Easy LSAT reading

Ever walk into a bookstore and see a shelf full of LSAT books?
LSAT Books
Probably not what most people would pick to read through on their day off.

Not only are these things dense and obtuse, they are sometimes flat-out WRONG!

That’s right, some LSAT study books can do more harm than good when it comes to properly preparing you for The Big Day.

Let’s start with an assumption I think a lot of us tend to make: length = value.

Surely, if someone were to put this much time and effort into writing a 1,000-page prep book, it must be worth the huge price tag they put on it.

For those of you who've seen my list of logical fallacies, you can see where this might not be quite true.

Let me hit you with a quote from one of the all-time great American authors (not R.L. Stine, although I’m a big Goosebumps fan)

"If I had more time, I would have made it shorter.” - Mark Twain

Mark Twain

The honest truth is it just doesn’t take that long to explain something.

You’re smart. I’m not trying to flatter you, but people who sign up for the LSAT are fairly intelligent human beings. You don’t need something explained to you in 100 pages when it can be done in 10.

This over-explaining, meandering style is what frustrates a lot of readers. It’s hard to study for the LSAT when you’re just trying to make it through One. More. Paragraph.

That’s why I wrote guides that are short enough not only to read in full, but also re-read as you get closer to the test. Can you imagine re-reading one of those LSAT prep books pictured above as a refresher? I’m pretty sure that’s against the Geneva Convention.

I’ve got LSAT guides and cheat sheets for Logic Games, Logical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension. Even made some for law school admissions. And they're all short, sweet, and to the point.

So if you’re busy or feeling overwhelmed with all the study material you have…

If you’re not ready to spend the money - I do offer 100% money-back guarantees, but I get it, sometimes bills are a very real thing - 

Remember I have tons of FREE material on my website. Go check it out, and you’ll see what kind of quality guidance you’ll be getting.

That’s all for now, gotta get back to work

-Steve, the LSAT Machine

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