How to fail the LSAT writing sample

Got some questions about whether law schools look at the LSAT writing sample, whether they care.

There's nothing like hearing it straight from the source, so I asked Sarah Zearfoss, Senior Assistant Dean of Admissions at UMichigan Law.

Turns out, they do.

Here's what she said (emphasis added):

"A lot of applicants appear to make an assumption that the LSAT writing sample never gets looked at–and that’s not a safe assumption!

We use it in a lot of different ways. At the most basic level, we always at least glance at it, and that means someone who uses only three-quarters of a page out of the available two pages will stand out, as will the folks who draw pictures, or write repeatedly, "I know you’re not reading this." And I don’t mean that they stand out in the way that one hopes to in the admissions process.

For some applications, we routinely take a much closer look, particularly when we have reason to be concerned about writing abilities (based on a major or something else in the background suggesting a lack of writing experience, or based on a comment in a recommendation letter, or based on writing quality elsewhere in the application). The standard in those cases isn’t a highly rigorous one, to be sure, but we’re looking for a lack of mimicry between the question and the answer, a facility with basic grammar and spelling, and a reasonably coherent argument. It’s surprising how frequently people don’t meet that minimal standard.

And apart from how Admissions Office staff views the sample, there are always the faculty, an unpredictable lot. At Michigan, faculty don’t have a heavy involvement in reviewing files, but I would say at least 50% of those who do look at files consider the LSAT writing sample as the single most interesting element of the application materials. No, I’m not kidding. My colleagues at some other schools have confirmed this idiosyncrasy.

Bottom-line, applicants would be well-served to approach the writing sample with seriousness. You have to sit there for the duration anyway, so you might as well put a little effort into it, right? Treating it cavalierly could leave a big negative impression on a reviewer."

Turns out that it DOES matter. Sometimes. Kind of. Not as important as the scored sections, obviously, but you DEFINITELY can't treat it as a joke ----

Anyway, next time, I'll share some tips on how to approach the writing sample.

Stay tuned,

P.S. Send me your funniest responses to the LSAT writing sample. I always get a kick out of reading them.

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1. LSAT Courses
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2. LSAT Day-By-Day Study Plans
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3. LSAT Checklists
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