanation!

  3. Thanks for the explanation! I had one question about #4, answer choice D. The answer choice says "No more than four oatmeal loaves are sliced." In your explanation, you put 5 Sliced Oatmeal under the "In" column, rather than 4. How does answer choice D make sense if it's "no more than four"? If the answer choice was "no more than 5," then answer choice D would make sense. (I probably just missed something obvious here; would appreciate a clarification!)

    1. To test the answer, since the question stem is a MUST BE TRUE.

  4. Your explanation for rejecting ans choice (a) for Q3 seems doubtfull. Please explain in view of the plural (leaves) used in the ans choice.

  5. Your explanation for rejecting ans choice (a) for Q3 seems doubtful. Please explain in view of the plural (loaves) used in the ans choice.
