Harvard Law School Acceptance: Legally Blonde Video

Harvard Law School Acceptance Legally Blonde Video
In Legally Blonde, Elle Woods (played by Reese Witherspoon) gets a 179 on the LSAT and is accepted to Harvard Law School.

The 1st person out there in LSAT Nation to leave a comment with the PrepTest # / date of the Logic Game described at 0:31 in this video gets a virtual fist-bump.


  1. Damnit.

    I just woke up and I knew that one.

    I made that game my b*tch!


  2. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

  3. wow that is such an inspirational movie. I AN BLONDE and love pink too. Rhis movie proves that such stereotypes are proven wrong and it is evident if you put your mind to something you can and will achieve your ultimate goal; whether it be becoming a lawyer or pursuing your interest.
