Law School Admissions During Coronavirus: On Waiting

There’s uncertainty about whether schools are going to be online this fall. It’s worth considering an LSAT retake and applying in the next cycle to be able to attend in-person. If you can get a better score, you can get more scholarship money.

Of course, it’s easy in the moment to take a current acceptance and just go ahead. But if you can retake in June or July, you can go back to the school that only offered $5,000 with your 5-point score increase. You might (honestly) tell them another school offered $20,000 a year, asking if they can match that (especially if the former is also located somewhere with a higher cost of living).

If your request has a higher LSAT score to back it up, you might get $15,000+ more per year over the course of three years by just retaking the LSAT. And that could be the easiest money you'll ever make, so it's well worth it. If your scholarship offers and acceptances aren't what you wanted, then, it's worth waiting a cycle and reapplying with a higher score.

Apply at the beginning of the next cycle (this fall) if you can. Some schools also have spring admissions, which could be less competitive as most applicants apply during the fall rather than the spring. Part-time law school is a little bit less competitive as well, and you still get the same degree at the end of the day.

In short, if you’ve received law school offers you don't love, it may be worth sitting out a cycle or half a cycle and waiting to reapply, especially if schools go online this fall. Taking law school 1L classes online is probably not the experience you were looking for. And if you wanted that in-person on-campus experience, there are no guarantees of what awaits you in the fall.

Longer-term, this will have a massive impact on higher education. Why should a student pay the same price for an online experience as an on-campus one?

If you think you could do better and get more scholarship money by retaking, and you're not in a hurry, then wait and retake. 

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