LSAT Study Schedule + Days Off

Question from an LSAT student who got one of my day-by-day LSAT study plans:
Day 1 went well! After skimming the entirety of the schedule, I noticed a few days that said to take a break. I am truly trying to utilize every day of prep that I can in order to perform my best on test day. Do you truly recommend a full day away from material or should I fill those days with maybe a timed section or some other stimulating subject? I would like to hear your suggestion.

My response:

Glad to hear day 1 went well! I recommend taking days off to make sure you don't burn out.

I find a lot of students do too much - I even got a question recently about whether you should study 8 hours / day for 60 days - my answer is "no" - it leads to burnout.

This is even more common during these times when many are under stay-at-home orders. For this reason, I put together a schedule to structure your day for those able to study full-time without other obligations.

That being said, every student is different - if you feel the need to do something every day, that's fine - just don't overdo it - you can use the days off to catch up here and there, or do a timed section, a few questions, etc.

Let me know if anything else!

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