7 habits of top LSAT scorers (Logical Reasoning edition)

Everyone loves lists. Look around the internet and you’ll find 10 Ways To Keep Your Skin Clear and 5 Places You’re Most Likely To See A Bigfoot (I hear Oregon has them all over the place).

There’s a reason for that, though. Lists help us organize what’s important and puts things in an easy-to-understand format.

So I’m embracing the list trend and giving you seven habits that will strengthen your understanding of Logical Reasoning questions and in turn increase that LSAT score!

Here we go:

OMFG *SEVEN* Weird Tricks to Help You Ace Logical Reasoning in Under 7 Seconds! OMFG
(just kidding, that's not actually the title)

It's actually 7 habits of top scorers.

Anyway, there you have it!

Think of these habits as tools. The more tools you put in your “LSAT Toolbox,” the more equipped you’ll be when test day rolls around.

Your LSAT Guide,

P.S. Questions? Comments? Concerns? I’d love to hear your thoughts on these seven habits and anything else related to Logical Reasoning problems. So don’t be shy and drop me a line!

Recommended Resources:

1. LSAT Courses
The best of my LSAT material with exclusive access to attend my Live Online LSAT Master Classes + Q&As, and on-demand video lessons you can watch anytime. Plus, LSAT study plans to keep you on track. Save hundreds of dollars with an LSAT course package.

2. Logical Reasoning Explanations
The explanations that should have come with the LSAT. These don't just fall back on "out of scope," but actually tell you why the wrong answers are wrong, why the right answers are right, and the easiest way to get the correct answer.

3. Logical Reasoning Cheat Sheet
Based on what I'd typically do in college: read what the professor emphasized and condense it all onto a single piece of paper. It gave me a quick reference, making things a lot less threatening and a lot more manageable.

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