The struggle is real, but so is the victory!

Hey fellow LSAT dudes and dudettes!

(just got back from Sunny California)

Steve here again. Today, I’m going to share a personal story with you and some of my best advice on how to ace the LSAT.

When I was in college, I was pretty proud of my track record when it came to standardized tests - I even tutored some kids for their SATs.

So, you can imagine my frustration when it came to the most important test of my LIFE - the EL SAT –(aka LSAT) when I hit a wall.

Ever since I was a kid, I was determined to go to law school and become an attorney. But everything came to a grinding halt when I finally started to prep for the LSAT - believe me, I put it off long enough because everyone knows how hard it is!!!

I bought every book, read every prep guide, and studied every LSAT ever released. Night and day I studied, hidden away from the world - the sun? People? That was all from a distant past life. The LSAT was my life now.

Finally, I felt ready to take my first real practice test.

All those hours, all that effort, and I scored a…


Not NEARLY good enough - I wanted to go to a top-14 law school!

So I picked up the pieces and read even MORE prep guides. I studied harder than ever.

The practice tests piled up, but my scores barely shifted.
LSAT scores barely shifting
Something was wrong here – maybe I just wasn’t cut out for LSAT success. Maybe I didn’t have what it takes and would NEVER get a top score on this test. What if I wasn’t cut out to achieve my law school dreams?

Luckily, a lifetime of dreaming and working towards a goal doesn’t fade easily. I needed a change of tactics, a game plan. I needed a new perspective.

And then, one late night while going over my practice tests, it hit me.

FINALLY, after many months of studying and sacrificing everything else…

I cracked the LSAT code!

All I had to do was look at the test DIFFERENTLY - I had to think like the test-makers and try to see it the way they do.

Once I learned how, the content didn’t matter, it was all in the beautiful underlying pattern.

There were these little dots of logic just waiting to be connected...

A Beautiful Mind
And when you see them, you’ll never look at the LSAT the same way again.

I call this the “LSAT mindset.”

After that moment, I was actually *excited* to try more practice tests. Test by test, I saw my scores climbing higher and higher, and it wasn’t long before I cracked 170. After that, I never dropped below.

When the day of the big test came - honestly, I was still sweating buckets and nervous as hell…

But I did it!

I entered the LSAT mindset and scored a 175!

And it felt AMAZING. More than a year’s worth of studying, worrying, and bashing my head against the wall had finally paid off.

And, of course, everyone wanted to know how I’d done it.

The LSAT secret needed to be shared, so I decided to start tutoring it.

As obsessed as I’d been before taking my own test, I soon realized I’d barely scratched the tip of the iceberg. I went even deeper, created a website, wrote a few books, and eventually published a series of LSAT courses. I live and breathe the LSAT, but there’s always something more to know.

(I even befriended one of the question writers - weird guy!)

And it’s great to know my work isn’t for nothing. I get constant feedback from my students that I’ve helped them get through their own struggles to achieve their law school dreams. 

LSAT Feedback

So, that’s how I got to where I am today. I struggled, and it was hard, I could have given up, and pursued something easier. But in the end I got exactly what I wanted (a kickass 175 LSAT score), and I’d do it all again in a heartbeat!

It’s not easy to get where you want to be, but not impossible, either. Investing in yourself is necessary to become the person you want to be.

The key is to always be on the lookout for information and resources you can use to better yourself. There’s no shame in asking for help.

If you’re struggling with your LSAT prep right now, please don’t wait as long as I did to get the resources that can help you crack the LSAT code! 

In order to make the process easier for you, I've created an entire series of LSAT courses. They contain the same information you'd get from working with me one-on-one, but with a couple of extra benefits:

* they're a fraction of the price
* they allow you to go at your own pace
* you can watch (and re-watch) course videos anytime

Join my LSAT courses so I can help you achieve the same LSAT mindset that led me to score a 175.

-LSAT Steve

P.S. If you’re having second thoughts about buying this...I offer a full 30-day money-back guarantee. If FOR ANY REASON you don’t like the LSAT courses, just let me know, and I'll give you back all your money the very next day.

P.P.S. Please reach out if there’s anything you’re struggling with - it only takes a minute, and I read every message myself.

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