If you're having LSAT problems I feel bad for you son

Ok, I’ll admit that was a bit on the cheesy side. But when you’re studying for a test as tough as the LSAT, anything to break the tension is nice. Even a corny joke.

Anyway, you may be studying for the LSAT six months or even a year from now (if that’s you, I’m impressed!).

During your studies, you'll probably run into some roadblocks (if you haven't already). And that's why I’m here. You see, while not everyone struggles with the EXACT same things, there are some issues that tend to pop up again and again.

So, as you’re preparing - I’d like to know:
What's giving you the most trouble with your LSAT studying? What would you like to hear more about?

Maybe it’s a specific section. 

Do Logic Reasoning questions give you a reason to get up and run? Or do just need some motivation to keep going when the going gets tough?

Whatever it is, I’m here to help. I’m going to take the most common answers you give me and start giving you want you need most: answers.

Why do this? 

Honestly, because I love it helping students like you. 

I wish I had someone to give me this kind of advice when I started my LSAT prep, and that’s why I’ve written explanations for thousands of LSAT questionscreated a series of popular LSAT courses and published best-selling LSAT study guides

This is kind of my thing.

So let me know how I can help you and we’ll get right to it!

-Steve, The LSAT Guru

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